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There is no cap on Kindred and Open-Handed as for killer aura-reading range

• Platform: Steam
• Description of the issue: This combo's killer aura-reading range had been limited up to 24 meters, but it can stack with no limit now. Following is screen shot from a YT video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnD5TB4iyiY). This SWF using 4 kindred and 4 Open-Handed, so they can see killer's aura up to 48 meters from hook.
good this is the kind of change I like to see, a team giving up 8 perk slots for a strong ability when one of them is on hook
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That's actually pretty cool, I'd rather see creative builds like this than the same old DS, Unbreakable, Exhaustion, Meta Perk #4.
Makes me wonder what it would be like if DS just stayed broken and BHVR finally got around to changing 5s to 10s and whatever other simple changes many perks need to be usable.