My matches (on certain killers) are WAYYYY too hard

Ok. I don't put that lightly. I recently upgraded to a new computer a week ago because my old one couldn't keep up with killer and I got somewhat decent with huntress. Keep in mind I'm rank 15 on killer, Rank 1 (currently 2) on survivor. It's not like I'm a noob complaining with this but I think this is worth mentioning.

Let's say I play a game as huntress. I don't have a great setup, I think pop and whispers, some other perks as well, but I (being a rank 15) face against purple//red rank survivors. However when I play hag or pig, I get an easy 4k. I know because of the new mmr system it gives you harder survivors for how good you are at a certain killer but the last time I played huntress and actually got a 4k was 2 months ago and the survivors were my level. After that, everything has been going downhill for my huntress.

I'm a Plague main personally, and I'm kinda mad because what happened to Huntress is happening to my Plague.

**The conclusion is, I would personally think it's best if mmr resets every month, similar to rank, but if you get Brutal Killer // Entity Displeased 3 games in a row, your matches need to become easier because killer at this point is incredibly stressful**

I get that it seems like I'm a crybaby with this but I can personally admit that I am not a good killer, I just play for fun. Those matches are not fun.