Buffing Wiggles maybe? Or lessen the amount of hooks...?

XCell324 Member Posts: 12
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Am I the only one who thinks wiggles need a buff of some sort. I've tried running the perk that speeds up wiggle speed and still, even with two other players body blocking the hook, the killer is able to smack the survivors out of the way unless they're willing to go down in order to save their friend. But even then it's sometimes useless to do so. So I was thinking either wiggles need a buff or there needs to be less hooks or maybe both because right now there is literally no point in wiggling unless you're playing at least a 3-man swf game WITH all three of you running the perk that speeds up wiggling. I mean, it could just be me, but I wanted to point this out in case others are thinking the same.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    I dunno if this is true or not but I remember reading that the wiggle mechanic was introduced cuz the killer would just drag survivors to the basement everytime.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    no, if you get no help the killer should always be able to get you to a hook unless he's in a hook dead zone from previously sacrificed survivors.

    even just one body block shouldn't drastically increase your chance of wiggling off unless the killer was barely in distance of a hook.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    its not for you to get out, its to make the killer actually hook you and not just run around carrying you to an area they can pressure well

  • Lusiem9
    Lusiem9 Member Posts: 87

    No its dont need buff

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the wiggle mechanic is not ment to get you off the killers shoulder, its ment to limit the killers free choice of hooks for you, forcing them to put you on a hook nearby instead of getting to the basement whenever they wish.

    wiggeling off is supposed to be extremely rare and should not be achievable without teamwork (sabo) or the killer screwing up.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Imagine how ######### it'd be to player as the killer if people would frequently wiggle off.

  • XCell324
    XCell324 Member Posts: 12

    How exactly is it a bad thing to have hooks go away after getting a kill? And if they complain about bleeding to death, I think that's just their problem... I mean, if a killer made me salty some how, I'd rather bleed out instead of getting hooked. But that's just me if I were heated.

  • XCell324
    XCell324 Member Posts: 12

    If it's not meant to get off their shoulders and it meant to prevent them from getting basement all the time, then why give us the wiggle option? Why not just put a timer so survivors don't waste their time trying to wiggle?

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    There is a timer.

    I t s c a l l e d w I g g I l n g m y g u y

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited October 2020

    Wiggling is a timer for the killer. The killer only has so long to hook you and can't bring you into the basement for every down.

    I agree hooks should be further apart, but only to maximize the distances killers have to walk to hook survivors. I do not support more wiggle outs.

  • XCell324
    XCell324 Member Posts: 12

    I don't know about everyone else, but I would rather not have to twiddle my thumbs to make a killer hook me faster if there's no reward in the end for it. Might as well, just have the wiggle bar slowly fill on its own instead of having survivors fill it.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Hi. This always pops up every few weeks.

    It’s important you understand that the wiggle mechanic is not meant to reliably get you an escape, except where the killer is being too greedy about where to hook you, or you’ve been fortunate enough to go down in a hook dead zone due to a previous sacrifice.

    You wiggle to make sure the killer puts you on the closest available hook, instead of the killer freely choosing to put you in the basement every time, or in the middle of some gens they’re defending so that they don’t need to leave the area.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Honestly wiggle time and hook distance feels almost perfectly balanced at the moment to me from both sides.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Messing with hooks is a super risky thing to change up, because the killer already has to invest so much time into getting one hook. that messing with even one or two hooks per match can break most of the killers who have trouble as is already.

    Maybe if perks like ds, dead hard and unbreakable didn't control the flow of the match as much as they currently do then I think its a possible thing that they can look into.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I don't think wiggles should be buffed or hooks should be nerfed, but I would like to see Flip-Flop buffed. (Seriously, the fact that it only brings 40% to your wiggle bar from a max recover without UB is kinda lame- really, there's no reason it shouldn't be 50%. It's already such a niche perk imho.)

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Just use a swamp offering lol honest to God that map has the most spaced out hooks in the game

  • XCell324
    XCell324 Member Posts: 12

    I mean, even if a perk to increase odds of wiggle escapes were to happen, I think it'd be kinda cool. I'm just tired of wiggling for basically no reason at all.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It's a problem for the exact reason I pointed out - it creates deadzones where the killer gets punished for completing their objective by not being able to complete any more of it.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    You aren't meant to escape the killer's grasp before being hooked without serious outside influence like Saboutage or Breakout. The game is balanced around survivors being hooked, not jumping off every 3 seconds.

  • Freesham
    Freesham Member Posts: 262

    I actually think a few more hooks should be added on some maps. The hooks in some areas are really sparse, and sometimes difficult to get the survivor to the hook before they struggle out.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    nah, spreading out the hooks will create dead zones that survivors will run to every time. Swf will also abuse this by body blocking the hook.

  • XCell324
    XCell324 Member Posts: 12

    I beg to differ. Even as a killer, I seem to have no real struggle with hooking survivors after catching them. I think there's maybe one hook too many on some maps, or at times they're clustered together from what I've noticed. Like even if the survivor tried wiggling, it would make no difference since the hooks are pretty much just in front of them.

  • XCell324
    XCell324 Member Posts: 12

    I just think even if there were dead zones, the killer could still use them to their advantage. Almost like changing the meta on how to kill survivors by not relying on hooks... Maybe if there were a perk to speed up the dying state... I don't know. I'm just saying I'm just tired of having the option to wiggle when there really is no point to it if there is an extremely low chance for reward. I mean, if they change how wiggling works in general, (for example: not having to have the player press buttons for the bar to fill up), I guess I would just drop it. In my personal opinion, I feel like there's almost no point to wiggling to begin with.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Okay, don't wiggle and let the killer put you in the basement every single time.

    IT ISNT THERE FOR YOU TO ESCAPE. The point is to limit the killers options. If you want the killer to always have a massive advantage, sure. Don't wiggle. See what happens when you get someone that knows what that means.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited October 2020

    SWF has no place in talking about base game balance (because different rules should apply to SWF, but what or when or if is in extreme question).

    I'm speaking from experience and examples (because empiricism rules) when I was a killer and did not have survivors wiggle out even though I spent the full sixteen or so seconds it takes to carry a survivor to a hook almost every time I had to hook one.

    This was a game on Rancid Abbatoir with only seven hooks on the map, spread as far apart as possible. I was Hillbilly (back when he was fun to play for me, and seriously, the changes can go disappear in a hole somewhere. The sounds and visuals are a huge destroyer of enjoyment), and no one had burned any hook offerings.

    It was tense, and required a lot more thought than I usually give to hooking survivors. i.e. I had to choose one of two destinations and stick with it.

    Also, I hate the reworked sabo mechanics. All that work for something so lacking in planning and forethought.

    Edit: I'd be happy to give my experience in that one game in full detail if so desired.

  • To explain, i personally think it needs a buff. Not a huge one that makes it easy, but killers can go so slow and mess up and hit people and still make it to a hook, like hook to hook a lot of times is like a half-wiggle away. It should make the killer focus on hooking you instead of having so much free time before youll get off

  • XCell324
    XCell324 Member Posts: 12

    If it's intended to keep a killer from choosing any hook they want every time, then why not just make it a timer instead of having the player waste their time? Also, its not like I'm asking for a huge buff if it were to get buffed. The most annoying part for me is when the wiggle bar is full but you still get hooked instead of getting off when you're suppose to. It's kinda like putting in effort for literally nothing.

  • XCell324
    XCell324 Member Posts: 12

    Yeh, I can see that. But the main thing I notice is there seems to be one too many hooks on certain maps or versions of a map or two and seems kinda unfair to me. (Even as a killer) I mean as a killer I like it. Just seems unfair in my opinion is all.

  • HyenaScreech
    HyenaScreech Member Posts: 9

    Considering body blocking is a reportable offense and it's hard enough to get a survivor on a hook as it is. I do not support this post at all

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    Nope, body blocking is not a reportable/bannable offense, holding the game hostage is a bannable offense.

    I don't think that the wiggle mechanic needs to be buffed, there are ways of getting free but it requires team work - other survivors taking hits whilst blocking a doorway or something, plus there's perks to help, Boil Over, Breakout etc as well as Sabotage, it just needs a bit of team work.