SWF keep ruining my killer matches, we need a way to identify them in lobby

Like i said, i keep playing killer but its mostly ruined because of massive SWF groups, they treat me like a joke and gen-rush me, it makes playing killer unfun sometimes and i feel we should be given the choice to play with SWF groups or not.

I have Aspergers and losing so badly to SWFs groups makes me feel very victimized.

There are times when i win, i don't always lose, but SWFs groups making fun of me still gets to me a bit.

Please, give people the option to cancel out SWF groups or do something to identify who is SWFs in the lobby or not.



  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,118

    It is on the more rare side to get an actual group that is out to ruin your day but trust me it does happen. I'm talking all the survivors got the same annoying perks and are running flashlights tbagging after every pallet they drop and pointing at you, bodyblocking or saboing hooks constantly. It's a bit frustrating when you get those people. They aren't that common i think in like 40 games i had 2 or 3 games with people who acted like that.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,118

    You seem to misunderstand what i mean. I mean when THEY are purposely acting rudely to ruin the match for the killer. I'm giving examples of what they do.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    Well I got a clicky clicky Streamer with his Swf Last week...

    I got 11 hooks, 3K them with my Demo Boy and gived the Last one the hatch. But in the End Chat they raged telling me that I'm a lagswitching (Bad Word) (Bad Word), get gud, Camping tunniling noob Baby Killer, go (Bad Word) youself, you Trash (Bad Word)...

    Tbh I Love to play against this Kind of Streamers... I was laughing a hour because of that.

    However I think it's not that bad to play against Swf...

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,775
    edited September 2020

    Sorry you got some of those (rare) squads that run circles around a killer, and also sorry they turned out to also be some of those (much less rare sadly) toxic & abusive teams that give the whole a rotten reputation.

    I'd be interested in knowing your preferred killer(s), perk loadout, maps you struggle on, hrs in game, and the like. Maybe we can give you pointers or some guidance to handle a possible SWF a lil easier.

    If the devs let a killer know in pregame they're facing even a 2-man SWF they'll dodge, every time, and so would I. So any SWF would never find a game and queue times worsen. I also believe giving Bloodpoint bonus, or changing the # of perks or the # of gens or whatever will not prevent such dodging.

    I do think solo survs and then killers need a boost to level against any coordinated team, and I have no problem really with saying who was in a SWF in post-game.

    But it comes down to your mental health. Play survivor or even another game of this one stresses way too much. We all have taken breaks from DBD to chill and reset ourselves, it is normal, especially playing killer.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    How is it terrible? Seems pretty accurate. Pain got many faces.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    This is difficult to understand for people that never experienced it, but still a pretty accurate comparison.

    Nothing to do with SWF, more with toxicity.

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    to be fair

    with the cross play

    you can just leave the lobby if there are 4PC player to avoid SWF

  • Pichihime
    Pichihime Member Posts: 23
  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    People want easy games or better, that a game feels easy even against good players.

    That's the reason, even high competetive professional players in other games create smurf accounts do demolish lesser experienced opponents. They do not want to sweat their ass off every match, they want some fun and easy games sometimes. You can't do that here, because many killers are locked behind a paywall and you do not have the perks you want right from the start.

    So obviously, people complain that SWF is unfair (because it is). You don't have to play against the 1% do get wasted in a match, get that in your head. You can not compare casual players with high tier killer player like otz nor with high survivor player. The majority of people do not want to play against these people. They have maybe the same rank, but thousands of hours more practice. Who will win most of the time?

    Just make and indicator in the lobby if you play against swf. Just try it out and if the playerbase drops, remove it. Because now you have nothing than speculation that it could happen but no proof.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    This, I was about to come in and type this. And if there is two sets of SWF then maybe put a 1 by the first set, and a 2 with the second set.

  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    No Changes will ever be made. Though I WISH there was a separate mode where swf get less points and killers get double for the extra challenge. Or rank matches are solo ONLY. It's undeniable the cross map info leaking chat is so unfair. Solo vrs. swf is drastically different

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    I'm not saying you can't, what I'm saying is for killers to have the ability to turn 'match with SWF' off. You can still play, but only with killers that don't mind SWF

  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    What if the killer had the entity helping. It would be much easier, But this doesn't exist. Instead every second counts as a killer or we will get owned. Definitely against a swf. You admit swf is MUCH easier

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,775

    No killer will ever willingly play against a known SWF. None. I won't either. No bloodpoints or conditions will change that imo. They'd never get matches, queue times soar, and the largest portion of the players start leaving the game entirely.

    It's too late for that. Must find another way to level the field, like improving the info for solos and then buffing killers accordingly.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. We need a 6th player: The Imp!

    It’s a relatively weak assistant to the killer with built-in comms. He is meant to harass survivors and feed info to the killer. The killer chooses if he wants an Imp helper or not, and can invite a friend.

    In matchmaking, SWFs always prioritize matches with an Imp. Solos prioritize non-Imp games. This should level the playing field quite a bit between SWF and killer. It also helps with SWF vs Solo since they’ll be separated most of the time! (Sometimes a solo will get an Imp game to fill the open spot from a 3-man SWF.)

    No reason playing Killer has to be so lonely. Now this role can be social as well!

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    As much as I hate swf, if there was an option to avoid them practically every killer would do it.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Just one question. If you don't find out in lobby (like it is currently possible by checking friendlist) how are you able to claim that it was an SWF that ruined your killer game?

    Just saying, if it was a flashlight save, it was not necessarily an SWF. If it was bodyblocking, it was not necessarily SWF. If someone cleansed a totem and you did not notice anyone seeing it except one survivor, it is not necessarily SWF.

    Just saying

  • Pichihime
    Pichihime Member Posts: 23

    Sorry but I have to disagree, there are plenty of SWFs that are optimal enough to garner an unfair advantage, you don't need to be a cream of the crop tier team to destroy a Killer at all. Even IF it was really just a small percentage like you say, that doesn't make it right.

    Yes, lots of survivors just whine about SWF when they have plenty of room for improvement, but this is really just a different discussion altogether. What we all need to realize is that optimal SWFs are more common than you'd think and they unbalance the game, and it needs to be looked into.

  • Pichihime
    Pichihime Member Posts: 23

    Which is very hypocritical of her to imply, plenty of times when she gets destroyed, either just oblivious or wants to look tough. (Hint: it's the latter)

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    It can be a nonissue and still have loads of delusional killers who think that it IS an issue and that every loss is due to the DBD boogeyman, SWF. The amount of times a red ranked killer has gotten stomped out by a group of SOLO queue survivors and instantly blamed SWF is hilarious. I don't get the mentality. You DO miss a lot of things when you can't communicate with other survivors but it's not that hard for good players to have some sort of coordination with each other.

    I play SWF with my boyfriend and two players who have around 150 hours each in the game. We lose WAY more than my boyfriend and I would lose if we just duo queued with two randoms at our rank level.

    But most killers think "SWF = dodge at all costs", despite the fact that a majority of SWF groups are just a bunch of trash players or good players being held back by their trash friends. SWF still farm each other, give each other false/bad info, make HORRIBLE plays, etc. Maybe not so much at red rank... but it's not like SWF changes would only apply to one rank. And if it did, there would be nothing stopping survivors from purposely depipping to avoid any red rank SWF repercussions that could be introduced.

    Anyways, I don't think that BHVR will ever, or should ever, punish friends for playing with each other. I think the best they can do is figure out match making so that it's easier for higher skilled survivors to be matched with higher skilled killers- but at the same time, I still think what they have now isn't too bad. You can be rank 1 as a killer and get sweaty squads, but it's not like it's constant- you still get plenty of lobbies with potatoes who are easy to defeat. At least, that's my boyfriend's experience as a rank 1 killer, I guess I can't assume it's universal.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    Nah not every SWF group is cordinate Swat and to an SWF works the players need to be at least good

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    I know but 99% of the killers will dissable, am i wrong?

    and those who dont disable will be new players that dosent know how to disable or dont even know the existence of this option

    And the game will die, why do you think that the majority of players play as survivals? cause you can play with friends

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    But it is an issue. Don´t get me wrong, I think SWF is a core feature that definately should stay. I also think that the innate ability to communicate and coordinate in a game that doesn´t account for that in regards to balance causes a tremendous balance shift in favor of the survivors. You don´t have to be a tournament team to call out where the Killer is going, if shack pallet was used, when it´s safe to safe or what´s going on in general.

    If I were playing in low ranks or vs potatoes all the time I wouldn´t mind SWF. That´s not what people complain about mostly. It´s good players teaming up, gaining like what, 6+ info perks for free? So they all can use DS+UB+Exhaustion+Flex (but really flex is almost always SC/BT/ADR/SC) and still have more info than a solo player equipping 4 info perks.

    As someone who plays solo only I sometimes envy SWF players for effectively having 10+ perks. Some don´t even know how good they have it. I agree with you though that 4 good solo players can be just as challenging as a rather mediocre SWF team.

    You can´t say with a straight face that this is fair, neither for solo players and especially not Killers.

    Highlighting who is in a premade in a lobby is propably the wrong way. Most matches have at least a 2 man anyway. It kinda evens out that the Survivors don´t know which Killer they´re facing beforehand. But something has to be done, as in red ranks, swf have too many unfair advantages.