PH is fine as is



  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    It's not the same thing as Demo. First thing he's actually slower than the survivor, or around the same speed with rat liver so if he is using M2 he's likely not getting any closer to you. Second thing is that if Demo does it at a pallet at least he EATS THE PALLET AND DOESN'T HIT YOU FOR FREE. If Demo fakes out his shred at a pallet you can usually get an extra loop out of it depending on where you are. Pyramid head literally doesn't care because he moves faster in his power than the survivor and recovers immediately. You don't drop the pallet he catches up and hits you, you drop it and you get hit by his ranged attack. Amazing.

    Also yes, in the grand scheme of things pyramid head is "fine" but is he fun? To play and play against? Why are you ok with killers being "fine" instead of wanting BHVR to do something to make these killers actually fun and not ridiculously unbalanced? (I.e having good chase ability but horrendous map pressure, something slinger also suffers from)

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    I don't need to get over myself. You literally couldn't counter a thing I said. As per the norm. Those same stats also say Nurse has the least kills, as well as Hag I believe. When they are still incredibly strong.

    But sure, let's quote "stats" as reliable information.

    I rest my case. Hope you enjoyed your vacation. You came back, and truly, didn't learn a darn thing. :)

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Says the guy holding a grudge from months back. Its not healthy dude.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I mean - you're the one who came here, unprovoked and made the first snarky comment. Perhaps you should take your own advice.

    Anything else? Whack-a-mole is fun. Especially with you.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Actually it was you. As always if you disagree with someone they must be bad at the game.

    Thats all you do. Accuse people you disagree with of being bad. You always turn the debate into something personal and then start blowing your own trumpet about how smart you are. I wish you could block people on these forums.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Yep - it was totally me who made the first snarky comment toward you.


    Bud - stop. It never has, and never will end well for you. You've consistently tried, and even more consistently failed. Don't embarrass yourself again.


    Man. I must have struck a nerve by using your own logic against you. My dude - stop being so mad. Leave my alone. You didn't have to reply to me. You knew it would end up this way. Mess with the bull, get the horns.

    In every message pretty much, I've implored you to cease your incessant and failing attempts to one up me. Not my fault your obsession with me negates your ability to do that.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited September 2020

    Notice how Demogorgon is exceptionally rare to see above green ranks? I wonder why 🤔

    Fun for YOU may not be fun for someone else.

    whoops Xd

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Notice how someone like Bronx 4k's with DemoPls on a near constant basis (when he doesn't it's usually map related, like Ormond etc), and he's 100% of the time at rank 1 (even though, ranks mean jack diddly). He has the timings for shred down perfectly, to an absolute science, as well as how and where to place his buttholes.

    Again - it's the players playing Demo well, not demo sucking. He's not the top tier killer in the game, sure. But he's not bad. It's mostly the players who are bad with him.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Yes and i have seen him get destroyed to. It is all down to how boosted his survivors are as he himself keeps mentioning calling them "doofs"

    I got a 4k in red ranks with trapper, does that mean he is A tier?

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    for like the 4 billionth time, survivors dont want killers nerfed they want them to be fun to verse, they would need to remove his lose lose scenerio and his tunnel potential and buff his mobility/map pressure to compensate

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    and ph is not a tournament viable killer, he has no snowball potential or mobility

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Blight has plenty of map pressure but bows to the mighty pallet and window. Guess what? he isn't top tier.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    What is fun for survivors may not be fun for killers.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    For me and many other people, it usually is. I have the most fun right now playing Blight, Wraith and Demo, killers that many people also enjoy playing against the most because it feels balanced and there are opportunities for both the survivor and killer to get an advantage and outplay each other. It feels really good when you get a shred as Demo, or you get a really good pinball sequence into a down as Blight because it feels like you earned it. It's satisfying. A lot of people find no satisfaction in pyramid head, his camera is clunky and has a limited turning radius, it's too slow to predict and hit people through walls (as well as the turn speed not helping in the slightest) so any kind of cool play you could make is impossible so you're stuck with this brain-dead "hold M2 and wait for the survivor to inevitably get locked in an animation and hit them" playstyle.

    As for survivor perks DS and Unbreakable being paired together isn't fun at all and I'd like to see DS get a change to make it actually fill the role it's supposed to.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    Pyramid Head is not fine. He has aspects that are far too strong, and aspects that are far too weak.

    As other have said, his power is way too good in a chase. Press M2 to start your power. If the survivor vaults/drops the pallet, hit them with the ranged hit. If they fake it at the last second, swing and hit them with that.

    It's not a 50/50. It's not a mind game. It's not a coin toss. It's not outplaying them. All of those imply the survivor has a chance to win. The only time good Pyramid Heads miss is going for potshots through walls. He needs a cooldown between making a trail and swinging a basic M1, even just a second or so.

    On the other hand his cages are pathetic. Similar to Legion's nerf, when they changed cages they didn't think through "is this too much of a downside now?" and just whacked everything on, on top of what was already bad about them. Cages send survivors as far away as possible, making them an easy quick save 90% of the time AND you can't see where they are until they're saved already. As a killer, having a survivor hooked is one of the most critical points of the game. It's where the time dynamic can actually be relatively even. Pyramid Head doesn't get that when people are saved seconds after being 'hooked' as well as being miles away from him.

    Since cages now teleport away if you camp, they should no longer spawn on the opposite side of the map. They should spawn exactly where the survivor is downed. Some small tweaks would help too; the cage would not start counting you "camping" for about 10 seconds, and the range should be slightly increased as right now you need to basically facecamp them for it to trigger the teleport. There's no need to have an anti-camp mechanism AND have them spawn invisible miles away, when the issue was camping, only the teleport is necessary.

    As it is, caging loses too much pressure to be worthwhile. In the end it's only in your interest to use the cages if you already play like a dick. The only benefit it gives you as killer is a couple of seconds not spent carrying, and avoiding DS. Because of that it's in your best interest to only cage on hook #2, as the action prevents DS from the first hook, and then they don't get it after the second. Such an integral part of the power should not be such a massive liability. And that's not even taking into account that he gets no benefit from some of the top meta perks like BBQ and Pop by using his power.