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“Monitor & abuse” any good?

I’m looking at playing doctor and one of his teachables is monitor and abuse and I wanted to know if it is particularly useful

Best Answer


  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    One of the best perks in the game.

    Classic Doc build: Monitor and abuse, Distressing, Unnerving presence and ruin.

    In my current build i have swapped monitor for undying, but as said above, monitor is very good on many killers, including doc.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Basically to me Monitor and Abuse is an alternative to perks that grant Undetectability or that make survivors Oblivious like Trail of Torment. Essentially any perk that reduces your terror radius means you can start chases a bit closer on average, cutting down the target’s time to get to safety. Monitor and Abuse’s strength is it’s a passive perk, it always works when you aren’t in a chase. The advantage of the Undetectability and Oblivious perks is that they eliminate your terror radius entirely plus Undetectability hides your red stain, but of course they also all have more limited durations or are triggered situationally.

    I think which you prefer will depend on your playstyle. But generally speaking Monitor and Abuse works best on the killers that have a smaller than normal terror radius to begin with because you’re getting a substantially better percentage range decrease out of it. Meyers at Evil 2 for instance is only 16 meter terror radius normally, so with Monitor is down to just a tiny radius (throw on his Dead Rabbit add-on or whatever it’s called and his terror radius is a ridiculously small 4 meters, he’s pretty much not giving any heartbeat warning until he’s virtually on top of the survivor.) Monitor has less impact on the normal terror radius killers but is still useful. Undetectability doesn’t trigger as often but when it does pays off with a greater chance of a successful ambush or even a grab if you’re lucky.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Funny part is you didn't even mention other killers who it's excellent on. Myers (especially with Infectious Fright), Pig (with Whispers) and Spirit.

    To the OP it's one of the few perks that is at worst good on most killers. Monitor is a very perk to run on any killer if you don't have the current meta perks for them.