Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Buffing Quentin's Teachables

Member Posts: 822
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

-Old Pharmacy:

Unlocking Chests is 40/60/80 % faster and the Hearing distance of noises this causes is reduced by 8 metres.

Pharmacy guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit on your first completed Chest Unlock.

-New Pharmacy:

Unlocking Chests is 40/60/80 % faster and the Hearing distance of noises this causes is reduced by 8 metres.

Pharmacy guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit on your first completed Chest Unlock.

After Opening a Chest the Auras of all chest will be revealed for 3 Seconds.

After your first completed Chest Unlock you can see the aura of the Item in a closed chest.

-Old Vigil

You and your Allies within a range of 8 metres recover from Exhaustion , Haemorrhage , Mangled , Hindered and Blindness Status Effects 10/15/20 % faster.

Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.

-New Vigil

You and your Allies within a range of 8 metres recover from Exhaustion , Haemorrhage , Mangled , Hindered,Broken,Madness,Oblivious and Blindness Status Effects 10/15/20 % faster.

Decreases the Effects of Haemorrahage,Mangled,Blindness,Madness & Hindered effect by 10%.

While not in a chase you can recover from the exhaustion effect while sprinting.

Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.

-Old Wake Up

Once all Generators are powered, Exit Gates are revealed to you when within a range of 128 metres.While opening the Exit Gates, reveal your Aura to other Survivors within a range of 128 metres.While Wake Up! is active, you open the Exit Gates 5/10/15 % faster.

-New Wake Up

Once all Generators are powered,your aura is revealed to 1/2/3 other survivors,Exit Gates are revealed to you when within a range of 24/48/∞ metres.While opening the Exit Gates, reveal your Aura to other Survivors within a range of 24/48/∞ metres.While Wake Up! is active, you open the Exit Gates 5/10/15 % faster & if your 10 meters of another survivor they gain the Effects of Wake Up.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 2,171

    Vigil and Pharmacy need reworks, not buffs. Recovering from timed status effects faster is way too situational and the new nerfed Emergency Medkits without add-ons are terrible, no amount of buffs to the perks will change that. Vigil and current Pharmacy are like Up The Ante; they suck because they're based on something that sucks.

    Wake Up! really just needs to have an 8 meter radius where other Survivors benefit from it's effects too. Not that your other buffs would be bad; it just doesn't really need them IMO. It's already a lifesaving perk that does well in it's specific niche.

  • Member Posts: 822

    im saying it would allow you to go down all the way to no madness.

  • Member Posts: 434

    Let's hope they get the rights to change his face. NOES is going through a lot with rights so sadly it probably won't happen anytime soon.

  • Member Posts: 587
    edited September 2020

    Vigil needs a rework, buffing it does little.


    • Killer M1's me with Sloppy Butcher and applies Haemorrhage and Mangled, Vigil does nothing as it's permanently applied until I get healed.

    • Killer M1's me with Third Seal and applies Blindness, Vigil does nothing as it's permanently applied until someone breaks the Hex Totem.

    • Killer is Plague and vomits on me and I become Broken, Vigil does nothing as it's permanently applied until I go to one of her Babylonian Goddess Water Fountains™.

    • Killer is Doctor and Static Blasts me until I have Madness 3, Vigil does nothing as it's permanently applied until I Snap Out Of It.

    The only ways Vigil gets used is if you Purposely run an Exhaustion Perk or you just hope the Killer decided to bring one of the very few Add Ons that just so happen to apply a status with a timer. (and I ran into barely any that have)

    Wake Up doesn't need to be swapped to Infinite meters, 128 is big enough to cover the entire map from any point like Empathy does.

    It also doesn't need two aspects to be buffed when tiering up, either the Range stays fixed while the % is changed or vice versa, not both.

  • Member Posts: 82


    I would buff em more like this:

    Wake up:

    Increase the speed from 5/10/15 to 15/20/25 and also apply the speed on everything like leader does.


    Also guarantees a gel dressing addon for more heals.


    No idea, might just rework it.

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