Mori on death hook isn't a mori.

It's just an overly expensive portable hook. This change or even a second hook nerf would ruin the balance of keys vs Moris.
Two survivors being able to leave with three gens left doesn't seem very fair. Since we're talking fair.
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They said its low on the priority list but is being looked at
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The whole point of both was an objective bypass.
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I...just....said it.
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Yeah that's obvious, but I thought It was obvious.
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So you are defending Moris by using whataboutism? Noice.
Moris need to be nerfed. If anyone says otherwise, they are insanely biased.
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You'd have to nerf keys at the same time is what I'm saying.
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Even though keys != Moris you are right. Both need to be changed. But this thread is clearly about moris so yeah. They should be nerfed
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Yeah, but you started a thread about Moris. So why are Keys a topic? Like I said - whataboutism.
Besides that, Moris are way stronger and way more common.
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In the very first comment I thought I made clear the focus was on the balance.
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Call me a little backwards, but I don't think that two piles of shite cancel each other out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am fairly certain that one pile does not stop the other from existing, and also smelling, and thanks to an overly acidic diet not being good for fertilizer.
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Mori are not that commun overall i have seen more key then mori but at the the same time you have 4x time more chance to see a key and dont forget survivor can find key in chest.
Key and mori dont have the same power lvl if survivor hide and do gen killer cant mori them because they wont get hook worst case scenario the 3 gen themself they send a survivor to the killer to be the sacrificial lamb and they just hatch escape ruinning the killer last strat
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The only change moris need is that you need to hook all 4 survivors before you can use it, it stops killers using a mori after first hook like they do now because the other 3 need to be hooked so all they can do is re hook that survivor again, if they can't hook each survivor once then they cant use a mori. The other 2 area fine just make the green on the same you have to hook all 4 survivors and the yellow one is fine as it is.
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I mean if you are really, really bad as Killer, you wont get to use your Mori, this is correct (same for Keys). But I doubt that this should have any relevance.
And well, not common... Just do 20 Killer Bloodwebs and 20 Survivor Bloodwebs and tell me how many Moris you have seen and how many Keys.
The yellow Mori can be Basekit. I would not say that the green Mori is fine, since removing 25% of the enemy team early is also an easy win for the Killer.
But yeah, hooking every Survivor once before starting to Mori would be some way to balance it. Personally, I would not have any problem if Moris would be completely destroyed, but Devs favor the animations way too much.
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With 2 Survivors alive Hatch doesnt spawn until there is only 2 gens left.
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The green one still needs the killer to hook all 4 survivors before it can be used, at least making it like this you won't get mori off first hook unless your the last person to be hooked. Gives survivors a chance at playing the match and not getting mori a couple min in but also rewards the killer for hooking all 4 survivors by letting them mori survivors.
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It's three gens done, not three gens left.
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Moris are more common as they have less competition in the Bloodweb, Killer bloodwebs have only 3 possible ultrarares (2 add-ons and the Ebony) and Survivors have 5 ultrarares and 10 rares. They are not usually used because Killers know most Moris games are very short, either by mass disconect or dc before match starts or mass hook suicide so they are not really worth it if you actually want to play.
Keys are rarely brought in by Solos as they put a target on your back the size of Russia, SWF are more prone to Keys, I would say 9 of every 10 Keys I see are brought by SWFs (either 4, 3 or 2 people groups).
On my experience both as Killer and Survivor I would say I see more Moris than Keys but not by a huge margin, I also see Moris are usually used to their full extent (the Killer manages to use it 3 or 4 times) and Keys are usually used 1 in every 3 games (someone actually manages to open the Hatch with it).
I would nerf both but in my opinion Ebonys need a harsher nerf than Keys.
P.D. I ignored the green Moris as they are very rare for it has to compete with such a huge amount of green stuff that you can go by a lot of levels without seeing one, unlike Ebonys and both functional Keys (which is absurd).
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Wouldn't a blendette that taps gens make this invalid
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If moris get changed like that they should double down on the idea of using them for fun and to have a "flashier" finish for a survivor than a hook, substantial BP bonuses and such. They've said they're working on moris (and keys) and while it's possible they change them to be on death hook, I honestly find it more likely they'll do the "hook all survivors once" change or something entirely different that's more like a rework than a change.
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Wouldn't a stealthy survivor completely void it if you can't find them? I'd agree to that if they made the hatch aura visible to the killer upon its spawn to balance keys as well as well as add a five or ten second delay to open it with a key.
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I mean, if I can get out of games with mori so can you.
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I've even brought moris as I contingency plan when I see 2 or more toolboxes and haven't used it.
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There are a lot off perks to help find stealthy survivors while in the mean time you have hooked or maybe killed some off the other survivors, if they are being to stealth to avoid being hooked i have found a lot of times there not doing gens because they are trying to avoid the killer.
What would you prefer the way moris are now and having killers mori you within the first couple min or being able to play the game knowing the killer has to hook all 4 people before they can start to mori people?
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I'd prefer them to just increase rarity in the web
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That still won't fix the problem a lot off people have with moris you can lower the amount off time it shows up in the web but it won't stop killers moti the first person hook soon as they get rescued the killer will tunnel them and mori them. Same with keys and the problem people have with them you can lower the amount you find in the web but still won't fix the problem with keys.
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But if you make it rarer then it's less of a problem. Just increase the cost and rarity.
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Mories do need a nerf but the change that makes them into death hook purely imao is horrible. Why would anyone use a mori when it would with almost all killers took longer to mori someone then it would take to kill them via hook. Some mori animations are long af and as someone who many times used mori only on last hook I know how horrible and near worthless such change would make them.
I think the idea with making mori activate after getting 4 (or even more if it proves to be still too strong) random hooks is much better since it prevents instant off first hook mori tunnel and give survivors far more breathing room before moti activates and make a huge swing.
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For reference based in the small number of samples I’ve clocked on various videos I think the average time to hook people is about 8-12 seconds which is on par with mori animations. (It takes two seconds to pick someone up plus 1-2 seconds for the hooking animation plus the time to carry them to the hook at about 90% survivor speed. Carrying a person at that speed is usually around 5-7 seconds.) That’s a reason Pyramid Head’s Cages are good, they take two seconds total on average so you’re gaining about 8-10 seconds per Cage to immediately move into a new chase. (I think that time saving is the main benefit, the fact they avoid Decisive Strike and flashlights is a bonus.)
Personally I think the Yellow Mori is too weak, Green Mori is ok and Red Mori is too powerful. I like this suggestion:
- Yellow Mori - lets you kill any survivor that you have hooked twice (aka on death hook). Better than rhe current version but not too big an advantage
- Green Mori - lets you kill one survivor that you’ve hooked once (same as the current version, it’s fine)
- Red Mori - both of the above. Lets you kill one survivor that you’ve hooked once and any survivor that you’ve hooked twice. Not as powerful as the current version but still the best of the three and it still lets you get the mori animation multiple times.
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Regardless of whether or not Keys need to be nerfed, Mori offerings as they currently are need to be nerfed (except for the Yellow one, which sucks).
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I remember the days when Mori's were compared with Brand New Parts.
(Featuring the OG Ebony Mori which let you kill on first down, and the old Machine Gun build.)
(Old Insta-Gen BNP)
People kept comparing the two. Eventually both the Mori and BNP got nerfed in the same update. Mori required 1 hook, BNP was turned into this system where you get skillchecks repeatedly and have to hit them to rapidly complete the generator. BNP was further nerfed into what it is today. (Completes 15% of the generator very quickly, if you hit 2 hard skill checks you can complete 25% very quickly)
I'd also like to note a very long time ago, I'm pretty sure the hatch used to spawn already closed at 5 generators remaining, meaning it was possible to escape via a key before anyone has died or a generator was completed.
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I don't care if Moris are nerfed or not. They are a good way to even the odds, but I don't agree with the suggestions that would make Moris useless. Then again that's probably the intent
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Nor was it fair for the whole team to be moried on their first down.
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Due to it being the weekend i've been getting purple toolboxes with white wards on the freddy and myers maps; I can't even use red add ons with dark ward due to their perks. Mori won't earn me back the depips or bloodpoints but itll make me happy knowing they're mad. Unlike toolboxes whichll pip you. I mori too many too son I can't even gurantee a safety pip.
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That's you, plenty of killers who didn't care about pips and would wipe survivors on their first down, it was crazy OP.