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HEX: BUG, Flashlight

So last week or two the HEX totems seems to be bugged, for example Ruin still up after destroyed totem or more than one time I cleansed all totems on the map and in the end K has his NOED active.
(I destroyed 2 hex by myself and can't find any other Totem on the map, but Ruin is still up, I was trying to find the Ruin but it's impossible. When the game was over I saw the K runs only 2 hex perks, so it must be deactivated.)
It's nearly impossible to save your random buddies when K has no totems left but he's running like a ghost with his NOED up and killin' everybody. If you don't save them they will be salty af so you're coward etc.
(Found all 5 totems destroyed but NOED is active, another game I cleansed all totems by myself and ofc, noed is active.)
And what about flashlights, sometimes seems like it's impossible to flash K, not working at all, you can have accuracy addons, optics etc., you can't flash K to try rescue, can't flash on pallet, can't flash when K vaulting window. Beam is still the same size and there's no reduce, looks like I have my flashlight only to light my path in the dark forest. It's not only me, my friend have this exact problem aswell and he's way better flashligher than me.