Hide all offerings from the other side

Why not just prevent the opposite side from seeing any offerings?
Well, with the exception of shared XP, such as cakes.
Reason is, there seems to be a lot of loading screen DCs these days. I can only assume people are seeing a hidden killer offering and assuming the worst. If all were hidden it might prevent this from happening, or at least reduce it.
I mean, is there really any point in seeing offerings anyway?
And no, i don't personally use moris, I mostly play survivor.
I agree with this. The only reason it is there is mostly for Survivor's - but also in case your offering gets canceled somehow it doesn't burn away -- but I think at least all killer offerings should be secret so it isn't so 50/50 obvious that they bring a mori into the match.
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You say that knowing full well that they added these Blueprint offerings here recently? You don't think the Killer would like to know if Survivor's used a Shroud?
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Or if a survivor is going to be tunneled off their first hook, just to be immediately eliminated from the match?
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Honestly, they should just stop with secret offerings. Survivors should know if there's a Mori in the game, just as much as killers should know if there's a Key.
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No more secret offerings and yes if I do see a key in the lobby I do want to see if the brought a blueprint to then tunnel them into an early grave