I Play Funny Doctor Build


I have played The Doctor a lot and it took a lot time before I found my favorite perk build. I tried a lot different good perks like Sloppy Butcher, Thana, Pop, Haunted Ground, Discordance, etc. but they didn't really feel so good and funny in my hands and I rather do not use same perk build for every killer, like let's say the most common used perks Undying, Ruin, Pop, BBQ, etc.

So my current perk build is Save The Best For Last, Blood Warden, BBQ and Rancor + Discipline (Green/Purple) & Restraint (Any) addons.

I try to avoid my obsession (unless I hit him/her accidentally or he/she annoys me) and I try to focus more on chases than protecting the generators. I kick gens sometimes when I have time, like after hooking someone. So far, most of my matches have been pretty good (at Red Ranks) and I have killed my obsession many times.

However, it's sad that I have to rely on slugging (at the endgame), because I know that if I open the gate by myself, people are gonna think that I have Blood Warden and they stay away from the gates and hide, so it's better that I force them to open the gates themselves. Once I spot my obsession, I try to force him/her to open the gate, next I hook the slugged one and then I go and mori my obsession. It's amazing how many times I have moried my obsession with this kind of strategy. So basically my murder count relies on stupidity/bravery of survivors. Also, Doctor's addon/Static Blast helps a bit to find my obsession and they usually do not leave or open the gate when all the gens are ready.

So do you killer or survivor mains or neither believe that my slugging playstyle with this kind of build is justified because I want to have fun? I have received salt few times, but usually not from obsession, which is kinda weird tho.

Also, do you think that The Doctor is OP, generally, with or without addons, etc? Someone said after the game that The Doctor is OP, but I have never felt that way, tbh. Some surroundings can make him look so OP, but aren't the most of the killers that OP with some addons and perks, anyways?

Thanks you for reading all of this 😁


  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Doctor is far from OP, however he's extremely annoying.

    I am going to read out a comment from @Heartbound that perfectly explains why I hate the man.

    "Well friend. Let me walk you through the day of a doctor main.

    He's sitting down in his chair, ready to play some dead by daylight. Probably just finished watching three hours of stand up comedy. He sees the doctor, hears that loving laugh, and gets into queue.

    That didn't take long, which is a shame because he was trying out so many of the doctor's cosmetics! Today he's wearing a suit, using a baseball bat and has absolutely no skin on his head this time. Because Doctor.

    Now, where to find the survivors? Doctor doesn't need any game sense. He just pulses his magic circle and he's found someone!

    Hooray! Now to begin the chase!

    The survivor wants to throw down pallets and vault windows, but you're a doctor main. You know when to perfectly time your shocks. Sometimes Tier 3 Madness blocks the survivor for you! You never have to deal with pallet drops or loops or anything. The only skill you need is timing your shock correctly.

    Wow, that was fun! No loops, always know where survivors are. Just press M2 at the right time and it's practically a single player game!

    ...through every laugh you realize the cold, hard reality. Every match is exactly the same. There's no PvP. You realize why nobody really plays Hag either, despite Hag and Doctor both being strong killers. Once you learn to time your shocks correctly, you realize there is no game. No counterplay, but now you're stuck.

    You never learned how to find survivors and you never learned how to deal with loops. Your power did that for you. You can't play any other killer, or really even play Dead by Daylight at all. You're stuck playing Doctor, forever.

    At least his laugh is good right?".-Heartbound.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255


    I really legitimately think Doctor teaches fresh killers a lot of bad habits and hinders their growth as a killer because they don't learn the fundamentals that are finding a survivor, knowing how to cut loops properly, but he is a fun character with neat cosmetics.

    It's just...once you know where survivors spawn, how to run tiles etc you really don't need the Doctor's power. You can play Nurse or Huntress or even Trapper and get more of a result. You can really tell when a Doctor has molevision because good lord he struggles. He'll use his static shock, assume nobody's in the area when you're right on the edge of his terror radius and never looks around for survivors in the distance. Calm Spirit breaks those Doctors no matter what they run. They don't have the skillset to sniff you out manually.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I feel like demogorgon and billy are the best choice for a fresh killer, they teach a lot of good habits to the player. I agree with you, doctor is lots of fun to play sometimes, but I feel like you should learn the nuances of killer first.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Demo is a red herring because if you set up your portals before your first chase you have 4 survivors free to do whatever they want for a good while. That can break a new killer's soul. (Plus I think Stranger Things is the most expensive DLC.) Demo's strength is his shred.

    I'm not a Hillbilly main so I really haven't dug into how much the chainsaw nerf effected him but a few years ago all games were Hillbilly and Nurse because of his map pressure. Even if he couldn't hit you with the chainsaw he could get to your gen quickly through the corn. (Then they added Lerys, poor Hillbilly.)

    To stay on topic here's fun I would do with Doc.

    Nemesis/Rancor/Distressing/BBQ. Try that one out. Your obsession changing will not tip off immediately that you have Rancor to them so that can be a nasty surprise, plus the oblivious debuff when you expect Doc's bighuge terror radius can lead to gen grabs.

    Also actually try Dark Devotion too. It puts your terror radius on the obsession and if you do your big pulse while they've got your terror radius come from the obsession. That can really, really throw off a gen jockey if you have zero terror radius and he just saw your scream orbs go off across the map. Sneaky doc is very underrated.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Doctor is a noob stomper. Anyone can pick him up and destroy weak or even average survivors. However your best of the best survivors know how to exploit every weaknesss he has.

    There has always been noob stompers in the game but I’ve never seen one quite like new doc where it appears like 2 different killers at times based on how he comes across in strength between the two teams.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I still think that the MOST fun build is Confusing Terror Radius Doc.

    Monitor & Abuse, Dark Devotion, Calm: Carter’s Notes & Class 2. Other 2 perks can be whatever you want.

    So when Static Blast is ready, out of a chase your TR will be 38m.

    When you’re in a chase with a survivor your TR jumps up to 54m (this is when Doc should use his Static Blast as Doc has the most coverage at this point).

    When Static Blast is on cool down in a chase the TR drops down to 26m.

    Out of a chase while Blast is STILL on cool down the TR drops down to a measly 10m. This is when Doc can get really easy hits on survivors not expecting him to get so close so quick.

    Survivors in Madness 2 will randomly hear the edge of the TR at odd intervals. Survivors in Madness 3 will hear this constantly, again allowing for easy hits when they’re trying to snap out of it (they think you’re still far enough away to safely snap out of it).

    When Doc hits The Obsession, then they will be causing FURTHER confusion running around with a 32m TR, while Doc can be EXTRA sneaky Undetectable for 30 seconds.

    This build causes SO MUCH confusion for the survivors because unless they can actually see you then they’re constantly going to have difficulty judging how close or how far Doc is, and even when they DO hear the TR they don’t know if it’s a fake TR due to Calm, or the real TR.

    Loads of fun. Great on indoor maps.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    There’s a significant difference between a Doc that only knows how to use the power to find survivors, and a Doc that knows how to use Madness to waste a lot of the survivors time.

  • shakala
    shakala Member Posts: 30

    Slug play isn't that bad, unless you're doing the 'slug the third survivor to sweat the 4k' kind of killer. Then you're just wasting everyone's time. As for doctor though. I always think he's just a cheap killer. Press a button to find out where survivors are. Like if I successfully did a stealth play and lost you, it just feels cheap when doctor is able to find me the next second by pressing a button with no brain.

    I'm not telling you what killers to play just to be clear. Play whoever you want. It just feels cheap is all.

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    I've seen videos where both Otz and Tru3 refer to Doc as either top tier or slightly below. I've semi mained Doc for a while and some games it's actually so easy it gets boring but a decent red rabk SWF can work around your static blast etc.

    My only strong opinions with Doc are if you're not running Whispers (or maybe Tinkerer or both) you're making it a lot harder for yourself and on crossplay as a console player against PC survivors your slug will seem like it's in slow mo and you'll swing and miss to frustrating extent 😕

  • Bloodwidow
    Bloodwidow Member Posts: 190

    Maybe I would think different, if I have played against your build. I mean you don't slug everyone and wait till they bleeded out. It's a mean mindgame build, but not toxic at all.

    If I'm doing my daily with the doctor I switch to a fun build and just take all screaming perks 😋, because I think the Doc is a little bit op. Maybe in the higher ranks he is not.

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    I appreciate your perk idea, although I already use Nemesis on my Myers, which I really don't find enjoyable if I use it on Doc too, plus I'm not fan of Distressing either, I have used it before on Doc, but it's meh. My main goal with the perk build is to punish too greedy or stupid survivors (mainly obsession), this if they make it to the endgame. Also, STBFL is like basekit for my every killer that I play, except Myers, because of his insta-down ability. If you understand why many people use BBQ on most of the killers, you will understand why I use STBFL. STBFL is god-like perk, it can save your endgame and it's useful through the match. I understand that some people don't use STBFL, because it's obsession perk and some people just don't like them. Anyone who says (not talking about you) that STBFL is bad, they clearly don't know how to use it well.

    Thanks tho.

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    I can see why you like this kind of playstyle. Big terror radius Doctor has never been my type, that's why I don't use those addons or M&M. I have tried Dark Devotion on Myers only, it's funny perk, although not really my style either. I'm chaser kind of player so I use Doc addons to help me hunt down survivors and to locate them without Static Blast. I use Static Blast yes, but I think 32m terror radius is fine. But I will not forget your idea.

    Thanks tho.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    You mentioned STBFL and Rancor. During the Mettle Of Man Crisis I used to play One Punch Freddy a ton. (OG Freddy with STBFL, Monitor, PYWF, and Rancor.) Ignore obsession all game, one-hit-mori at the end. No DS, MoM, Dead Hard, Insta-heal, etc. Just one-hit and they're downed because of Rancor, and then you can mori them with Rancor too. Since OG Freddy didn't show his aura to awake survivors the obsession had literally no idea you had Rancor until it was too late.

    Even though the new dying light sucks it now has synergy with ignore the obsession perks.

    The only thing that bums me is Rancor doesn't proc from shutting the hatch. I don't think the exposed + mori effect would be particularly "OP" (Definitely do not give a location reveal though.) and the "OH #########!" feeling from the Obsession would be priceless.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    If you're not BMing them while forcing a bleed-out, then slugging isn't toxic and isn't a problem. Anyone claiming is is just wants you to go for 12-hook games. Or, more accurately, 8-hook-0-kill games.

    And yes, I think Doctors add-ons way overbuff him. Comparing him to even the Plague, Blight or Spirit, other killers with amazing add-ons, most of doctors act like 2 seperate add-ons rolled into 1.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    I thought your build would be funny doctor build. I was excited initially but you slug and that is depressing.

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    I play with mindset "you reap what you sow". If survivor BMs at me first, I am allowed to play however I want and do what I want, with no regrets or apologizes. But no, I don't BM them when I slug them, because that's not what I find funny.

    You can barely get fun of this build if you don't slug. If you just hook them instantly (when exit gates are powered up) and they come to rescue and have BT, what can you do? Not much. What happens? Cycle repeats or they all will escape, and that's boring. But it's fine, you don't like slugging, it's as bad as BMing during mid-game, which usually comes from the survivors first, and I don't like that. Both are unnecessary, but annoying.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Just give it a try for fun one day. The point isn’t really about the massive TR during a chase (although it does increase the chances of catching all 4 survivors in the blast).

    The fun is really in survivors constantly having trouble judging where Doc is if they don’t actually see him. It’s much harder for survivors compared to simply not hearing a TR at all like with GF, Pig, or Wraith.

    Sometimes survivors will start ignoring the TR all together because of all the false alarms, allowing Doc to walk right up to survivors not paying attention for easy free hits.

  • firedagodc
    firedagodc Member Posts: 26

    Probably Doesn't look around because he or she doesn't have time because the gens pop so fast. He has to manage his time efficiently and effectively. Hex undying and ruin will tell him where you're and continue shocking so those with bad eye sight don't lose the game spending 20 minutes trying to find a survivor hiding behind a tree or in a locker or in the tall grass.

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    I tried what you suggested, although I cannot use Dark Devotion as I need STBFL, cause it's part of my "basekit" and BBQ is too good too, Bloodpoints wise. This was my first match, and I chose indoor map. I replaced Dark Devotion with Tinkerer, although Tinkerer isn't really perk that I like a lot, and not sure if it is needed with my perk/addon build.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Lol, yep. So many survivors think Doc is hacking or cheating when using M&A + Calm Together. It really screws then up.

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    Yep, do you have any idea what should I use instead of Tinkerer? I tried Thana and it was okay I guess, now I'm testing Brutal Strength.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    No, Tinkerer is a good substitution for Dark Devotion. But Dark Devotion is better. You CAN use it with STBFL. You only lose 2 tokens from hitting them, in return for getting 30 seconds of undetectable whilst The Obsession confuses everybody else with their 32m TR for 30 seconds.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Remember that the point of the build, and how Doc keeps getting easy hits, is to keep the survivors as constantly confused as possible.

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    Alright, thanks. I give Dark Devotion a try. So far my games have been fine, I think I have caused enough pressure on survivors or survivors have been potatoes.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Any perks that lowers your TR is not a good perk (unless it's the addon that increases TR when Static Blast is ready but lowers it when Static Blast is on cooldown)

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    That’s totally incorrect.

    That only matters in the exact moment Doc wants/needs to use Static Blast. Otherwise it’s a non issue. In Docs case in particular survivors expect/predict a larger TR on Doc, so lowered TR or Undetectable is even MORE effective on Doc compared to other killers.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Off topic... Let's agree to have a different opinion on this

    M&A is an exception, and ToT is an outlier

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242
    edited October 2020

    I read this from the wiki

    • "Monitor & Abuse works by setting the default Terror Radius to +8 metres and applying a temporary reduction of 16 metres to it whenever the Killer is not in a Chase."

    English isn't my native language so I didn't exactly understand what this means, even tho I understood every word I read there.

    So does M&A increase my terror radius by 8m or 16m when I'm in chase?

    I assume it's 16m, but I'm not sure.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I like this calm + m&a build. Even with the brown and yellow calm add ons, you're still getting a smaller TR than m&a Hag.. for the price of 1 perk and 2 add ons.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    The wiki is a mess, so don’t trust everything you read their.

    M&A is +8m in a chase, and -8m out of a chase. So on a 32m TR killer (with nothing else equipped that alters TR), M&A will make their TR 24m when not chasing someone, and jumps up to 40m when chasing someone.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That point on the wiki is saying how it's programmed.

    If you think the wiki is a mess or not reliable, you're free to help contribute to it. Hell, point out flaws on talk pages.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I think slugging’s fine unless you’re not planning on hooking anyone and just going to leave everyone on the floor to bleed out.

    Doctor is not OP at all. He can be very strong and his add-ons can do a lot, but once you understand how he works, you should be fine. There’s a reason he isn’t with Nurse and Spirit in terms of strength.