Any Means Necessary should be base.

I run Any Means Necessary quite often, and it sits comfortably in my main build. Lifting pallets may seem small (and useless, especially when most pallets dropped are either unsafe or broken immediately), but in the scenarios that I listed approximately half a sentence ago^, it can really pay off.
However, if lifting pallets were to be made base, it should not remain exactly the same. It would be weird to have a built-in cooldown to the Survivors' kit. So, my declaration is that lifting pallets should be a co-op action. One Survivor must be on each side of the pallet in order to successfully lift it. There's no cooldown. Lifting pallets rewards bloodpoints and takes the same amount of time as it does on the perk, but it's also affected by speed bonuses from perks like Leader or Resilience.
As for Any Means Necessary, it'll remain pretty much the same. It simply allows you to lift pallets without the help of a teammate, similar to Self-Care or Saboteur, restricted by a cooldown. Alternatively, it could have different or additional effects, but that's up for debate. All I know is that something must be done so that dropped pallets aren't totally hopeless, and so they can stop teasing me when I see one without the perk on hand.
This would change up the meta in terrible ways the game is not prepared for; currently, good killers break good pallets and leave bad ones. If the survivor stays at a bad pallet, they go down, so they run for better ones. They are balancing maps better so that there are less 'god pallets' and less extremely good ones where it is extremely difficult to play around. If a survivor leaves a loop with the pallet still down, the killer will too.
If Any Means Necessary is base, killers have to break every pallet, which means the ability becomes more moot than it already is, which means killers have to waste even MORE time. Nothing needs to be done about dropped pallets. They are meant to be an EXPENDABLE resource. The killers don't exist just to have pallets dropped on their heads.
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Before writing this post, I was debating whether I should add “One day,” before the title, because I agree that maps (specifically the original three realms) may not be too welcoming of this change.
The motive is to give Survivors something else to do. So when we get more objectives and stuff, we could add lifting pallets to the mix as well. Just something to consider for the future since there’s nothing more teasing than a lonely dropped pallet.
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Usually if I don't break pallets as a killer, I'm more screwed than rather screwing the survivors with it, unsafe pallet or not.
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It varies widely. You have to get a sense of how good the survivor is at mind games and what tactics they use. I have dealt with a lot of survivors who perform loops a certain way because [Insert Streamer] does it that way, but they aren't good at it themselves. Mechanical survivors are really easy to deal with once you get their mechanics down. I watch a lot of streamers, so I can even tell sometimes who they play like.
The ones you cannot just screw at pallets, even unsafe ones, are the more erratic, adaptable survivors who do weird #########, but in ways that work. When dealing with them, just break it. But those are rare and really good survivors, and honestly, it is best to diverge from them when you can and chase weaker ones.