Suggestion : rework of sabotaging hook

I'll keep it simple : here's an idea of a new sabotage system for hooks..

Instead of destroying it right away, the sabotaged hook would be secretly "trapped" or "damaged".
This means that any survivor hooked on it would be automatically released when the entity would normally spawn, or when he would finally die.

Now I think there is an incentive to sabotage them, yet killers won't get the frustration of catching someone and being unable to hook him at all.


  • shanks3042
    shanks3042 Member Posts: 163

    If I get your Idea right then: before you would go into state 2 (Entity summoned) and/or before you die you are being freed from the hook?
    Sounds interesting but what would happen if this is your third time on the hook? Will the survivor die?

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    I actually like this idea, the ability to sabotage, but not destroy the hook. The % of sabotage will significantly increase the chances of the hooked survivor jumping off. I would see this only working on the first hook, but at the same time, if you can just free yourself, it would reduce altruism overall. Plus, very few killers actually "respect the 4%" and will just down you and put you back up.

  • DarkThomy
    DarkThomy Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2018

    Well, my idea is initially indeed being freed right before going into state 2 (entity summoned) or state 3 (dying).

    This way, you may still be saved by another survivor, and have time to hopefully have the killer going away..
    But the main purpose very is Sabotaging does not destroy hook RIGHT AWAY.

    Then I let the details for the devs... If one wants a stronger version, as a survivor would automatically be freed it could destroy the hook..
    But yeah, to answer you, if it was the third time on a hook, it would be pointless to have a survivor being freed just when he's hooked, since he would be down again instantly.

  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288
    This is an interesting idea, I like it! What would stop survivors from going around to all hooks and saboing every one of them though? Would there still be a set time that they repair themselves?
  • DarkThomy
    DarkThomy Member Posts: 15

    Since the hooks are never destroyed by sabotaging with this idea, even if all hooks were traped it wouldn't be as much of a problem.
    As a reminder, a sabotaged hook would only (eventually) automatically free the hooked survivor.. not destroy itself.

    Some people have expressed the concern that it would encourage camping...

    First, if the killer never knows which hooks are sabotaged, it won't..
    Second, even if it would, face camping killers aren't a very valuable strategy anyway and this rework wouldn't change this fact.
    (since there a survivor would spent almost as much time as if he would have stayed on the hook entirely)