Survivor animations update suggestion

((I know the game has many other problems that do definitely matter more than simple animations, but this is still an interesting idea I'd like to discuss and see what y'all think))

We see all survivors sharing their animations with their gender, or just a single universal animation for all survivors. And some makes sense, like there aren't really many ways to change how someone opens a locked chest.

But say we did update some animations one day. And I have an idea where they don't have to make each survivor with their own specific animations, but take from a pool of specific animations I would dub the Personality types. Each survivor would fall into their own set of animations based on their personality. So maybe characters who are athletic like Meg, David, and Steve would have proper forms when running while survivors like Dwight or Claudette would be more nervous and bumbling while running, If that gives you an idea of what I mean.

The animations that would take from this personality pool would be;

*crouching, walking, and running (normal and injured) animations.

*healing and being healed.

*Maybe hooked animations

*Animation while opening gates

It would give them much more unique animations to age the game better while making sense to the characters, AND the devs wouldn't have to make the animations for..oh lordy, how many survivors are there now? 20 something and rising? And if they're feeling really crazy, they could even have some animations of the survivors take from outside of their personality. Like someone who is upfront a Confident personality, but when injured is the biggest chicken ######### and is taking from the Nervous personality when injured.

What do you think? Think that'd be an easier solution for the devs while making sense and giving us something?

((And don't worry devs, you like this idea enough to do it, it's all yours, I don't claim any sort of ownership of this idea ;P lmao))