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why do people hate the game ?

sakura7even Member Posts: 1
edited September 2020 in Ask the Community

sorry for this terrible quality, but why do people are so salty abt this map?

Post edited by drimmalor on


  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    It's a closed map. If you play survivor and hear the heartbeat you have 50% risk to run into killer because you don't know from where exactly he approaching. If killer has smaller terror radius by perk or power, survivor has even less time to react. Also survivors have harder time finding gens and totems on this map. It's a good map for most killers with few exceptions.

  • xillucide
    xillucide Member Posts: 92

    just an fyi.. The Game is terrible for killers. any half decent survivors could easily get all 4 escapes because almost every pallet on the map is a safe pallet. unless you're playing against a nurse, spirit, or hag, you should have no problem escaping. it used to be thought of as killer sided because people didn't know how to loop and were kind of bad.