PH is fine as is

Everyone says he needs a CD for when he fakes his power but that is the only way to really get hits with it. It was made to be easy to react to for a reason so you can't use it in the open. if you miss with it the survivor gets so much distance on you too. So the only way to get a hit is by going for them during animations. by giving him a "1-2" second cooldown as everyone suggests it'll turn his already limited power into a barely useful power. it is literally the same thing as saying demo shouldnt be ablt to m1 after canceling shred or pig faking her roar while crouched.
a decenty amount of killers have sorta 50/50s and some do it better than ph too. if you were in a situation where he hit you with his m2 then chances are very high that most other killers wouldve hit you too if not down you
The issue with PH is him being able to instantly M1 after canceling his power. Killers like Huntress, Demogorgon, and Pig don't have that, so why should he?
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It doesn't seem to be intended.
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It's BHVR we're talking about here. You know how it is.
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1) It’s not instant.
2) It would kill him at loops.
3) Huntress has a completely different power. Hers is fully ranged and she can freely aim. PH has limited range and limited turning. Comparing them is pointless, it would be like me saying “Huntress can quickly combo an M2 into an M1, why can’t Pyramid?” Different powers.
4) Pig again different power. Hers takes away her terror radius. Thats how stealth killers were back then, they got to sneak up on survivors but had a pause so survivors had a chance to react. Then they made Ghostface....
5) Demogorgan is trash so that kind of proves the point.
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I dunno, but watching every single Pyramid Head get absolutely demolished, relentlessly, again and again in that Hexy tournament was something else. Honestly he should've traded shoes with the Clown after that display. You could clearly see just how much low mobility killers just get slapped down by good survivor teams. PH is good at shutting down chases, but in the 10 hours it takes him to cross the map, that doesn't add up to much outside of pub stomps.
Not that I think he shouldn't be changed or anything. Maybe "fix" his ability to cancel and make him run like 5% faster on his own trail of torment or something, with slightly increased turn-rate/charge time? Have the trail be bad for survivors and good for PH. I think using it as both an anti-loop technique but also trying to juggle that with map control/coverage could be more interesting than his current state, which is sadly tremendously boring.
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It is instant. He's talking about the exploit where you can instantly M1 while drawing trench. Its 100% instant. That's the only issue with him. Remove that and he'll have a lot of counterplay.
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It is instant. There's about a .5 second period between your cancel to an M1. It is literally instant.
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That isn't true, if you actually try to practice with his power you will find that it actually wastes a lot of time waiting for them to be animation locked/zoned. However, it is also the path of least resistance for the killer, so those who dislike effort and practice will naturally take it.
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Number 1 by the time you see the range it's going off it's noteasy to react to.
Instant cancel mans had his power out well after I break los and he still gets rewarded. Dumb if you ask me.
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I mean just look at that video. Claudette with purple flashlight, sprint burst, Object of obsession and even a little clickyclicky in there. On Ormond too.
Whats your bog standard M1 killer gonna do? Just eat pallets all day while you click click at him from the exit gates? Lets be honest thats what people want.
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The dude defends UB/DS and says it's fair but PyramidHead is just the unstoppable force, I wonder why he doesn't like him....
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Yes I like claudette because my character has so much relevancy to your argument. Purple flashlight because currently it is not only the most fun, but skilled based item in the game.
Yes I do indeed run sprint burst a good perk also the ebst exhaustion perk. OoO because DS is bugged and I want variety not to mention I'm usually playing solo and even in swf dont call out.
Clickyclicky because getting the killers attention is sooooo bad not like the gates needed to be opened. Ormond was random btw I dont even like the map tis extremely survivor sided.
That's not what all people w as nt you are assuming this for the sake of your weak argument lol. You got like a vendetta against survivor mains. Chasing Is the most interaction for survivors if the chase is one sided why play? Food for thought.
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They will change him. There is 0 doubt about that. I only hope that the change will not kill him, but honestly I don't have too much hope.
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There's a lot in this game that seems to be unintended, and that's fine, but the issue is that all we hear is how it's unintended. We almost never seem to see the fixes in any reasonable amount of time. They're too pre-occupied with the next payable content, be it cosmetics, rifts, or a DLC. And with a constant focus on that, new bugs arise, while all the old ones still never got fixed.
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I used to find PH uncounterable around pallets, but everything suddenly changes when I think of him as Dr. If you loop around a single pallet, a good Dr stops you from dropping it and eventually get a hit, so people generally drop pallets before Dr is too close. And if PH is at the same distance, drop the pallet as well and it even works better since survivors get chance of mind game-- try to dodge M2 when PH expects you to vault.
Though I don't think PH is too strong to go against, I still believe that it's super boring to play against Death Slinger or PH, killers that not only stops looping but also bans mind game. And I expect devs to change Death Slingers' M2 hitbox and stop it from going through edges of everything. For noobs who believe that killers don't have to care about the game experiecne of survivors, I wish you a lot of fun destroying game community.
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DemoPls is not trash. You're just trash with him.
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Well if they do that then they had better give him 115% speed.
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People who think it’s good that a killer gets free zoning and the ability to negate loops (the only test of skill on this game) really concern me
do you not want a competitive game???
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Pyramidhead doesn't negate loops. You just have to loop him differently.
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Imo they need to nerf the free zoning and in return just buff the other parts of his kit. Free movement in ROJ, POTD is wider and longer and easier to hit, free camera movement in ROJ, trails do more (like idk PH gets a speed boost while walking in them), make cages slightly stronger somehow idk (preferably without letting him go TunnelCity™ on you) and see how that turns out.
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I feel like the hitbox on his power is quite large at times. There will be times I'm not standing in the trail when it lights up for a second and I somehow still get hit despite me being beside it or far in front of it. (Green ping btw)
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I guess thats why hes constantly appearing in low or mid tier at best in most players tier lists....
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How is purple flashlight with add ons the most skill based? Technically wouldnt that be yellow flashlight no add ons?
and you never call out in swf? You never let slip “I think hes coming your way” when the killer stops chasing you and goes after someone else?
You got OoO which the killer cant do anything about, you got a purple flashlight with add ons for an almost instablind, you got sprintburst which has no counter and provides a free getaway, all of this is extremely powerful against someone like Trapper, Myers, LF etc and you wonder why people are gonna pick killers like PH and probably Spirit too.
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Watch again, Otz managed to 4k HARD as PH.
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A purple flashlight with addons is exactly the same same as a yellow flashlight with extra seconds. They are charge and less consumption.
I never call out my OoO in swf. Should of specified. Also why wouldnt I call out basic things like that. You can do that in solo by pointing a direction and running away.
Yes I like OoO because I can get chased. Instablinds were removed in December 2017 I dont know what you are talking about. All blindspeed add ons and purple flashlights base blind speed increase has been removed.
Ok I got sprintburst but what's wrong with it it's on a limit. No killer complains about it. Sure its powerful against trapper.
LF's chainsaw can outrun sb and myers has long t3 lunge which is insane on some loops only trapper can get kinda messed up but he has traps so you trap accordingly.
Only thing that is really messing up the trapper is my OoO. Other than that they are just fine. People pick spirit because she has a pretty low skullcap but nice payout and same with PH not a high skill cap.
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I never see problam with PH and death slinger ( the only that i see problem is spirit) PH is not as fun to play against but is winnable and if i would change something in him is to make an cooldown after he stops using this power but ( or i can be wrong i dont pick so much PH to go agaisnt so i dont have an super formed opnion) but i think that he is fine
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increasing cooldown for faking and decreasing cooldown for missing would make him have a higher skill cap, and thats why people dont want him changed
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PH does need a change whenever I went against him as survivor he was a beast no matter what you did. The cooldown is need people are scared of it but if ur a true g you should be able to handle the cooldown. LOL
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Just give a bit of a cooldown between switching. 1.5 seconds, maybe? Other than that, yeah, he's fine.
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I love all this talk about killers needing higher skillcaps. Killers need more skill to get good results.
Meanwhile you got survivors using sprint burst to run to the nearest god loop and having their swf rush gens. Unbreakable/DS for a minute of invulnerability, Dead hard to cover you when you make a mistake, and enough coldwind/ormond offerings to last a lifetime.
I din’t think you will find anyone with thousands of hours on this game and no bias that wont tell you a number of killers are underpowered against a strong survivor group with meta perks or a bad map offering. The killer would need to play exceptionally well to overcome that disadvantage. Why is it always the killers that need to sweat? Why do the survivors get the easy route?
Mothers dwelling keeps coming up and survivors just sprint burst to the god windows when they’re open to waste time yet it’s the killers that need to put in more skill to earn the win. Funny how that works.
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This is essentially what I was going to say.
Nerf his zoning potential while buffing him another way. I personally would like to see his M2 become easier and/or more rewarding to use, but i'll take even buffing his trails in some way.
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Lose-lose situation is everything but fine. It's boring, frustrating gameplay where your skill doesn't matter one bit. Get rid of that and if needed buff him in a different way.
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oh i also forgot to say, POTD applies torment on a successful hit. that shouldve been in my original comment
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It is somewhat instant. Compared to Huntress, theres basically no cooldown between cancelling his power.
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Besides the fact that when I play him on Lérys or any map as him ons PS4, my game turns into a slideshow.
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So killers have to be EXTREMELY SKILLED AND IN THE TOP 0.001% KILLERS to be able to benefit from their powers? There's literally ONE survivor perk which requires a TINY bit of skill and it's Dead Hard. Survivors are allowed to have the lowest skill floor and ceiling possible but killers need to do EVERYTHING PERFECTLY at ALL TIMES and have at least 1500 hours with every killer otherwise they're BAD and should not get a single hit all game.
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But that's because the hatchets are her main attack. They are designed to be used as her main attack.
Pyramid's power doesn't work like that, which is why it has bad turning, shows the trail before the hit, and has limited range. They aren't comparable powers which is why one has a large cooldown and the other doesn't. Besides he needs to M2 to get those trails down in the loop which is probably why they let him cancel quickly.
We're comparing apples to oranges here.
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Yeah, once, an outlier contrasted against the 900 other PH matches where PH got stomped again and again and again.
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oh im so sorry ill make sure bhvr keeps adding killers that can zone for free using no game knowledge or mechanical skill, killer will always be harder than survivor, you shouldnt complain about this since it will be here as long as this game stays a 4v1
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Not to mention that was in the earlier rounds when the weaker teams were still in the tourney. PH never performed like that against the stronger teams.
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Nobody is saying that every killer should be huntress/nurse level of skill to do good we’re saying that killers should at least require some skill to benefit from their power, blight and spirit are good examples, people act like every killer should be Freddy and have extreme pressure for very low skill
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And they would be wrong. :)
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PH has no map pressure and low mobility, but Survivors want to nerf him because he’s good in chases? Are you guys trying to kill him?!
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Nerf: His boring zoning ability by adding a cooldown when canceling the power.
Buff: His ranged attack by decreasing the cooldown for successful hits and make it apply tormented (outside a small range of hooks otherwise it will just become a camping tool).
Result: He's now a true M2 killer instead of a boring M1 killer that uses his M2 to get M1 hits and he can use his cages throughout the entire match rather than just at late-game, end-game and to "cage-slug" the 3rd survivor while looking for hatch/4th survivor.
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"somewhat instant" isn't a thing.
Pyramid takes time to pick up his knife after canceling his power. It isn't very long, but it's long enough for survivors to use.
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Yes it’s everyone else that’s wrong, not you.
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Clicky - last time you tried to start something with me, you ended up cowering after I called you out. Best not do it again. I'm better at your own game than you are. It's impossible for you to bait me like you bait everyone else.
Especially since you're one of the very few people who thought Billy needed a nerf. But yes, it was "everyone else that was wrong, not you".
See? Easy. Almost too easy. Now run along, and troll someone you can outwit.
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Lmao you’re dreaming. Nobody ran from you, in fact im pretty sure I proved you wrong.
and stats said Hillbilly needed the nerf. We will have to wait and see for PH
Get over yourself
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That is from a killer using a VPN or live far away from the server. I have had survivors standing on the border lines of ROJ and not take damage because my ping is 20 to 30 while they are all 60+
I had a game as huntress where i was put on a server with 100 ping and it was the easiest game of my life. Zero effort to land hatchets and people think 100-150 ping is "fine" pfft