Dream World

Vysenya Member Posts: 11
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I recently played a match against a Freddy, I spawned already in the dream state, and for some reason I couldnt use the alarms to wake myself up, and my teammates could not wake me up either. This is the second time its happened to me, and Ive played this game for 2 years, it must be a bug? I mean it was on the new map, Midwitch.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,936

    Freddy has an add on called Black Box where a survivor starts in the Dream World and cannot be woken up.

    What add ons was the killer using?

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    Have you looked at his addons? Theres an addon called "Black Box" that makes your obsession start in the dream world and the obsession cannot wake up.


  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    One of freddy's addons puts the obsession to sleep and they cant be woken up. You probably got hit by that.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    This is the second time its happened to me, and Ive played this game for 2 years,

    Can we take a moment and think about that this person apparently hasn't seen black box in 2 years of playing this game? That's an addon Freddy's had since release.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    ######### would you use paintbrush? 😂 This thread is killing me, someone hook me already.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2020

    No man, Freddy is my main. I don't normally use add-ons at all (because lets be real they all suck since the nerf). But If I do use add-ons my main squeeze is Swing Chains w/ Pill Bottle, Blue Dress, Jump Rope, Nancy's Masterpiece .

    If I felt like going pallets then I would use just a pallet add on, and obviously the best is Paint Thinner w/ any of the above including Swing Chains.

    If you can't tell I also don't focus on just one thing being stronger than the other. I mix and match, because again. Freddy doesn't even need add ons, but the ones I have listed are deffiently the strongest and usually the only ones you ever want to use.

    The reason why Black Box, and Red Paint Brush are entirely pointless to good players, is because you don't get much from keeping just 1 survivor in the dream world (black box). In addition to that - good survivors don't fail skill checks to wake up easily (Paintbrush). On top of the fact that to counter both of them, you just have to wake up the same way any good survivor normally would, so they are add ons that are only difficult for less experienced players. Good players wake up and stay awake from getting hooked, using a clock, or waking each other up. It's how you counter freddy by staying awake without having to fail a gen check, so the Paintbush is pointless outside of the fact that everyone starts asleep, but then they just mad dash for their clock and go on the nearest gen, hiding from Freddy is easy when in the dream world he has a set terror radius at a large range, good survivors always see freddy long before he see's them (Which is why many consider Pill Bottle the best on him). Also Swing Chains is a nice bonus to reducing gen speed, but even good players can barely notice the difference and slam out gens just as easily even when in the dream world. As far as keeping survivors in the dream world. Freddy has an easy time keeping ontop of all the survivors all the time, and good freddy's do - they don't need an add on that puts or keeps survivors in the dream world.

    Nancy's masterpiece though, hidden secret for good Freddy's. It's extremely useful to make staying on top of survivors stronger. Since you can keep everyone in the dream world anyways, when they are all stuck there your teleport cooldown is incredibly low, and you are teleporting as often as hooking and cutting people off in chases.

    So yeah. I am not just a beginner on Freddy. Especially when I have to explain the basics of the killer to you.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    In my experience, Survivors could care less about being in the Dream state and waking up -- ever since the ridiculous nerf that removed action speed penalties while you're dreaming. (What a stupid change along with his invis nerf; #ForeverSour about the Freddy "rework" lol)

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    So be fair before the rework (so a year of the 2 they've been playing) Black Box didn't prevent the obsession from waking up.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Pre-rework paint brush was THE #########. Combo it with Z Block and Monitor and Abuse and you have a 3 second dream transition and 0 TR in the dream world. Run that on Lery's and watch everyone get scared.

    Nobody really used Black Box. IMHO the OG Black Box was only good for the infamous Black Box + Old Dying Light + Mori "Tunnel Freddy" build where you spawn in, beeline straight for the obsession, and tunnel him with the intent to mori him to proc Dying Light as fast as humanly possible.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    I know nobody used it?? I mained freddy up to the release of ph and now he's my 2nd main, I knew the strategies people would use which addon and perk for. I'm just saying that it's old effect didn't prevent you from waking up like it does now.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Ah, the old dying light, black box, ivory mori combo, that was fun. Whenever I felt pissed at the game, I would run that combo. God I miss old Freddy.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Then clearly you havn't been playing that long, because "play how you want" died a very long time ago for Killers. If you're not playing the best when you are in high ranks, you just get stomped on unable to do anything with the whole game used against you. Also Killers are limited to a very small pool of killers that actually have enough untility to juggle survivors, pressure gens, and stay ahead.

    My description did just that. Using Freddy's purples are pointless, and then you are going to lose against good players.