Proposed Object of Obsession Rework

OoO rework: As the Killer's Obsession, you and the Killer will see each other's Auras for 4 seconds at the beginning of the trial. Whenever the Killer begins to chase you, both yours and the Killer's Aura will be revealed to non-obsession Survivors for 4 seconds whenever you enter chase. Whenever you stun the Killer, all Survivors see their Aura for 3/4/5 seconds. If you are not the Obsession, you will see the Obsession's Aura whenever they are in chase. Whenever you heal or unhook the Obsession, you become the Obsession. Drastically Increases the odds of being the Obsession. The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

Purpose: Most Killers do not like Object of Obsession, and as the game has grown, the perk has started to show its age. It is... somewhat problematic, and people who are trying to use it solo can get targeted and tunneled for using the perk because the Killer may think they're in a SWF. This rework allows for early game knowledge like the current version of OoO as well as letting the Killer know that the Survivor is using OoO. However, it becomes a very effective information perk for your team if you begin to be chased by the Killer, and can give you useful information when you can stun the Killer, becoming more of an object of obsession like the perks is called. Lastly it can help the Survivor even when they are not the Obsession and allows them a way to become the Obsession when they want to be the Obsession, if they happened not to be the Obsession at the beginning of the trial.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I only support things that keep things between the Obsession and the killer and do not involve other survivors.

    Counter suggestion:

    • OoO reduces movement speed by 7% when activated
    • When the killer looks in a 90 degree angle at an activated OoO, the survivor's camera is frozen in place for a few seconds, and the survivor hears the killer's terror radius.

    Killers don't like OoO users because they get a free headstart in chases most of the time. It's the movement speed and positioning of the survivor that causes most of the issues (ignoring SWF for the moment because that's a whole different problem) as most clearly evidenced by OoO users on Midwich. My solution addresses that directly without changing the spirit of OoO and without making it worthless for survivors who want to evade the killer. Additionally, this keeps its synergy with Sole Survivor.

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    @Kind_Lemon Killers like Hag and Trapper don't like OoO users because they make them unable to play. Having effectively free information to spread to teammates is a major issue of OoO, and why I mention how it has shown its age over time. While having 7% slowdown could be interesting, on principle, you should not be messing with speed, and it makes it so while you're a sleep against Freddy, trying to loop him, you're just constantly slowed by 7% due to the obliviousness. This change is because of SWF, while still keeping it useful. (I get that you said ignoring SWF, but it is simply too ingrained in standard play to ignore it.) I understand wanting to evade the killer, but there are other perks for that, and the potential for abuse, even with your changes, are greater than the potential uses for solo players. Also, Sole Survivor definitely needs a comprehensive rework at the moment, as it is useless unless you're going all in with Object and Sole Survivor.

    Thank you for your suggestions, but I do not think they will make the perk fair. Fairer, maybe, but not fair, and not fix its biggest issues.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I understand where you are coming from (I play a lot of Hag and Trapper and OoO is especially annoying with STBFL because the OoO is usually the one popping the traps :/), but I disagree that survivor perks should be changed on the basis of the external benefits one part of the survivor playerbase has. Solo survivors and SWF should be made as close to equal in balance as possible outside of perk balance before any perks should get drastically changed on account of SWF. Only when the bases are equal can balance changes on top of that be fair and/or equal.

    P.S. Regarding Freddy in the dream world, OoO only activates when looking at the killer, so avoid looking at him as much as possible when in a dream world chase to avoid the 7% penalty, then? Touching movement speed is fine as long as its the player's own choice to decrease his/her movement speed for the sake of a different benefit. If people don't want the debuff associated with OoO's active state, then they shouldn't bring the perk (see No Mither).

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    @Kind_Lemon If a perk can be abused, should it not be changed to where it cannot be abused? Your design still allows it to be abused. I understand where you are coming from, but you are not fixing the biggest issue with the perk. Additionally, the changes I suggested would be equally good for both SWF and Solo, making it so it's fair for both parties. Your version is still disproportionately stronger for SWF.

    For the Freddy aspect, you need to look at the killer from time to time in order to loop them. There's no getting around it. Additionally, No Mither is another perk that should be heavily revised and reworked, and is not a model of balance.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I like the idea but I personally would do this.

    Object Of Obsession: You and the killer reveal your auras to each other for 3/4/5 seconds. This happens every 1 minute during the trial.

    Why does this nerf OoO in swf teams?

    • 4 man object teams is pointless.
    • Can't get info every time they want it.
    • Can't bully trappers/hags to start the game.

    Why does this buff the perk for solo/new players?

    • You can now track when the auras will be revealed to each other.
    • It can help during chases.
  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    @CashelP14 Uh... your rework makes the perk basically worthless. You have no control over the perk. I get that your change does do what you said it does, but the changes I proposed does the 3 nerfs to swf teams, and the first buff. However, part of OoO that people wanted shut down is the free aura reading during chase when the Terror Radius is small, and your change does not make any changes to prevent that. Being able to have a free information makes it so the Killer cannot attempt to "mind game". Just how does this rework function better than the one I proposed?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I don't believe the chase part was the main pain of OoO. It's more the information a swf team can give each other by one person using the perk. The thing about my change is that it only will reveal auras for a few seconds so your only losing mind games for about 5 seconds. It's still a risk perk when it comes to stealth killers but I like that.

    I like your concept it's just that i don't find it as useful. In swf we already know who's getting chased and in solo I don't think it gives enough value. I'm working but I'll explain it better when I'm back at the house.