Dragon's Grip needs a slight nerf

My only qualm with this perk is that the exposed status remains even after the exposed survivor is downed. It should immediately be taken away upon either downing or hooking a survivor. It's served its purpose up to that point.
Really? You don't think it has enough balancing it already with a long cool down and the fact that being exposed doesn't mean being hit? I think it is just fine as it is now, or at the very least it deserves a least a full month of play in the general population before we can really give good feedback or suggestions.
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The long cooldown is balanced, but a 60-second exposed status (for simply touching a regressing generator) is quite long as well. So say a survivor were to get immediately downed by this perk, perhaps unknowingly that the killer had it; hooked; then healed at the hook.. they get to be punished by it again? Doesn't seem right to me. I'm open to hearing other input though.
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That is a valid concern but I don't think it is going to happen enough to actually require a Nerf. The Survivor gets exposed, then the Killer has to down them (takes time), then must get them to the hook (takes time) and then someone has to get them off the hook (takes time). For all of that to happen under sixty seconds and still leave enough time for the Killer to hit them again, that seems very unlikely. Moreover, if that actually happens it means the Survivor has played very poorly and been farmed.
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Farmed and tunnelled (even after healing).
Everything of what you mentioned in 60 seconds is like... Close to impossible. (to take advantage of exposed)
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That seems like a bug im almost 100% sure it is. Also your title here is very misleading i wouldn't say it needs a nerf it just needs to be fixed in the first place.
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It’s not a bug, as the perk description says the survivor is exposed for 60 seconds. Currently, nothing but time removes it. Hence my post.
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The only time I could see this happening is Last gen adrenaline.
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Doesn't MYC clear after a Hook? I feel like it does but now can't really remember.
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It doesn't even work half the time for me lol
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I think it is after the exposed survivor is downed or time runs out, but is also on a timed cooldown before it can work again.
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Both put you under a 60 second Exposed timer for performing certain actions under specific conditions but the difference is DG's Exposed persists even after a Rescue whereas MYC clears upon being downed? So maybe it is a bug but it does seem unusual perhaps.
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Well, hypothetically, let's say you were healthy when you touched a gen that was under their perk and become Exposed. The only way the 60 second duration matters is if, within that time frame, the killer downs you, then you are revived back to injured, then healed to full health, and then the killer downs you again. That's quite a lot to happen in just one minute, it seems like it would be fairly rare.
Also do any of the other Exposed perks have that restriction that the Exposed status goes away after you are downed or hooked? Maybe I'm forgetting something but I don't remember any of them being canceled by those events (e.g. NOED and Devour Hope last until the totems are destroyed, Make Your Choice lasts its full duration.) I think Make Your Choice is a good comparison here, by the way. It triggers on a hook rescue, which is less frequent than kicking a gen, but also has a cooldown at rank 3 of 60 seconds versus a cooldown of 80 seconds for Dragon's Grip.
I'm not saying this perk is good or bad, just pointing out some data points on it.
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The problem is that most low tier m1 killers will most likely need that time just to get near the generator, and then try to chase and catch the survivor.
On the other hand, fast traveling ones will have the full length to chase freely
if you nerf the time, you risk making it useless to anyone except meta killers who will still benefit from it, and maybe wraith. Making the gap between killers like the spirit vs m1 killers even worse.
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I’m not asking for any changes to the numbers of the perk, only that the exposed status gets a one time benefit only per trigger.
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This is probably the only 'nerf' thread I can get behind when it comes to these perks. Exposed should be removed on hook (I say on hook, because I think it should last if the downed survivor is slugged and happens to unbreakable himself or gets healed somehow. Should only remove on a successful hooking.)
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its a bad perk, its need a buff rather than a nerf that makes no sense
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You are exposed for 60 seconds after touching the gen. For the sake of your argument, let's be generous and say that you get Iron Maidened after being exposed (15 seconds), after that the killer spends 10 seconds hooking you, then more 20 seconds of waiting for rescue, and a 16-seconds healing action under the hook. By this time, Dragon's grip effect is gone and you're free to take hits for your team again.
Sorry OP, getting double-downed on full health while exposed within 60 seconds is just too much of a rare scenario to justify such a change.
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This is a joke, right?
- The perk requires you to kick a gen, which means that not only can you not run it with Ruin, but you have to invest time into this ######### perk.
- It only lasts on the gen for 30 seconds, meaning it can be easily waited out.
- If it gets waited out, it goes on CD
- It it gets triggered, it sometimes doesn't cause a scream because it's bugged
- If it DOES cause a scream, that's still imperfect information
- When it gets triggered, it only applies to the first survivor, meaning if an injured person triggers it you get no value.
- If it triggers on a healthy survivor, it will only matter if you're still there, since being exposed doesn't matter if the killer is far away. What are you gonna do? Kick a gen and then hover around it hoping somebody stops the regression?
- Even if it triggers, the perk has an 80 second CD, which is actually more like 110 seconds since the mark period acts as a double cool-down if nobody trips it.
This is a perk with an inconvenient trigger, a CD that means you literally don't have time to attempt it more than 6-7 times a game, and so many conditions that you'd be lucky to get one down with it.
Nerfing Dragon's Grip would be like nerfing Gearhead all over again.