April Fools Gamemode

DrunkenWrench Member Posts: 26
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Right now all we have is that classic 1 vs 4 that has been going on for aprox.4 years without any bare change to the game's core mechanics (ik, totems were added pretty early, and so did the ETC happen) but as a survivor, having to constantly hold m1 for 80 secs for a gen does not seem to immersive nor fun-ish to me. I mean, yeah, Killers have a sort of arsenal that allow them to have fun (I'm both surv and killer main, so I know what I'm talking) whilst survivors.... eh? Flashlights, little firecrackers, toolboxes and medkits, that's basically it.

So, I've been thinking about a type of gamemode that could cheer things up:

For e.g have you ever wished that DBD had some sort of April Fools Day event? If so, let me tell you what the devs could actually make, which will be a load of fun: There will be a total of 9gens &all of them however, will start at 100% progress, and if survivors touch them, instead of repairing the gens, they will regress them. If the Killer kicks a gen, it will progress back till it reaches 100% once again. out of these 9gens, 6 of them will explode in a big ball of "april fools day" confetti, followed by the Entity's laughter (the "destroy" timer of the gens will be reduced from 80 seconds, to 40.5 seconds) Please take note that playing this mode will not affect your rank, but will surely award you with blood points still.

Pallets however, will behave very whacky. Basically, Survivors will have to spam the struggle action bar for 4 seconds (if the Killer is in a proximity of let's say 6 meters, the Entity will root the Killer). If the survivor doesn't time the last action, the pallet will be dropped flat on the floor or it will simply be dropped vertically towards the Killer. If the Killer kicks a pallet, it will make it fly towards the nearest exit gate. Kicking 7 pallets will result in 1 gate being unable to be opened.

There will be a total of 7 chests: Both Survivors AND Killers can open these chests to either get a dose of the Blight's serum, or a huge blinding explosion making survivors scream and stunning them 9 seconds, or blind the Killer for 4 seconds altogether. Opening all the chests will force the Entity to drop an important object on the floor: The Entity's Claw. It can be used by Survivors as a method to pry pallet-blocked doors open; break breakable walls or simply destroy pallets themselves (I mean, who wouldn't like to do that) This item however, has a downside: it slows the Survivor by 40% and is very, VERY loud. It can however be used as a sort of weapon to parry a Killer's attack (consider it a sort of shield). If the Killer gets his/her/its hand on it, the Entity will award the Killer with the ability to cage a survivor in a sort of exhibition tank (the survivor can break free from it if someone else breaks the glass or if 30 seconds have passed. The Killer and other Survivors can see the one caught survivor within the cage but the Killer cannot interact with the caught survivor

All Survivors will have their voices swapped; Survivors will run at a speed of 3.9m / sec if the Killer hits them; Survivors can now grab pallets (if more than 1 survivor gathers around it) and move them freely around the map; however, this process has a timer, and if the survivors don't manage to place that pallet elsewhere, it will anger the Entity and make it break the pallet, whilst also placing a sort of spectral reddish Dunce hat on their heads. If a survivor uses a flashlight for too long, it will start losing accuracy and potentially drop it on the floor.

The Killer will have their power swapped with an alternating one. If the Killer gets stunned by any means, it will cause the screen to shake and make it rotate for 3 seconds whilst also slowing you down by 40% for the dizziness duration. The Killer however, can throw their main weapon at a survivor. If they land a hit, the survivor will be injured and slowed down aswell, if you miss, oh well, you'll have to go ALL the way to where your weapon landed. If you throw it in a place you can no longer retrieve your weapon, the Entity will give you an iridescent fog rod of pain. The rod can be charged by holding a specific interaction button. Releasing it will cause the Killer to swing like a baseballer. If you manage to hit an injured survivor, their body will fly until it reaches a stop. Making a survivor fly for more than 25m will play a homerun sound which can be heard map-wide; if the Survivor flies for more than 25m, within the Killer's 6m distance, there will be a little firework show which lasts for 6 seconds, where one can hear the Entity cheer the Killer in its own mysterious ways.

Sacrificing Survivors and Sacrificial Hooks will be off the table. Hooks will be replaced with cartboard hooks. The Killer will duct tape the Survivor around the hook, awarding them +20 blood points with an action saying: Caught! + Prank'd. If a player has been "hooked" for their third time: the hook will just simply break; and a fart noise will play afterwards, with an action message saying: hook too weak +9 blood points.

Now, time for the exit gates: You see, both exit gates will be fake, and opening them will result in a distorted tuba sound to play, as a symbol that it was basically a prank. Both exit gates will play the sound and the Survivors will trigger the EGC which is also rigged (ill get to that later). If a Survivor tries to escape through the hatch, the Entity will automatically kick the player back on the map, whilst also injuring them and also display a bunch of confetti popping out of it.

The EGC will be basically the end of the game: Once the timer reaches an end, all players within the trial will be brought in one place, where they can either break open the true exit gate, or stand in one point where the Entity can retrieve all players within the trial to the end-game screen. If every action is done, each player will come out with about 4000 bp. Players who played the event for the first time, will get a unique Killer/Survivor cosmetic: a red clown nose + rainbow hair (Killers with no hair or visible nose will get a sort of bag with colourful balloons hanging from them and a balloon animal version of their weapon)

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    omgz 😳😂

    ngl, I wish you worked for Behaviour, this is great... incredibly silly, and I love it!