Add D/C Penalities Again



  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    the only thing I disagree with what you are saying is the "suicide on hook" aspect. I do not like the idea that I may have to sit through a whole 2nd stage even if i'm not hitting space bar if I don't want to. the feature is in the game to try to get off the hook thus I have no issue with anyone doing it, and the struggle is there they can decide to struggle or not. forcing it just isn't fair TBH. The difference in this is that it is "in match functionality vs out of match functionality.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Maybe instead of the struggling mechanic, we can have skill checks like pyramid heads cages, I like how those work.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Yes, force people to stay in a game they aren't enjoying. Solid plan. Will definitely make them want to play the game more.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    problem with that is if you miss, it still takes you time to die, struggle and then stop and you die, honestly i don't care about the struggle mechanic why? you don't HAVE to rapidly spam the space bar in this, you just have to do it at a pace that matches what the game expects.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    God you reach so much it's pathetic dude. Stop trying to draw conclusions cause you're twisting words and that's why I'm stopping this debate. You're pulling things out of your ass to push your narrative and you're constant "company always right, it's da rules, must obey" ass kissing is getting annoying. There are valid reasons people want to or need to disconnect. If the devs made a rule to say Hey no disconnecting, then they should remove the leave match button. The rule IS stupid. That doesn't mean I think the game itself is. You're reaching and the fact people are upvoting your comments just shows how dumb some of this community actually is.

    "Its in the game so it's fair" Do you always just sit there and take it? Like seriously? You ARE allowed to not like things implemented in the game. If people don't complain about how bad things are, devs will never fix them and make the game better. I'm so happy keys and moris are being reworked cause they sucked. But people like you would probably flip ######### at people who complain about that too cause iTs In ThE gAmE.

    The dc penalty as it stands is dumb. It just is. That's not a good or valid way to punish your players. Taking their ability away to play the game is a stupid design and it simply doesn't even work. People don't care. They'll log off or play another game. A COMPANY SHOULDN'T BE ENCOURAGING THAT. That's why it's dumb. You probably know nothing about business but that's a sure way to kill one.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    This is how I know you are missing my point. I'm not saying it's not a rule. I know that. Thanks for repeating everyone else. My issue is that it's a dumb rule and it needs to be changed. They need to get realistic and realize locking people out of playing their game only encourages people to stop playing all together and play other games. Dbd is killing itself but y'all don't care. You can't be bothered to use common sense and open your eyes because iTs ThE rUlEs.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Question orion, do you think the same of hook suicides?

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Actually - BHVR are the problem.

    Seasoned players are getting matched with baby survivors who get 3-man slugged before the first gen is done is a game issue.

    Things like Iri Head, which is the most broken add on in the game combined with Huntress' already broken hitbox, is a game issue.

    I also can't blame anyone for killing themselves on hook if they run into a build like Hostage Doc or just a build full of slowdowns. It legitimately gets boring. I have literally gotten to the point where I have gone to the killer and begged for death; and I'm a killer main with likely more hours in this game than you've probably been alive, with your entitled attitude. It's ironic how you talk about people who DC as if they are entitled...when you're also acting entitled. People paid for the game, just like you. They aren't your slaves, and you aren't they're master. They owe you nothing.

    Again - BHVR is the problem. You shouldn't be penalizing people for disconnecting while the game is in the state it's in, both bug and balance-wise, and you should never be penalizing people for dying on hook when they aren't having fun beyond what they already get - rank loss.


    There is no version of this where you will ever be anything other than entitled.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited September 2020

    Nice strawman, I am not telling people to do anything. Everything you mentioned are basic game mechanics (besides hostage doc, which is bannable), if you are disconnecting because of basic game mechanics and complaining, then you probably, just might need to play something else. The fact that you are calling me entitled and telling me to get off my soap box is quite funny, because you are telling me how "I have more hours than you've ever been alive". Also, you seem genuinely angry about my comment, about a video game I think you have some temper issues.

    "Get off your soap box kiddo"

    That, right there, is where you lose. Name calling. Take the L and move on. You can't win. You don't have what it takes. It's funny though, coming from you.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I don't think you know what a strawman is.

    Strawman - an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.

    I didn't do that. You are actually sitting there telling people they are so and so because they leave a game any which way. You're telling them to keep playing or go play something else. I am not misrepresenting your argument in any way.

    Get schooled.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Well here is a great fun game that you would have happen. I played freddy, got into a lobby after about 5-10 minutes wait and get in there.. find first person quickly (wasn't being stealthy), hit them, they try to juke me and I get lucky, anticipate their move and down. I go to pick up they dc. meh ok I move on next one I find because they were getting in a position to save the first when they disconnected. I knock them down and they dc. then suddenly it goes to match result entity displeased and I see the other two had dc'd... oh btw my perks were rank 1 fire up, no add ons, no offering (level 1 character). then in the chat they yelled at me "Get F'd! EXPECT DC's when you play freddy!" another said " HAH! de pip on stream sucker!!!" I replied to both.... "welcome to reports and I'm not live... btw I'm rank 17 and it won't depip me what so ever you red rank wimps." They were a swf from rank 1 to rank 3. they'd have destroyed me if they didn't dc as it stood they had reports on them, I had points for a less than 3 minute match. this is what you'd want them to allow, no you are the pathetic one I agreed to play by the rules and I do, you agreed to play by the rules and you won't what's worse? someone that follows the rules or someone that flaunts the rules just because there is an option to help players in emergency situations. You are the one that is pathetic because you want to make me the bad guy.

    if the game gets boring, stop playing. there is no reason to disconnect outside of the game not shutting down properly. you are in the group that is in the wrong and at fault for making the game even more unfun than the boring games you talked about. just move on and stop playing if you're that bored with the game.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited September 2020

    I do know what a strawman is. I'm giving advice to people, that if they hate a game, they should play something else, I was never telling them to do that, I was giving advice, you really need to work on your vocabulary. Notice how you didn't even reply to the rest of my post as well, because you have literally nothing. Your opinion is invalid.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    You can't win with these guys, it's like talking to a wall.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    OOF, imagine misquoting me that hard.

    I didn't say the game gets boring. I said trials get boring. Imagine throwing a debate that fast. Misquoting me, and then saying my opinion is invalid. Who are you again? :)

    You obviously don't know what a strawman is, or your reading compehension skills are flat out broken. YOU are intentionally misrepresenting peoples arguments as them hating the game (aka, a strawman - write it down, looks like you need the definition on hand for future correct usage). Nobody is DCing/dying on hook because they "hate" the game. People aren't playing a game they hate. They are leaving games because they don't like what they are currently forced to play against. Whether it be Iri Huntress or Hostage Doc (which is only bannable if done more than 20 minutes, but I've seen nobody ever get banned for it).

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Unfortunately for you, the majority of the community doesn't think exploits like Hostage Doc and broken things like Iri Head are "BaSiC gAmE mEcHaNiCs". By that logic, infinites were "BaSiC gAmE mEcHaNiCs" back in the day. I like how you have nothing to say other than "your opinion is invalid".

    I win.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    "I said trials get boring" the GAME is the TRIALS..... what other aspect of this game is not boring to you? the blood web? the store? this game is made up with "the trials" so how am I misquoting you? I took what you said and applied logic to your statement. LOGIC: If the game is made up of trials and they get boring, the game is boring. Personally there have been a FEW trials that have been very boring to me but it hasn't made me DC against it I still did it and I was the only one that got out of the trial by the exit gate as I finished the last gen just as the killer found the hatch. I was laughing. I DONT CARE, if the rules say it is not allowed to dc intentionally then I won't dc, I'll play it out. keep disconnecting, keep giving me blood points, I don't care but I will keep reporting each and every one that disconnects.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    No, the game is Dead by Daylight. The trials are rounds. Each round is not the same. We are not facing the same killer, with the same perks, with the same strategy, with the same team mates over and over again.

    Trials vary. The game stays the same.

    Scream for me.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Here's the thing, this entire time I have outsmarted you, using your very own quotes. I said in my previous quote as well, that hostage doc isn't a basic game mechanic, and infinites back in the day were obviously acknowledged as broken, because bloodlust was added. Every time, I said "your opinion is invalid" I took it from your own post history, so you literally have nothing other than "your opinion is invalid".

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Doesn't know the definition of "strawman". Iri head also isn't a broken addon (even though 99% of the community disagrees). Somehow thinks they outsmarted anyone. The difference with me is - I don't say that to "everyone". You only said it to me because you didn't have a counter argument.

    Okay, bud. :) Keep dying on that hill, lol

    Get schooled, my dude. You will never win this.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I have stated time and time again, why you have been using the strawman arguments. You have said "your opinion is invalid" to people without arguments as well, so I believe in an eye for an eye, and used it against you. Oh, want proof?

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    if this isn't a troll response than the poster is missing a chromosome or two as well as anyone who seriously can't see how something that discourages players from disconnecting is GOOD for the game. Even if they suicide on hook it still wastes the killers time getting them to the hook and as proven when DC penalty's were introduced it still reduces dc'ing and players who dc usually do it in the heat of the moment and its more likely that they will stay in the game even when given the option to kill themselves after having a moment to chill out.

    You DC and screw your team you should also screw yourself out of matches for some time because YOU ruined other players experience with the game by basically giving the killer a kill, quicker.

    if anyone see's this and disagrees let me ask you a question. Do you play rainbow or any other competitive game? do you hate it when your teammate leaves the match and it resulted in you losing? if so how does it make any sense that that player doesn't receive a penalty for ruining other players experiences and why shouldn't dbd take the same policy when 1 dead survivor early game against a good killer vanquishes the chance of the others escaping in any way other than the hatch.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    You should actually read that thread. Anyone saying Legacy should be treated the same as event cosmetics doesn't have a valid opinion on the matter, because nobody saying that had to earn legacy back in the day. Unless you earned legacy, you *do not* have a valid opinion on the matter. Period.

    "Without arguments".

  • DrFeelgood
    DrFeelgood Member Posts: 27

    hey man, not sure if you know this...but all you're doing is showing that he's gotten under your skin enough for your to profile snoop him, and then completely take something he (or they? #2020) said out of context...cause there was actually context, argument, and reason for him to declare that persons opinion invalid sooooo....

    food for thought, you just kind of look obsessed at this point o.O

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Trust me, I've already reported my comments to get them deleted, just taking a while.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    so players should be able to go into a match dc, then find another match and dc, rinse and repeat.

    a lot of games lock players out when they dc because it works. sure they might say screw it and go play something else but that means no one else has to deal with them in the game and thus the dc penalty works.

    it simply less likely players will dc when they are aware of a penalty and only when they get truly frustrated at the game will they find a way around it like hook suicide but even then its less likely that they will do that than dc thus the dc penalty WORKS. Its EXTREMELY simple to not leave a match, if a player is already frustrated from one game and leaves it then its very likely that they will dc in the next game from something that will tick them off.

    in a game like dbd players especially in the survivor role simply DONT CARE about anything other than playing the game as bp earned is already small and rank doesn't matter therefor the only thing that will discourage players from dc'ing is locking them out of the game.

  • DrFeelgood
    DrFeelgood Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2020

    that's only if he hasn't reported you first, really

    yeah he's being..well, I was always told to be nice, but he's not being...that..breaking the rules.

    you seem to have let him get to you so hard that you've gone out of your way to almost stalk and troll him, throwing personal attacks etc.

    sometimes you just need to walk away. you're only doing what people like him want you to do

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited September 2020

    When have I done anything that has broken the forum rules on this thread? I never personally attacked him either. Wasn't stalking him either, he literally said some of this stuff today, and I used it as evidence. However, I appreciate your advice, I did let him get under my skin a bit too much, and I made a mistake conversing with him in the first place.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I had a 4 man put up an Ormond offering and two of them used ooo. The devs seriously need to disable object and change it.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Actually, the post you quoted from me is literally from June 26. Last time I checked, we're September 20 (EST time) already. You have to go pretty far back to get that one; and I post pretty regularly.

    But okay. Let's say that's "today".

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you're quote "I said trials get boring" if you had said "Some of (or a few of) the trials get boring" that would have had me agreeing with you that a few or some of the trials can be boring and thus logic would not have connected the same. your words in a forum are all I can go by, I can not read into what you meant to post. be specific if you want to have someone understand you completely. you will notice I respond by what you actually say not what you meant.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Epic entitlement in this thread.

  • DrFeelgood
    DrFeelgood Member Posts: 27

    man, just stop, you're doing it again

    ...and I hate to agree with...them...but honestly, you did link to this earlier in direct reference of their "opinion is invalid" statement:

    the only instance of that statement of opinions being invalid from sloppy there is from june 26

    it does seem stalky, cause they have quite a post history

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    I cant tell if you're being serious or not. But if you are I hope you are aware Oni, Billy, Leather face and clown all have to earn their owns with the one shot. Huntress Hitbox is so forgiving its near impossible to miss.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Consistency is key, and desperation isn't a good look, my dude. You should have stopped the second you decided to derail the thread with your completely out of context, and edgy "your opinion is invalid" statements. Again, you had to go back quite a bit to get that one. But if you want, for your sake, we can pretend that it happened today. I'm cool with that. Anything to help a bro :)

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I didn't say "all trials" get boring. So basically, you took my comment completely out of context and extracted something from it that was never said.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Even you have to admit - things like Iri Head/Infantry Belt Huntress and Hostage Doc on The Game are actually poorly designed and broken (especially when Iri Head Huntress won't even hook you half the time and just wants to slug, and Doc won't even slug, he just hits and stays by his gens).

    There ARE legitimate reasons people DC that aren't emergency related. These things need to be addressed. They should have been addressed before penalties were even in their infancy.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you also did not clarify either way so I had to take it as I read it. I did so. IF you do not like it BE SPECIFIC next time. In English omiting a qualifier does not mean that was meant or intended. "I took the courses to get a degree" implies that I took all the courses to get a degree. thus your omission had the word ALL implied. to make the above statement mean less than everything needed I just say "I took some of the courses to get a degree" means I did not take all the courses for the degree. now what remains as a question is did I get a degree there and if so where did I take the other courses. so your statement "The Trials are boring" does not imply SOME. if you had clarified that statement some how before I replied I'd have either agreed or disagreed with you but that statement in and of itself does imply ALL. ask anyone that teaches how would this statement be read as by a general reader "trials get boring" you will be told that it would be assumed all trials get boring instead of some of them get boring. you tried to trick me by being unclear, I have shown you that your statement was unclear and how it was taken, yet you are hurt and upset that I did not take it the way you intended it to be. This is the same argument people are trying to use about the "leave match" button that because it is there the devs intended for it to be used at any time by the players. How ever the DEVS have since clarified that was not the case. They were unclear and people are whining because they clarified their stance and instituted dc penalties. I how ever am agreeing with you that some of the trials can get very boring but i disagree that it warrants disconnecting.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    So that's the road you're going down?

    I mean, whatever helps validate your feelings, I suppose. I didn't specify either direction. I guess I made a bad judgement call assuming you would interpret it the most logical way possible.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    "assuming you would interpret it the most logical way possible." I did make the most logical interpretation of the statement. you are the one that was not clear. also the word assuming is the mistake you made, but it's not that I would interpret it the most logical way possible, but you assumed I would know what you meant. I don't have to validate my feelings, I know what I said, and what you said, It was not I that was imprecise in what I said. stop trying to tell me HOW I AM FEELING ABOUT ANYTHING, you know nothing of me and I have told you specifically how I took your statement and you keep trying to make me the one that is in the wrong. I am sorry your feelings are hurt because I did not agree with how you wanted that statement to be taken but I am not your keeper.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Sure there, bud. Selective logic. It's fine, it happens.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    what am I supposed to do? read your mind? it obviously is confusing as hell to your ownself I couldn't make heads or tails of it. "Oh did he mean all the trials are boring? oh I can't read that right, he's gotta be saying none of the trials are boring! wait I know he didn't mean that, must be some of the trials are boring? YES I read his mind right. now which of these three options should I have taken? I went by how I was taught ENGLISH in school. If there is no clarification go with the answer that best fits the statement AS is. "Trials are boring" the clarification that makes the MOST sense is "(ALL) Trials are boring" because if you meant less than ALL the trials you would have clarified how many of them are boring! I guess you did not go to that class in english? How about logic class.... oh yea logic would tell me different... but no it doesn't, logic says that this is about English not mathmatics so follow the rules of English.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I think it's really just confusing to you. I didn't say all trials, you interpreted it that way, and only to suit your narrative.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    so you are now rehashing this? you did not like my statements before? fine, you can go back and read what I will say to you again... please keep replying to each of those messages again. I'm sure someone will appreciate it

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    That's so ######### pathetic. I ran a lot of matches I didn't want to play.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Just introduce killer bots then be done with it.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Heaven forbid the killer use tools that earn them the win.

  • Benno101
    Benno101 Member Posts: 47

    actually the huntress with iri head ruins the game for me and my teamates.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255
    edited September 2020

    That sounds like their problem. People should be punished for disconnecting because they don't like how the match is going, and idc what side they're on. Personally, I think survivors get screwed more, because if one of their team mates disconnects during a match, it's suddenly unfair, and the match keeps going. The killer gets to have a field day, and the remaining survivors, being at a disadvantage, pretty much get stomped and lose their rank. I don't expect the killer to respect the fact survivor's team mates screwed them over, but at the very least any time anybody disconnects, they need to give all the remaining a safety, minimum (since it isn't their fault their team mate decided to be a ######### bag). If it's the killer, obviously the match ends, but I'm tired of everyone else being punished for the actions of others. If multiple survivors leave, obviously the penalty for leaving is the loss of everything, from points to items.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's also blatantly false. They removed it because hackers were able to increase the DC penalty for certain players.