This seems like a pretty good spirit build



  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379
    1. Get rid of Tinkerer! Why? As a fellow Spirit main, Tinkerer is useless on her because she's giving a constant noise notification and won't get much value!
    2. Thanta! Do I really need to explain, especially with the nerf it's getting

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Not necessarily, but it sure helps more when the survs are cocky.

    When you get to a nearly finished gen that multiple survivors are working on, of course they will try to finish this while you are distracted. You cannot chase all at once. Injuring and / or slugging would work as well, but only if you can find all survivors nearby. With TT, you can just safely pick someone up when you are sure the gen is currently not occupied. So even when the remaining survivors beeline to the gen again, they cannot do a thing. In this situation, without TT, you make to make a decision: either hook someone and lose the gen or protect the gen but let the slugged crawl away and be picked up. With TT (not on CD) you can have both, hooking a survivor and still be able to protect the gen from being finished. With an additional Pop right after the gen gets unblocked, it's even better. No other killer perk allows you this, thats why I think TT is way stronger than BBQ. If only it didn't have a CD ...

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Swap Thanatophobia to Monitor & Abuse if you're using A Nurse's Calling. You could also swap in Corrupt Intervention somewhere.

    I run Corrupt Intervention, M&A, A Nurse's Calling (optional), Pop Goes the Weasel. Sometimes I'll use Dying Light, or another tracking perk.