100 Red Rank Killer Games Perk Summary

The first 40 games i wrote down every perk, but it was pretty clear, that only 9 perks were used the majority of time.

So, 400 survivors.


  1. DS - 174 - 44%
  2. Iron Will - 130 - 33%
  3. Borrowed Time - 129 - 32%
  4. Dead Hard - 127 - 32%
  5. Selfcare - 119 - 30%
  6. Adrenalin - 95 - 24%
  7. Sprintburst - 80 - 20%
  8. Spinechill - 70 - 18%
  9. Unbreakable - 66 - 17%

= 990 of 1600 (every survivor used 4 perks) are by just 9 perks - 62%.

The DS + Unbreakable Combo was used by 40 survivors. 37 games by one, 2 games by two and 1 game by three.

I am not surprised. I don't think the data will change much by 1000 games, maybe 1-3% variable.

All other perks where used <30 times. I only have the old data from the devs in mind for DS, where it was around 43%.

