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Broken cosmetics log

rhodiumguy Member Posts: 24
edited October 2020 in Bug Reporting

As you all probably know there is a lot of obviously broken cosmetics that require attention from the devs. We often buy skins with real money so I guess we deserve some kind of support if the skin is not as good as it looks in the store.

Here you can report the cosmetic weirdness you've came across. We should work together to let the devs know we're not so happy with our purchases and it would be great if they fixed the skins we bought.

Please describe your problem and upload some screenshots if you can. @BioX @jdcabral @pepperoninipples @ProfoundEnding are welcome here

I've got a problem with Meg's newest skin, Jewel of the party.

Her hands look weird while she's doing a gen cuz these long sleeves partly disapper falling through her fingers. Her back's also kinda defective since there's a tiny piece of skin peeking through the dress in a place where it shouldn't do so.

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