Perk rework / buff ideas!

Vola124 Member Posts: 9
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hey yall! In my free I like to come up with content and mechanics for games I play like dbd. This is just gonna be a ramble of a bunch of perk changes that I think would shake up the meta a bit. Some of these perks need changes more than others and some might be perfectly fine where they are at the moment. Note: The goal of this was to avoid mundane changes like simply buffing/nerfing the numbers of a perk.

Decisive Strike: For 60 seconds after being freed or escaping from the hook, Decisive strike is active. While DS is active and you are being carried by the killer, press the active ability button to gain 30/40/50% wiggle progress deactivating DS. Using DS within 5 meters of the hook you were most recently freed from allows you instantly free yourself from the killer's grasp, permanently deactivating DS for the remainder of the trial.

Slippery Meat: You gain up to 3 extra hook escape attempts on the first stage of the hook sacrifice. Upon entering the second stage of the hook sacrifice, there is a 4% chance (affected by luck) for the hook to instantly break for 40/50/60 seconds, freeing yourself in the process

Blood Pact: Current effects except when you are the obsession, all other survivors can see your aura when you are injured.

Open Handed: increases the range of your aura reading abilities by 4/6/8 meters. Other survivors within 4/6/8 meters of you can see any auras you are currently seeing.

Pharmacy: Current effects + influences the entity to spawn an additional chest in the trial. This chest's aura is revealed to you while injured.

Autodidact: Current effects + hiding within the killer's terror radius outside of a chase for 50/40/30 second charges autodidact. Initiating a healing action while autodidact is charged creates a skill check.

No Mither: You can recover from the dying state on your own, but suffer from the exposed status effect for the duration of the trial. You are healed by other survivors 80/90/100% faster.

Better together: Current effects + your aura is also revealed to survivors in range when working on a generator. (Doesn't change much, but distinguishes it from the aura reveal of trail of torment)

This is not happening: Current effects + Getting a great result on a skill check heals you by 5% when injured.

Adrenaline: When the exit gates are powered, recover from all status effects. 20/15/10 seconds after adrenaline activates, gain a health state unless you are being carried or are on the hook when the timer ends.

Hex : No one escapes death: When the exit gates are powered, noed takes over a dull totem and activates. While noed is active, you gain 4% movement speed and the exit gates' opening progress regresses at 100/150/200% a survivor's standard gate opening speed when a survivor is not opening the gate. Gain an additional 1/2/3% movement speed for each exit gate currently opened.

For the People: Once every 180 seconds, press the active ability button while healthy and healing a survivor to instantly grant them a health state. Using "For the people" inflicts the broken status effect on yourself for 50/40/30 seconds, after which, you return to the healthy state.

That's it! If you read it this far then thank you! I'd love to hear any criticism or comments you might have.

Post edited by Inji on


  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    for no mither, being healed faster is kinda limited in its usefulness since you can only go into injured state since you are exposed. Honestly, i wish it made you a stealthier slug. Like maybe give you a mini-tenacity, and make you mute while downed.