Fix your bugs!!

DariusB92 Member Posts: 122


Hooks- so freaking tired of hooks not working. Tired of survivors getting free stuns which are longer than normal. It's ridiculous

Breaking objects/vaulting- also so sick of everytime I go to vault it bugs out for like 30 seconds not vaulting. Same with kicking generators and pallets

Tired of the random teleporting. I go to swing ,next thing i know I'm in a different location facing the wrong direction. Go to the hook a survivor or interrupt them and its the same exact issue

Hit Validation- it's garbage. As a killer they are definitely in reach but yet my swings don't seem to hit them, at all. Survivors get free misses because of this HV b.s. As a survivor , killers can be swinging the opposite direction and or not even physically close and the hits get me. Same with huntress hatchets. I have literally gotten hit when I'm behind a tree or it flies past me or even when I'm left and they throw right.

MMr- it's just bs honestly. I have the same rank as killer and survivor(9/10). As a killer, i get matched with 3 and 4 group people who are just trolls or magically pop like 4 gens in 1 minute while I'm chasing one of their team member. And yes i know when I'm being goated. As a survivor, I'm teamed with ranks 16-20 where I basically feel I'm playing by myself.

Most of these things have been happening often and way worse when the new update for The Blight came out and its just plain frustrating and makes the game broken. As a killer, it feels like you are at a big advantage since you can't hook survivors which is wasting time as is the faulty break actions. I play Ps4 and I always have great connection so none of this is due to lag

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