Why not survivors?

KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

So killers are forced to stay with who they choose once the lobby is found sooo.... why not the same for survivors? To me just seems like another biased limitation given to killers, and before anyone says something about killers powers, survivors that are played more often will most likely have more useful items (pretty much their “power”)so the quick change of survivors can potentially give them a big change on the outcome. For example a swf goes in and last second decides lets do a hatch play teammate a grab a key teammate b get the map or lets sabo squad this #########, or burn a map offering for haddonfield oh we need to change to so and so for that item/perk/offering... hey devs your bias is showing....

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited September 2020

    (If I’m understanding your rant correctly) I believe the issue with this is that Survivors will dodge lobbies. They see any Killer they’d rather not go against, gone. It’s really a contradiction of a reason though, considering Killers dodge if they see a certain Survivor being played & from what I’ve heard, the Killers are displayed in the tips bar for new players anyway. Idrk.

    Edit: I completely misunderstood your rant, wow.

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330
    edited September 2020

    Lol its all good i just wnted to know why survivors dont get locked into their choice in the lobby like killer, if its for individual mmr why is it only killers.

    also devs just put the mmr back we all know there isnt any mysterious problem with it you are just wanting to see how crossplay does without it, tbh going against a full red rank pc swf on ps4 is bs. Also why did pc get crossplay with console should have just kept it steam/windows like ios and android for mobile. And i know turn it off ppl will say and yeah sure if i dont ever want to get a match as killer right on it, btw crossplay doesn't help survivor solo ques on ps4 still 10 minutes, that was the reason originally for crossplay right?

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    sure just skins one may have 100 keys while others dont. The items are their powers so if a person is a blendette main with all perks and a ton of broken items such as keys and bnps, they go in as a different survivor and a swf decides grab a key lets get hatch well hell i dont have any on nea.... you see the difference in possible outcomes there? A survivor with keys vs one that has none..

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    The problem comes from for me though and some others why would you use franklins if no items and lightborne with no flashlights. The killers supposed to use those perks if said items are coming in to give them a slight edge or their useless. Last second switching goes around that. Oh noone has items ill take off frankins then. *Last second 1 key red map and 2 flashlights* great.

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    If survivors were locked, a SWF who decide to go for a hatch play could simply leave the lobby and queue up again.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I doubt locking the survivors would help you that much. You know they can simply load in the survivor they want to play and then equip a key last second, and nothing would change (other than maybe you dont even noticing the change, while its hard to miss if they switch a whole character). You can never know anyway if this is an often or seldom played charactor of this player.

    The point is that survivors all share the skill rating, and why should they not, since none have a unique playstyle anyway.

    Killer do, and thus they got an individual rating. The locking prevents the killer from abusing that.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Why do forum killers always focus on bloody keys? They're harder to pull off than a mori, and WAY less common. Not to mention more expensive over all and on the side that has tremendously less BP gain!

    Look, I'm going off a combination of what I've A) heard from others and B) logically deduced by trying to think like an employee of bHVR. If I can come to that conclusion in all of 10 seconds, then it can't be that hard to understand. Item switching is a scummy tactic, but then again both sides have their fair share. If I am honest though, the survivor ones are usually more predictable because items can be seen.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Because locking survivors would do nothing and serve no purpose. All survivors are mechanically the same. People would just last second switch their items instead of their whole character.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I do feel survivors items should be locked.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    before MMR killer players who had ranked up didn't feel like they could try an unfamiliar killer because the ranking prohibited learning. Imagine trying out Nurse for the first time against a red rank team. When BHVR designed MMR they decided to give that opportunity and take into consideration individual killer ranking instead of just player ranking. But if they did that without locking in the killer then you could pick your least played killer to get a low rank lobby then switch to your meta and destroy everyone in the match with ease.

    So to try to address a desire many killer players had (individual killer ranking) they had to close that loophole. the only way to do that was to lock in your selection before going into a lobby.

    Survivors may have different items and perks available on each for each player, but the base functionality is the same. you always use the same keys to perform the same actions. Sure you might have a key and DS on another survivor and decide to switch to them last minute, but those only affect a couple of seconds of gameplay.

    What you are suggesting would be more of a disadvantage to killers, because the only way to lock in survivors would be to make it so that they can't change items, add-ons, and perks. same would have to be done to killer. Imagine not being able to change your build at all when you see a key, map, and 2 toolboxes, or throw on lightborn when you see 4 flashlights.


    be careful what you wish for. It could do more harm than good

  • bredbeddle
    bredbeddle Member Posts: 103

    The self-importance of this post is hilarious. Maybe you'd understand that it's not so obvious if you spent more than the ten seconds thinking that you pranced around as an accomplishment?

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    It was specifically addressed that they're attempting a specific MMR by killer for matchmaking so they want the killers to "build up to Red Ranks 1" (Since that ranking has already been removed from the matchmaking formula so is just a visual badge at this point)... possibly to improve performance for some but maybe get more specific data for themselves since they're out of touch of balancing anyway so wanted something to help their balancing focuses rather than pure bias

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    What self-importance?

    Just because I can explain how I reached a conclusion and actually try to think how others might, not to mention the part where I said "going off what I have heard".

    Maybe if you tried it, you'd come off way less arrogant and insulting.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Well, technically you are not forced to do so. You can choose, prior to the start of the game, to leave the Lobby. After you leave, change to the Killer you want to play and get back into line and wait for the next Lobby. I don't really have an opinion on the Survivors swapping things around because 1) Survivors are just Skins anyway, and 2) They can't see the Killer.

  • BeardedMenace
    BeardedMenace Member Posts: 215

    Devs turned MMR back on?? Since when, I just played an hour ago and it was the same.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Since the devs disabled MMR, there is no reason why killer locking should still be turned on.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I think they want us to get use to the locking in tho it pretty dumb.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531

    Showing the name of the killer could give information that the game isn't balanced around. If you know a killer mains a particular one, you can play perks, survivors and add-ons to hard counter. The game is balanced around survivors not knowing who the killer is at start.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    Skins might as well be a form of power as well as items.

    Ever heard of a Blendette? Someone could go fun Ash with the puppet to bloody Ace.

    That's the point being made here, and I totally agree with it.

    Devs really are survivor sided.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, the original post states items, not stuff like the Blendette.

    Yes, I am extremely familiar with them, I did main Claudette until Cursed Legacy, hence my NAME, and there are easy ways around a Blendette.

    And if the devs WERE survivor sided, then we would still have old Freddy and Doctor, vacuum pallets, permanently sabotaged hooks, infinite loops on just about every map, Borrowed Time would affect BOTH users still or camping and tunnelling being bannable offences. So, yeah. Pretty survivor sided.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    It's only for killers bc every survivor plays the same. But with mmr disabled, there's no need for it now.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    It's just how the devs are. It'll get changed eventually but probably in a few years. It is unfair for killers but it's just kinda how it's always been granted it use to be way worse it still ain't great.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    Simply put, which survivor you play is a cosmetics choice. Your examples of what survivors can choose to change after the lobby is formed have nothing to do with the specific survivor chosen, it's just a matter of perks and item choices. Killers have the same ability to change their load out, perks and their power addons that effectively alter the nature of how their power will function in a match. Preventing killers from changing which killer they are playing is only preventing them from choosing a killer like Wraith, seeing a team with 4 flashlights and swapping to Spirit. Instead you have to work with the build options available for that killer to counter what you see instead of relying on a killer's power to carry you.

  • Its to do with the new mms it's rated for each killer that's why you're locked in for surviours you have like what more than 15 survivors avaliable which means 150 balance games where the new killer might not play again

  • Brookster
    Brookster Member Posts: 7

    This is so not a survivor biased game we literally get everything nerfed that's nearly good bc killers hate any slight difficulty 😔 like mettle of man sucks now but originally it was good because it would be one extra hit a killer has to do but it gets nerfed?? For ONE more hit a killer has to do?? Anyways there are more examples

  • DariusB92
    DariusB92 Member Posts: 122

    I agree and understand what you're saying completely. They say killers are locked because it matches your skill as a killer with the similar survivor skills. Not all survivors have the same perks nor items. So switching it in lobby affects which killer should be matched with them. It's also true for these sfw teams. It's not about complaining its simple observations that are true. I had a survivor intentionally wait until less than twenty seconds before they selected the survivor that held a hatch key. It was already customized and wasn't a character that was next to the one they pretended to go with. I agree, survivors should be locked as well otherwise they need to use a different approach for matchmaking.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    But what about people like me that like to change survivor depending on the teammates ? I mean if i see 3 Neas i change to Nea, if i see two Bill i change for Bill etc.

    Well no i understand your reasonning and yeah it's boring to see people switching last second for a sabo squad or flashlight etc but so far i don't see any way of changing it. Maybe by making items/addons global for all your survivors and lock it in the lobby ? So even if you change character you have the same exact item/addons ?

  • TheJackpot
    TheJackpot Member Posts: 2

    The only reason why there's still a lock on killers is because it's still there from the old mmr as you can be amazing with one killer but awful with another, there's no point to putting a lock on survivors as they get no advantage from switching characters apart from a few items that's just part of the game deal with it. Also why are you complaining about crossplay it was made so there is better match finding times and so that friends can play with each other from different platforms, if you hate going against pc players then just turn off cross play not that difficult.

  • bredbeddle
    bredbeddle Member Posts: 103

    I can already see this developing into a long, drawn out confrontation, so I'll just share my bottom line and leave it at that:

    Your claim that your side is the obviously correct one and that everyone else would reach the same conclusion if only they thought about it demeans your opposition and projects a "smarter-than-thou" personality.

    I will not be taking further questions.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I never claimed to be the correct one. I just presented my thoughts and what I have heard, people challenged me, I defended my position.

    If that's "self-importance" or "smarter-than-thou" to you, then maybe an internet forum isn't the place for you.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    Honestly, I only pick a different survivor at the last minute if I decide there are too many of that character in a match. I don't wanna be that player that makes the killer have to guess which Dwight I am or anything like that. I rarely use any items like flashlights or keys unless I haven't use it before and want to understand the differences. Personally, if I could, I would trade my unused items in for BP.

  • ArcticWolf
    ArcticWolf Member Posts: 44

    How do you know they were intentionally waiting? Never heard of spending points before the match? I do that all the time so i dont have to have my friends wait in our lobby for me to spend 1 million points.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    There really isn't any reason to lock survivors, they're just skins, sure a player could have a basic Dwight and switch to a P3 Claudette, it's possible a survivor is doing that so they can play their main without the Killer dodging the lobby, which the Killer is not supposed to be doing anyway. Though when I do something like that, it's really because I am leveling a survivor I don't really play to unlock their teachables.

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    Because they need a reason to complain why they did bad in a game. Keys aren't even used that often and they're not as people say they are if there's no hatch to open keys are useless. I run into more survivors that are toxic or use flashlights then survivors who use keys because keys aren't that common if you're lucky you'll get 3 keys within 30 bloodwebs