Dead Hard, Fair or Unfair?



  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533
    edited October 2020

    Dead Hard is mostly fair because the most optimal uses are the most high risk. Like charging right at the Killer and timing the swing just right to get to a loop or out a gate. Or using Dead Hard at razor thin margins to get an extra loop.

    Sometimes it works amazingly... other times it fails because you mistime it, there's lag, you get stuck on the Killer's hitbox or the perk flat out bugs. So because it's never 100% consistent and there's always a level of risk to it, its fair mostly

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Dead Hard is only frustrating when its used for distance (because there is literally no counterplay on Killer side). The Legion was reworked because their power had no counterplay, however, its not exactly easy to rework Dead Hard, or create additional conditioning in an effort to add counterplay.

    It's something that I'm comfortable putting up with as a Killer, because the vast majority of times, Dead Hard results in the Survivor going down (whether from poor timing, or usage). The current 'counterplay' for Dead Hard, is to bait it out (or use exhaustion add-ons/perks), but that can't be done if the Survivor plans to use it to extend a chase.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Yes,but they are still not compareable to dead hard.

    All the other exhaustion perks only require me to walk a bit longer to catch.That can be annoying sure,but it's not that much of a big deal.

    Dead hard however lets you recover from situations where the killer put in a lot of effort to get you in (like a carefully aimed shot by the huntress or deathslinger,a precise blink from the nurse,a regular mindgame etc.) very easily and it's exactly that which feels awful and pretty much unfair.

    Just dodging a hit with dead hard (when the killer would have been able to wait out the dead hard) or using it to get another loop is just fine and pretty much the same like all the other exhaustion perks.

    Yes bloodlust is more or less he same type of frustration,which should be looked at once all the maps and loops are balanced enough for that,but at the very least the killer wastes a huge amount of time to get that one hit.

    Sprint burst doesn't let you dodge:

    -bear Traps

    -punishment of the damned

    -shots from huntress or deathslinger


    -pigs ambush

    -a blink from the nurse

    -a lethal rush

    You can also make plays with dead hard and borrowed time

    Sprint burst however just makes it easier for you to get to the next loop near you without having to pay that much attention to your surrounding.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    You never want to use dead hard to dodge hit,because of how easily the killer and your ping can prevent that.

    If you want to use it optimal then you use it to get that extra bit of distance to a window/pallet after being too unattentive or greedy at the loop.

    It feels kinda unfair because you can easily nullify great mindgames from killers with a simple push of a button.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited October 2020

    The invulnerability makes it the best exhaustion perk in the game. I'd say it's unfair and a crutch. A perk like this makes hard games even harder for killers, and that's not really fair. I say we remove invulnerability and make it so that it is only a 'for distance' perk, which can still be annoying but is pretty fair and fits in with the logic of other exhaustion perks.

    It's not fun losing a hit from a successful outplay because the other person pressed E inside of you. And it would also negate the annoyance of 'I PRESSED E' complaints since it wouldn't be intended to make you invulnerable, but to get you away from the killer.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Right because if it did SB would be able to get immunity it would be broken as hell. Dead Hard doesn’t give enough distance to legitimately do anything aside from what it currently does. Hence why I said it is a close range exhaustion perk in a pervious comment.

    Also, Sprint Burst does allow you do dodge even if you don’t have the immunity because your movement is faster. I have dodged hatchets and all the other powers you listed before.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Of course you can dodge hits with sprint burst,but it's waay easier to bait out the sprint burse than dead hard.

    Most of the time it's enough to fake the hit/ability to force the SB but in quite a few cases you have to commit to the hit/ability in order to get rid of dead hard.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Dead Hard for dodging hits is fair because its unreliable and risky. Dead Hard for distance is fair mainly because Killers have perks to shorten the distance in chases like Brutal Strength, STBFL and Bamboozle. If Killers can lessen the distance made in chases with perks, it's fine for Survivors to increase the distance made in chases.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    My only problem with DH it's when it's used to counter a trap, because the Trapper has already too many, and mostly easy, counters.

    Otherwise i think it's a strong but fair perk, one of the few "skilfull" perk.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    I do dislike dead hard for distance but the fact that using it as a “dodging” perk often times fails so much it’s much more useful to do it for distance rather than letting the killer and your ping put you on the ground with the exhausted effect.

    But the ideas and explanation brought up really helped me with viewing other things in a different light so thanks

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    Point taken, but I guess within the trial where the contact is physical it would be nice to have at least that part of the realm making sense (I'm ignoring Huntress hit boxes as well :D).

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    This is why I consider it the most unfun thing in the entire game.

    Against a standard M1 killer it's insanely powerful. You can DH for distance to a strong window/pallet and the killer can't do anything about it. That just adds so much time to the chase. If you mindgame them you should feel rewarded but then tap E to undo and you end up feeling robbed.

    If you play a ranged killer like Deathslinger, Huntress (without add ons) or to an extent Plague you sometimes only have a small window to make a shot, you manage to get one in but they nullify it with DH. Sometimes you can go for long range skillful shots with DS or Huntress and it's a really good and impressive shot, but again instead of feeling rewarded you feel robbed when they render it void by tapping E.

    Finally you have Blight and Nurse. It doesn't matter if you see DH coming or not, even if you don't swing you're still taking the stun. It's just another stun and cooldown you're forced to sit through until DH is out of the way.

    DH is a reason why I don't like playing killers like blight/nurse/huntress/deathslinger, because it sucks the fun out of them by being able to perfectly counter their abilities without any counterplay itself. It's also why I think Huntress should keep her exhaustion add ons but all signs point to them being taken away from her sooner or later.

  • DrBrain
    DrBrain Member Posts: 78

    DD and DH are the most broken perks in the game. There was already a study done by some redditor who ran 100 games and saw 86 of those games had DH and 92 games had DS.

    thats insanity. DH needs to be turbo nerfed into the ground

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Wouldn't that make basement trapping overpowered. In most cases dead harding through the trap is nessacary to be fair

    This argument that it counters most killers i feel, is not convinced enough. This is another a perk that can be used multiple times in a row. If you dead hard over one trap, you can't dead hard over the next one. If you dead hard demo shread you won't be able to dead hard the next. A lot killers can easily recover from missed special attacks. Also this idea that you can undo all the hard work that the killer did to get a down is a bit flawed to me. If a person has For The People and use it on a survivor the killer just down, they technically undid the hardworking the killer did to down the survivor. BY PRESSING A BUTTON NO LESS. Isn't that also unfair? And if it is why don't we persecute For The People like we do Dead Hard? Why don't we go around calling For The People unfair?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    It's the best exhaustion perk in the game when it wants to be. Sadly dedicated servers ruin it.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Because you waste a huge amount of time to get that For The People opportunity,you need to be healthy,the killer has to be stuck in an animation AND you need windows and pallets nearby in order to not get downed within the next few seconds.

    As you would see something like For The People or flashlight saves are prwtty much high risk high reward plays that need quite a lot of effort to pull off.

    Sure,you can easily recover from most missed special attacks,but the time you lost because of that adds up and can quite possibly lose you the game.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    But Using dead hard also comes with high risk and high rewards. If you think about jt being injured at all is a high risk, it you don't have a way to heal yourself or don't have a means to make being injured less bad. And the reward is dashing forward in an attempt to reach a pallet or douge a hit.

    How much of a big time loss there is by missing a special attacks that doesn't take long to recover from. You also have to take into account addons that reduce recovery time and cooldown. And perks like brutal strength, enduring, Spirit fury unrelenting, and others can also help with the time dead hard takes from making the extra distance to the pallet.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I mean, they could just remove the distance entirely and give it a few seconds of invincibility frames to dodge a hit. That'd solve the distance problem and I can still see it being used in the meta, just not as a distance perk anymore.

    Well the issue with that is than the lunge from the Killer can easily out distance it, which removes the possibility of dodging it without the frames themselves. I think if they did the opposite and removed the distance THAN it'd be more reasonable AND the distance/mistake correction issue would cease to be.

    Not everyone runs those perks though to prevent that, some Killers don't use them at all and they're M1 Killers. Usually Brutal is something you'd see on PURE M1 Killers like Wraith or Pig who really need it, while on GhostFace or Myers they can get free hits easily while focusing on perk builds that're centered around their stealth abilities.

    Also in the case for "DH for Distance" STBFL wouldn't do anything if you can't hit them in that scenario, Bamboozle can only do some much at certain loops, and Brutal Strength would just reduce it by a few seconds... but they'd still possible get to another loop anyways.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It really depends on which scenario we're talking about yeah, some are unfair while others are.

    No problem, glad the post could help out in some way.

    I suppose, it really just depends on what can be realistic while other aspects of the game are not.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I wouldn't turbo nerf it into the ground, but changing it to remove the distance part would probably make it less used and more centered around skill based Survivors. Which by all means is a good thing since the meta is already stale for Survivor and somewhat Killer.

    As I mentioned to someone else who brought that up, I rarely see Dedicated Servers ruining the perk in my Killer games. Ironically if I used it as a Survivor I'd probably see that issue come up, but for my Killer games I've only come across it probably 3, 4, 5 times at most. It really isn't as common as some think it's, but perhaps I'm just lucky (or unlucky if we're talking about me being the Killer).

  • Suiv
    Suiv Member Posts: 35

    See I think more important matters are map rng you can have one version of map with 10 pallets vs a map with 3 pallets there are alot more important things that affect the game then dead hard.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited October 2020

    Yes, there is a lot of other important things to address with the game right now, some more important than others. That doesn't mean we should ignore other issues because they're less important.

    There's a lot of things that could use tweaking or changes, but focusing on just one at a time isn't really something that should be an issue. If we compiled EVERY issue in the game, than I'm sure it'd be a mile long list that hundreds of people added to. There are even some issues that're not even issues, but some people disagree that they're.

    Basically what I mean is, ignoring Dead Hard for a bigger issue doesn't fix the other issue... if that makes sense.

  • DTJObe
    DTJObe Member Posts: 170

    DH's invulnerability is fine. Using DH for distance isn't. It allows for the survivor to make it to another full loop that they wouldn't have otherwise been able to.

    If DH allowed a survivor to tank a hit without a speed burst and forced them to mend afterward, then I'd be okay with it. It would be a self proc'd borrowed time without a speed boost after being hit. A killer could somewhat counter it with STBFL.

  • Chappy01
    Chappy01 Member Posts: 57

    i've seen a lot of complaints about perks on here but dead hard? wow...

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    One of the strongest perks in the game?

    To the survivor they see a small distance boost 1 second, they don’t see the ripple effect and the full strength of DH

    Like with old DS when the excuse was “its just a 4 second stun whats the big deal?”

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited October 2020

    Exactly why exhaustion needs a downside, like heavier breathing.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited October 2020

    Dead Hard removes you being punished in a chase by being outplayed, or you making a mistake, by allowing you to be safe instead of going down. It allows you to make pallets/vaults you otherwise wouldn't. This amounts to a ton of wasted time and pressure toward the killer. All four survivors can use it like this, all four survivors can have it up every chase. It is, by definition, completely busted.

    Sprint Burst allows you to sit on a gen until the very last moment. No fear of BBQ. No fear knowing the killer is looking at you. No fear the killer is coming toward you. You safely add gen time to a generator and sprint to a pallet, completely safe. It removes the ability to punish a survivor palying greedy and rewards you for being selfish.

    These perks are, by every account, broken. Yet they'll never be changed and no one complains about them because 90% of the playerbase is incapable of using them to their maximum effect. If you want to know a clueless survivor who is bad from a good survivor, look and see if they mention, even once, using DH as a reaction, and not for distance.

    This is completely ignoring the fact it completely counters some killers powers. Imagine being a Nurse and using 2 amazing blinks to get a hit, but it gets outdone by a DH. So you enter fatigue, stun, recharge and the survivor gets a ton of distance. This applies to other killers, like Blight. This is severe against M1 killers. It works against, say, a Trapper's trap. It is competely broken, like all Exhaustion perks.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    If the pallet and window dead hard dash annoys you, which granted, is always a bit frustrating when survivors escape your grasp because of it, but that does not make the perk outright unfair. Just like there are many other useful perks for survivors to utilize in order to gain an advantage in chase, dead hard is just one tool in larger pool of possibilities to choose from. Yes, it's the most popular for a good reason, but again, that should not play a role in whether it's unfair because everyone's using it so it must be unfair like many tend to say or at least imply.

    Killers have a lot of annoying tools in their hand as well which to bring under question whether they are fair or not. Dead hard is not a free one round loop perk. It works sometimes and sometimes it does not, just like any perk pretty much. Heck, sometimes it even crashes players to a wall and makes them lose a chase early.

    The thing is, a good killer knows that Dead hard is not a perk that the survivor decides when to use, but when the killer forces them to burn it in a bad spot. It's about mind games around loops. If you chase like an NPC, the survivors can extend the chase to a ridiculous length with the help of the dead hard.

    One important note for killers is to know when to give up a chase. Far too often do I see killers playing the infinite chase against someone who is way better than them and can just loop them forever, especially with dead hard. Give up the chase, go do something else and try again when the survivor is in a bad spot or has already spent their dead hard.

    Considering all this, I really don't see dead hard an unfair perk in any way.