Issues I've noticed while playing The Executioner

Lamias Member Posts: 21
edited September 2020 in Bug Reporting

This is a list of bugs I've noticed during my playtime playing Pyramid Head (The Executioner). Apologies if any duplicate reports are listed

Platform - PC

. Major Bug - The Executioner's movement speed is permanently slowed to 3.68m/s (the movement speed while charging Rites of Judgement). This occurs if you start charging your power and you get stunned by a pallet mid-animation. It seems if the sword gets to the ground or the animation is cancelled beforehand the movement speed remains the same. It doesn't appear to occur very often and it is unknown whether the previous information is based on how often it occurs.

. Possible Latency Bug/Potential Hack? - Survivors run over The Executioner's trails and don't gain the Tormented status effect, while the trails continue to disappear as if they were only just gaining the status effect. Steps to reproduce previously stated, but it is unknown whether it is a latency issue, a hacking issue or a genuine bug on the survivor's end as they usually gain the tormented status effect when they next walk over a trail. This occured in two of my games consecutively but afterwards it seemed to be back to normal.

. Minor Bug - The Executioner's animation will be slightly off sometimes when launching a Punishment of the Damned attack. The sword will instantly rise up into the air instead of the regular animation where The Executioner tenses and then raises the sword, the animation being off-time with the Punishment Release. This doesn't occur in every game but it does pop up more often than the other two bugs. It is unknown whether this bug occurs dependant on how fast you launch the attack once it is ready to be launched.

Any additional bugs will most likely be edited or on another post, but these are the main three that have been the most noticeable in my Executioner games

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