Undying needs to be nerfed.



  • Damecero
    Damecero Member Posts: 2

    This feels like a ridiculous notion.. Totems are easy to do. So what, if the killer can see when you're near one? If ruin is on, and you try to take it out and the killer finds you, you are now distracting and having the team do the objective. If devour hope is on, more than one person is going to actively look for the totems if they really believe it is a big deal against them. Why is it that this perk, which honestly I wish came sooner because it is such a cool concept, is already being claimed OP when it can be countered, can be played against fairly easily if you are taking note of other perks, and itself is a totem perk? What's the point? It's doing its job. Leave it be.

  • Walker
    Walker Member Posts: 16

    As a fellow survivor main, I have to say:


    Also, imagine crying about a not-even-that-strong-to-begin-with perk.

  • itsDman3504
    itsDman3504 Member Posts: 23

    try running detectives hunch it has really made undying not a problem for me, if you dont have it then maybe try small game

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The Perk is fine. It does precisely what it was designed to do, i.e. make Totems an objective of importance that Survivors must take into account to win their games. Right now many Survivor's are reeling only because they are in the adjustment phase. In a month, they will adapted and there will be an equilibrium. The new reality is Survivors cannot ignore Totems; that is a good thing.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154

    People think this perk is ok are completely out of their mind.

    Making the other hex jumping around is strong enough, but it can let you see survivors when they are around totems on top of that?

    It has to be either one.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited September 2020

    Nope, it is fine. I guess that means I'm out of my mind? This is the phase where people get adjusted to the new META. Even though everyone knew this was coming, everyone knew what the Perk was going to do, and many people play tested it, the majority were in denial. I can't tell you how many times over the last two weeks I stressed to Players that things are changing get ready to do Bones, only to get told off, accused of giving bad advice, and so on. Well, the day is here. Within two weeks people will have adapted and it won't seem that bad.

    The Perk is fine. It does exactly what it was designed to do, i.e. protect other hexes and allow the Killer to apply pressure. This indirectly slows down the Gen-Rush as Ruin is one of the most commonly taken Hexes.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,382

    From experience running Hex: Undying. The aura doesn't refresh while the survivor is within 2m of the totem. It's only when they enter 2m within a totem they get an aura for 6 seconds. Which means survivors can still sneak on totems if you aren't looking in that direction while the aura is up.

  • pepperoninipples
    pepperoninipples Member Posts: 90

    So then survivors can get away with hiding the first 2 minute of the game right? Is aura that bad? If killer is in chase he could lose a totem or lose a down for leaving chase. Ots a trade off.

  • Zwergz112
    Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199

    I'm bookmarking this

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    the dev can do whatever they want, i'm done with that undying perk, i already uninstalled the game

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Wouldn't mind saying these changes;

    Each specific totem (ex: ruin) can only be transferred once per match, then it breaks

    When you cleanse a totem that isn't undying, and it gets transferred, you should be notified you are cursed by Hex: Undying (like how retribution curses you if you cleanse a non retribution totem) <--- surprised this one isn't in the game in the first place, usually BHVR's philosophy is to give lots of info about perks

  • vbarraganj14
    vbarraganj14 Member Posts: 69

    Run detectives hunch to counter a perk? Sounds like pay to win to me.

  • Xeticus
    Xeticus Member Posts: 71

    Actually I think Undying is trash. I have tried it 4 times now and each time it has gone first. All of my totems are spawning out in the open. I spend two perk slots to try and get Ruin or Third Seal to last long enough to be useful and have fun with the perks and they still get popped right away. If you are having problems with Ruin and Undying that is all on you. Survivors have all the control there. If you cleanse all the totems they are gone. if you don't then deal with it. That is thing I hate about these perks as a killer player. You have no control over the perk. You don't have any control over where they spawn and if they get cleansed early you are just screwed.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Not anymore pay to win than having to pay for half of the perks in the first place - including Undying. At least Detective's could show up on the shrine if RNGesus blesses you.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Undying doesn't need nerfed. Run Detective's Hunch or Small Game if you are concerned about totems.

    Just because you don't want to learn a new playstyle of using match time to seek out totems - because it interferes with generator rushing and killer trolling - doesn't mean the perk is busted in any way. Just because you don't want to give up a perk slot for one of your crutches to use one of the counter-perks, doesn't mean Undying needs to be nerfed.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Nothing is wrong with Undying. I'm sorry you have to work a bit harder and have more objectives now. Bones were always supposed to be important. Deal with them, or not. I don't really care.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    "B-B-But we're not safe doing bones anymore. It's not fair that we have to watch our backs and risk being caught by doing bones now. We should be able to do bones in secret again; that's what Thrill of the Hunter was for and now there's two perks to worry about. It's just not fair to expect us to have to give up one of our crutches to run a counter-perk to totems now!"


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020

    Just run Detective’s Hunch (Tapp unique perk) or Small Game (general Survivor perk) and watch your back. Simple as that. Sorry that you can’t run all second chance perks and have to do something other than stare at a gen (how the hell do you guys even find that fun?).

    EDIT: Devour loses all stacks when it’s transferred to a different totem, so it’s not the best idea to run it with Undying.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    The totem replacement effect is already insanely good with non token based hex perks and the aura read practically makes thrill of the hunt but better.

    Unless you're using devour, I don't see why would ever choose toth over this perk and even then undying is still just as good.

    I think just the totem replacing effect is good enough on its own. At the very least, survivors will have to cleanse 2 totems in order to cleanse the perk you're protecting which is very good. At the most it guarantees totem stays up all game when it otherwise wouldn't.

    The aura read effect should be moved to thrill of the hunt instead

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited September 2020

    I know it's a kind of late response, but I tested haunted + undying in a KYF with a friend and found something quite curious.

    The combo is complete #########.

    Killer had only ruin and undying, no other perks. Meaning there was 2 dulls left on the map. (2 hex from haunted, 1 from undying)

    I cleansed 1 dull totem first, then I cleansed haunted grounds. Haunted grounds did NOT respawn. Meaning haunted is unable to be reapplied to a totem it was already on. This means if you even cleanse 1 dull totem. This combo is useless.

    As a result of that it also clearly not possible to have haunted grounds on 1 totem. Its 2 or nothing.

    In order to confirm I was right I checked the 3 remaining totems on the map. 1 hex, 2 dulls. There 2 dulls for haunted to go onto, but it couldn't because one of the dulls already had haunted on it when the haunted was cleansed.

  • TheRealSkap
    TheRealSkap Member Posts: 11

    Imo i think they should just release a patch where they rebalance a bunch of perks rather than nerfing new ones. So many Survivors and Killers only use the same 12 perks, it would be nice if they buffed or reworked perks like Monstrous shrine or Premonition

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Thrill of the Hunter alerts the killer with a sound alert whether they are looking in the direction of a totem or not.

    Undying only alerts the killer with aura-reading if they are looking in the direction of that totem when it triggers.

  • Sweaty
    Sweaty Member Posts: 4

    As ds as your profile picture might i kindly ask to stop complaining. Let's talk about hmm..

    Ds + Unbreakable

    Adrenaline + any exhaustion perk

    Spine + chill resilience

    Lithe + dance with me

    There's 100s of combinations that survivors have and thats what your complaining about? If you break devour it loses tokens! Ruin isn't good if you don't get off the gen! Stop it Karen

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    Good ole survivors complaining about killer features that can be countered. Drop a perk slot to counter play this meta. The killer dedicates 2 perk slots to this, god forbid you need to dedicate 1 perk of 16 to counter half a killer's kit.

  • Zandrix42
    Zandrix42 Member Posts: 1

    You dont needs any perk to counter Undying and Undying needs to be clarified in a Trial because you have no clue if your cleansing Undying, Ruin, or Devour Hope it's basically impossible to identify if Undying exists in a Trial unless you have 2 brain cells or an organized swf it can be very hard to get rid of Undying without memorizing hex totem spots and also wile being under the pursuit of a killer it can be very hard to do gens and hex totems at the same time

  • MaxFiGuy
    MaxFiGuy Member Posts: 56

    I think Hex: Undying is mostly fine. The part of the perk I do not like is the aura reading abilities. I do like the idea of having a hex perk that can sustain other hex perks as Hex: Undying currently does. I do not like how it also provides the killer aura reading abilities to monitor their totems. I think that the aura reading ability that Hex: Undying has should be moved onto the hex perk that was made to monitor hex totems, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt. I also think that the aura reading ability should only activate if a survivor begins cleansing a totem. I think that because having the survivor's aura be revealed by just being near the totem gives the killer information of the survivors location without the survivor actively harming the totem. The radial activation of the aura reading gives the killer information of survivor locations without the survivor taking a implicant action to cause their aura to be revealed. With perks such as I'm All Ears and Territorial Imperative, the survivor has to vault or enter a specific location. As the aura reading ability works now, survivors can be revealed by passing by a totem while traversing across the map or while being chased around a loop.

    I only put this much thought into this perk because of the upward trend of Hex: Undying and Hex: Ruin being used together. If the developers end up reworking the Blight's perk, I hope that they can at least improve an older perk, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, that has a similar purpose of Hex: Undying. They both have been used to protect killers' totems.