The state of perks and how many of them give you to many second chances.

its no mystery the games mechanics and balance heavily favor the survivors, especially SWF who can coordinate via voice comms bypassing the whole point of tracking perks.

this is one of many matches

there are 10 second chance perks in a single match.

the match has 4 survivors maximum.

each survivor has 2 second chance perks EACH.

now count how many tracking perks they have. see an issue?

THIS is why the game is out of whack.

to much freedom of choice while simultaneously not balancing the ability of voice comms by building it into the game is destroying any chance at game balance, if i recall there was a turny recently where SWF groups dominated the spotlight and showed how pathetically one sided DbD is.

the only reason i was able to kill one survivor was because i was forced to face camp him when gates were open, even then the entitled over altruistic survive with friends attempted to save him with deadhard body blocks and flashlight spam.

the state of the games balance is getting worse and worse to the point where new killers and survivor perks are so lack luster just out of fear of breaking the balance even more.


  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    You´re beating a dead horse. If builds of those likes are equipped survivors suddenly have many more health states.

    It´s a novelty to see Head on Marked as a 2nd chance perk though,never seen that before.

    U were greatly outperked there, I hope you get the perks you want to actually use soon!

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    i consider headon a second chance perk as many killers can be blocked by a smart locker jump like billy, oni, bubba, demo and to some extent legion, when they go on "cooldown" from a failed hit they can trigger headon and force a further downtime+escape