Cosmetics I Would Love To See


I really enjoy cosmetics for my characters for many reasons, where to stand out or just give yourself more personality.  Anyway, here is what I am thinking [will edit post to add more ideas that come in mind]:

Fur trim parkas for Nea, Feng Min, Kate, and Meg.  Not sure about the parka colors themselves but the fur trims on the hoods could be either brown, gray, or even some colors that stand out like pink or dark blue.

More jeans with boots, like uggs or something for Nea, Feng Min, Kate, and Meg because why not.

Medieval Plate Armor for David King.  He is an absolute unit and truly is a Knight in shining armor.

War Paint for David King.  I like the style with his beard so even if it were just that option with war paint would be fine.  Or bald with a big beard.

Those are my ideas currently and would love to see them come into fruition!
