Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Survivors can change characters when in a lobby but killers can't?

Member Posts: 5,781
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I am not sure if this has been discussed before, but I have noticed that survivors can change their character in a lobby and a killer can't, at least not anymore. Why is this a thing? A whole SWF squad could have a loadout ready with like Object of obsession or powerful items and switch to it last second when all killers can do is watch. This may not be huge, but I thought that this was worth sharing.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 415
    edited September 2020

    This is because all survivors are essentially the same as all perks just transfer between all survivors, as to where killers have a specific power to each of them and with the new mmr there trying to give you more survivors based off your personal skill with each killer.

    Edit : just incase it wasnt clear. I could have the same setup on all my characters so switching last minute doesnt really do anything as for killer your power is specific so switching last minute to plague vs 4 med kits ect

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Yes this has been discussed (search function is your friend).

    Survivors are just skins. They can swap to any character with OoO and you wouldnt know. It changes nothing.

    It was disabled for killers for MMR (your specific killers will have specific MMRs). MMR was temporarily disabled. It will be reenabled at a later date. It wouldnt make much sense to patch it out only to have to repatch it in again soon. Currently, it can be reenabled on the back end - meaning no patch is required to turn it back on.

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    I'm glad someone is bringing this to light ,I asked a dev why this is still a thing no response as it's unfair to the survivor to use a different killer, it is unfair to the killer for survivor's to be able to switch, because they have a specific build on the characters to run against a killer and most likely the one who do this are hackers because they're not supposed to know who you are until the end of the match but hopefully one day they'll change it seems like an easy fix could be made.

  • Member Posts: 641

    It's for their future matchmaking system which is supposed to have weights for each killer per person so you are being matched with weaker survivors on killers you have less experience with

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    This is true and has been discussed before, rather extensively.

    The DEVs reasoning behind it being that since Survivors are basically just skins and play all the same way it doesn´t matter.

    They are still working on implementing Killer MMR and changing the qeue for Killers back only to be set back to what it is now seems unneccessary work in their eyes.

    It kinda sucks though that last second switching is unaccounted for. We just have to suck it up.

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    Survivor's aren't just skins and most of the sweat teams as this community says know this,it's an entire different chase with a Feng Min vs chasing a Dwight

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Can you elaborate on that? Because they are literally just skins. Unless youre referring to grunt noises?

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Now imagine if survivors could see which killer they are facing. 😘

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    You would never find a game as spirit and every other "OP" killer

  • Member Posts: 641

    There was an exploit for a bit (not sure if it got fixed) where survivors could by viewing a file while having the game open... Forgot where someone mentioned how to do it and whether it has been patched since

  • Member Posts: 2,015
  • Member Posts: 44

    I mean i switch when I'm in a lobby but that's just because I'm putting points into another survivor to get the teachables onto my Dwight. I also rarely bring items in unless theres a challenge like blind the killer or heal survivors.

  • Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2020

    i mean...they nerfed DS 3 times and gave it 5 reworks with a 2 second buff to stun killers which is bugged atm and Unbreakable also is easily counterable by you know...not leaving them on the ground.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    They should make it that when you search for a lobby everything should be locked, survivor and killer. Skip the loading into second lobby and showing offerings bits, just go straight into the match. Can have something in the HUD show if there's something like BPS. No more lobby/offering dodging or last minute switches.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    The exploit is still there. You look at the log-files to identify the customisation IDs of the killler (which are unique for every killer), which is logged the moment the matchmaking puts you in a lobby.

    The developers attempted to fix it by encrypting the files AFTER the application is closed, which is completely pointless obviously.

  • Member Posts: 55

    It's been discussed, and the main thing you'll hear is "The survivors are just skins" which is true to an extent.

    For me that extent is they have to have 100% of perks on all survivors, with all of them being the same rank, and you must have at least one of each item/add-on/offering that you have on one survivor, on all the others.

    That is the only scenario that survivors are essentially skins, because otherwise all the survivors have different sizes, sounds, and cosmetics that could help you hide better or worse depending on who you are. Also most people don't have everything on every survivor, so you will have at least one of your survivors have better items or perks than one of your others.

    For that reason survivors aren't just skins, cause skins should only change the visuals, and if one of your survivors is decked out and the other isn't then they aren't just skins at that point.

    So they should lock survivor selection too In my opinion cause unless someone can meet those requirements then you'll have one survivor character who has better perks or items than your other survivors.

    Extra: Also for people who want to say this is fair since survivors can't see the killer, or if they lock survivors then they should let survivors see the killer. You have to remember this is a horror-themed game, and in horror movies the killer typically stalks the survivors and sees what they have/who they are before they kill or attack anyone and reveal themselves in the first place.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503
    edited November 2020

    The killer can't exactly watch a player switch from one survivor to a survivor with a different perk loadout. I mean, the killer doesn't see which perks are equipped, that player could've switched from a Meg running Object of Obsession and Soul Guard to a Laurie running Adrenaline and Deliverance, the killer would have no idea either way. The only case in which a survivor character is more than just a skin is Claudette in dark clothes, but that has nothing to do with perks.

    The big problem is survivors being able to last-second switch with items, either suddenly putting on a key or switching to a character with a key. It's the last-second items that screw over a killer being able to properly prepare for a match.

  • Member Posts: 334

    Did you even bother to read the posts before yours???

    They made infinitely more sense and had far less conspiracy attached.

  • Member Posts: 494

    There probably be an increase in “lobby dodging” because you were leveling up a specific survivor and got into a match. I know if I was about to go into a purple match with a level 10 Kate with 4 rank one perks, I’d definitely dodge to switch back to one of my 50s and wait another eternity for a match so I have a chance. Along with just accidentally switching characters before the match and having to leave switch back for various reasons (challenges, rituals, etc.).

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    No, they shouldn´t. The gap between swf and solo survivors need to be closed, not widend. Why would you take away some of the few ways for solo survivors to coordinate?

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Seeing what item my teammate is bringing isn't going to help me as solo player, especially when they are doing last minute switches. There's no coordination going on in that first lobby, just wasting extra time before the match.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    well, i speak with my fellow teammates before the match, especially if i want to bring perks like plunderers instinct or inner strength, which depends a little on what other players do. Sure, you got times when you tell people you open chests for items for all that they run straight to the chests and open them all, but other times you have ppl throw in coins for even more items.

    The fact that you dont use the lobby this way doesn´t mean noone does. It just doesn´t happen automaticly, you have to communicate activly. I know, a strange concept.

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