Simple solution for gen rushing

I often hear alot of killer players complain that gen speeds are too fast and they feel helpess against good survivors who simply do gens whenever they can. The PROBLEM isnt gen speeds, because if the killer gets pressure then gen speeds slow WAY down. The problem is pallets and window loops, jungle gyms, main building, safe pallet loops are insane and can be looped by a survivor for so long and if you get entity blocked or bloodlusted, you can literally just go to another pallet or window. I think the best solotion is to simply have less pallets and jungle gyms and make them weaker/less safe or even more mindgamable would also be great. This would create a fun interaction between the killer and survivor where both roles have an equal chance of success, an example of this already existing is badham preschool type pallet loops. Those are very balanced but slightly unsafe which creates a fun and tense interaction while still giving survivors a good chance to escape in the killer makes a mistake. Thats all I have to say, please dont add time to gens that would make survivor miserable.
Note: Someone also suggested that outside of maps, you can make it so that gens take 60 seconds to finish, but require a secondary objective to be completed(such as finding gas canisters) to make it less boring for survivor and more fun for killer. What do you guys think?