I'm done, maybe i'll back when kindred basekit / keys-moris gone

Funchal Member Posts: 43
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Devs are give a sh#t to fix bugs, imagine the frustrations that keep players out from fun on both sides.

I honestly cannot tolerate this incompetence anymore, do you know how much you are losing by making stupid decisions?

Why this game is not free? you already capitalize with dlcs and skins, what're you guys waiting for?

How do you intend to close the SWF-Solo gap if you don't even include macro messages?

Sincerely i'm fed up, from the bottom of my heart i hope you will go bankrupt and be bought by a decent company

Goodbye, and I wish a lot of patience for those who stay


  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    Lol I hope this game will never be free,its not that expensive anyway,this game being free will ruin it for good,since cheaters already exist and pretty hard to deal with.I agree with the game not being free,the only thing I would like is a way for players to obtain licensed killers or auric cells without irl money.Like grinding.