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“NOED” considered toxic?

I wanted to give noed a run as it doesn’t seem that bad but I’m not the sort that likes to be toxic so just asking if this perk is considered toxic

Best Answer


  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    You are not supposed to justify your perks or your playstyles to anyone, have fun !

  • GoodLookinCookin
    GoodLookinCookin Member Posts: 341

    The perk is very unfun to face at times but it has nothing to do with being toxic.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    NOED is fine. Try it out. Like most Killers I think you will use it a bit a first and eventually leave it behind as you start to focus on your start and mid-game strategies over an end game approach. It is a perfectly legitimate Perk to take. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    My advice to you is purge the word "toxic" from your vocabulary. Thanks to the utterly subjective nature of its use, it has no meaning whatsoever. It is just a code word people toss around when they want to make excuses for their own poor performance. The word is so impotent now that it is the very definition of a "glittering generality." This is term you can look up. Long story short, ignore anyone using the word, avoid using it yourself, and just play the game.

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    NOED itself is not toxic. It depends on your playstyle. Many Killers (Especially Trapper noobs) wouldn't get a single kill if not for noed. Idleling the entire game, setting traps, don't care for gens and once the gates are triggered he get's his first down and starts snowbaling the guy's who want to rescue. It is not as much toxic as it is weak and noobish. Same with Insidious Bubba hook camping. These people are bottom feeders.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    edited October 2020

    Noed can be bad because you play with 3 perks either all game or almost all game. But it can sometimes also make all the difference. Pair it up with Bitter Murmur and perhaps also Blood Warden and the survivors could have a endgame nightmare 😀

    Toxic is how you play the game. No perk is toxic no matter how irritating Noed, DS etc can be.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    NOED is mainly a Haunted Grounds that happens to trigger in the endgame instead of the midgame. And since most games end with 0-2 kills (about 60% I think) it follows that you likewise get into that endgame stage most of the time so NOED has a chance to pay off with an extra down or two. The downside to NOED is that since it only works in those final couple of minutes it doesn’t have quite the potential to snowball momentum for a full 3k or 4k win that, say, getting one or two instant downs with Haunted Ground or Devour Hope can do by helping hook or kill survivors early on.

    The funny thing is that even though Haunted Grounds tends to pay off more than NOED, I’ve never gotten a single survivor complaint about it but boy do some of them hate NOED! I think it’s simply that once the gens are done they feel they’re entitled to escape and have already won the game, so if they get downed at that point with NOED they want to lash out more in frustration at victory being taken away. Of course had you had a perk that helped you down them earlier it could have been even worse for them, so it’s kind of short-sighted to think NOED is somehow overpowered or unfair.