Killers Dropping Is A Problem

I'm new to DBD, but the biggest issue I have had is the killer dropping when the match starts. Is there no penalty for killers who do this? There is for survivors...I DC'd once and lost my items, etc. Seems like 4 out of 6 matches the killer just drops at the start.
I don't get it and I'd like to see it balanced. If I load into a match and there's a killer I don't like (Pig or Plague), I just grit my teeth and play through it.
I have heard killers say, "I leave if there's more than one Nea or Jane (etc)." How does the killer know? I never know who the killer is until the match starts and the majority of the time the load screen doesn't even tell me. It's a "mystery killer" until I run across him in game.
Like I said, I am new to DBD and I have, so far, only played as a survivor. But I didn't buy this game to just keep rejoining matches because the killer leaves. I bought it to play it. Something needs to be done about killers dropping on a whim.
As a PS4 killer (with the current optimization issues and FPS problems) if the game loads into Larry’s I’m out. I simply cannot be bothered to play on a slide show. Dunno if those killers left due to a map or not. As an aside, when I play survivor I don’t get too many killers that insta leave so maybe it’s just bad luck
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I know that sometimes the game just fails to load, it happens a lot to me as killer and I don't think that all 4 survivors just left simultaneously
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It's probably just someone not loading into the match in a particular way, in which case the match is cancelled once the game realizes it.
If a killer genuinely disconnects after the match loads it's most of the time because they didn't want to play on that map, in which case they lose everything they brought in (add-ons, offerings) just like survivors do with their items and offerings. If they want to avoid the survivors/items they'd just leave the lobby before the match starts.
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I think most of the time when someone dc's at the beginning it's because they either didn't properly load into the match or they don't want the map. Also to answer your question "I leave if there's more than one Nea or Jane (etc)." How does the killer know?" The killer can see all the survivors in the lobby.
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I think that should change. We can't see the kiler. Most of the time the load screen doesn't tell me who the killer is. It's a total surprise when I suddenly hear a bell ringing just behind my left ear! I don't think the killer should be able to see the survivors in the lobby same as we can't see him.
As for the other comments, the game not loading right makes sense. Just seems to be happening a lot. If it's the map you don't like, grit your teeth and play the match! There are some maps I really don't like, but I don't just bail on everyone cause it wasn't my ideal map.
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Cant blame the players saying they'll leave certian maps. I'll leave if I get one of those awful indoors maps as trapper. Some of the maps on Console run fps in the teens sometimes for entire games.