Claimed I used modified files?

I was in a match with a Wraith and had just been saved from the hook (2nd stage). After being healed up I went to a generator and suddenly the game stated I was using modified files. This is odd since not only:

A) I haven't modified any files.

B) I had been playing as killer (leatherface) for a few hours before that without any issue.

C) It happened only after we were four gens into the match.

I don't know why this suddenly came up. I even used steams file validation to see if there was something off, but nothing came up.

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  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    EAC gets buggy sometimes, just go to your game files (you can find them from steam), launch EAC and uninstall/reinstall it (it literally takes 5 seconds), the game should work after that

  • Erasox
    Erasox Member Posts: 230

    Or use the repair function. It's solved my problem with that issue.