Pyramid Head's Torment Visuals (Feedback +Suggestion)

CupertinoEffect Member Posts: 11
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

This post is just in regards to what survivors see while they're afflicted with Torment, nothing actually mechanical.

Currently, Torment causes barbed wire to obscure part of the screen, and a trail of barbed wire that follows them.

Feedback: The overlay barbed wire is kind of low-resolution and jaggy. A touch-up with the image size increased would be nice. As it stands it looks significantly lower quality than other assets.

Suggestion: Much like how Freddy Kruger's power shows survivors The Dream World, survivors affected by Torment could see The Otherworld, and it could be done without too many new assets by copying Freddy's visuals as a base. Change the colour filters to be more intense, throw a rust texture onto common objects (gens, palettes, any surface affected by Endgame Collapse), and, like Freddy's terror radius being replaced with omni-directional humming, Pyramid Head's could be replaced with radio static that grows in intensity as he gets close, which was effectively the original terror radius that monsters had in Silent Hill 2. Could throw in the dragging of his knife to double-down on the Silent Hill 2 rep, though the more I mess with sound design the less this suggestion maintains its "purely cosmetic" pretense and starts becoming a minor buff for Torment so that's not really my point.

The Otherworld could be more detailed, but my suggestion is just how to do it with as little work as possible by copying existing assets, so I'll leave it at that.
