Killer Lunge attacks rework

I do think the Lunge attack needs to be looked at. While I don't mind the fact that there is a Lunge attack able to cover more ground quicker, I most certainly do think it should be tweaked so that you can't turn corners while lunging. 

When you use a Lunge you should be committed to the direction it was in. Too many times have people been knocked down due to the bs of a killer being able to do a almost 180 degree turn while lunging forward with their weapon around a obstacle. Most certainly needs to be changed. 


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I am sure it would be, but maybe that's because I actually play both sides. The lunge works the way it does for a good reason. Windows and pallets are not walls.

    Why don't you think more before you get into a chase? Why don't you think more when you see the Killer is about to lunge?

  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    I play both sides too. 

    There are hits I have gotten on survivors which I know is pure BS. And I can see you are already starting to say that its my fault? How is it? I can't control when I get into a chase, if a killer find me as a survivor they find me. I also just tried your any direction hint and the killer did a complete 360 while in a lunge and got me. So it just doesn't work. This is a bs exploit tat ruins chases for both survivors and killers. 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @jakeb_1993 said:
    I play both sides too. 

    There are hits I have gotten on survivors which I know is pure BS. And I can see you are already starting to say that its my fault? How is it? I can't control when I get into a chase, if a killer find me as a survivor they find me. I also just tried your any direction hint and the killer did a complete 360 while in a lunge and got me. So it just doesn't work. This is a bs exploit tat ruins chases for both survivors and killers. 

    Lunging is not an exploit and should not be nerfed just to appease people who lack the skill to evade and escape the Killer.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    That would make jukes way to easy.
    It would be HUGE nerf to all killer.
    Survivor can turn on dime without losing speed and think that kind of jukes are fair and skillful, but a killer actually aiming during a lunge is something that needs to get "fixed".

  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201
    Nope. It would be heavily abused by survivors and the lunge would never be used as all it would take to miss is the survivor changing direction, which if done right can currently cause a lunge to miss at max range. You would never see pallet mind games as it would be impossible for survivors to be hit without being able to lunge around corners. Lunges would be ignored and every killer would have to be right up the survivors butt and just tap attack. 
  • xxDeAd_SiLeNcE
    xxDeAd_SiLeNcE Member Posts: 23
    I think we’re all tired of survivors complaining about the already disadvantaged killers. Literally move in any direction and if the killer is poor at tracking the lunge will miss.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @Orion said:
    This would make lunges completely worthless. Literally just move in any direction and the lunge will miss 100% of the time.

    i was just about to write that. but as it seems, not many people actually realise the problem with that (all the LOL ratings).
    like, you press A or D while in a chase and you literally got away from the killers attack. not to mention 360s.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @jakeb_1993 said:
    I do think the Lunge attack needs to be looked at. While I don't mind the fact that there is a Lunge attack able to cover more ground quicker, I most certainly do think it should be tweaked so that you can't turn corners while lunging. 

    When you use a Lunge you should be committed to the direction it was in. Too many times have people been knocked down due to the bs of a killer being able to do a almost 180 degree turn while lunging forward with their weapon around a obstacle. Most certainly needs to be changed. 

    let me guess: rank 1 killermain, always 4ks and the game is waay too ez. also, survivors are completely underpowered and DS shouldnt be nerfed.
    next time your probaply gonna cry about the movement speed and that all killers should be as fast as the nurse, who should get removed btw, because they should rely more on mindgames and ambushes in order to hit survivors, cause everything else would be too op.

    no, i am not taking your post serious.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    360s would be new meta lol

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    Identity V has this kind of thing and in it lunges are completely useless. Don't make it like this 
  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @Orion said:
    I am sure it would be, but maybe that's because I actually play both sides. The lunge works the way it does for a good reason. Windows and pallets are not walls.

    Why don't you think more before you get into a chase? Why don't you think more when you see the Killer is about to lunge?


    The lunge is not the problem, these broken hit boxes are (Both broken hitboxes that vary to favour both sides sometimes)

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Absolutely not xD

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited September 2018
    No, with an extra layer of git gud on the side please.
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    HAHAHA this guy commented on my discussion saying that I needed to get better and when I get looped all game it's my fault because I'm not good enough. Then he goes and tries to nerf the killer lunge hahahahah this guy