YOU RUINED THE NURSE <-scratch that The Nurse Needs Different add-ons

Zir Member Posts: 15
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I came back after not playing for like 2yrs and have been no life-ing it again.

Decided to play my fav killer the nurse i have no idea what you did to ruin her but you did. Ive played tons before writing this NOBODY plays nurse anymore. I tried it just feels hopeless when you play as her as if you lost before it even began. Killers are supposed to be strong anyone who cries over it should just play customs tbh. I miss seeing the nurse as a survivor....

All i see now are killers with lots of movement speed can still be fun to play against as a survivor until you get a cannibal that camps every hook an 1 shot everyone lol yet you nerf the nurse who took actual skill to be top tier.

Imo id rather die to a nurse which takes skill to play even if she was op you still had to be good at playing her. Rather than some killer who has crazy amount of movement speed and dashes can catch any survivor. Nurse you had to time your blinks right otherwise youll just be blinking into a wall or infront of a pallet.

In the end if anyone reads this if you think im wrong vs some reds and purples while youre playing the nurse see how it goes. Then after you lose 10 times in a row play a diff killer and see how much easier it is (other than spirit she's lacking as well)

Post edited by Zir on


  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    Ive been playing non stop for a week and youre trying to say nurse is the STRONGEST killer yet NOBODY plays her lmao

    I never said i was great with the nurse but whatever they did she's literally useless compared to other killers for now I'll just get in my good laughs laying back playing doctor and massacre everyone with a smile

    You play 10 rounds of nurse against red and purple ranks rn if you want stream it ill watch or you can post it on yt and drop a link id love to see how she's the STRONGEST killer rn

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    Good for you how about a little less talk lets see you do it

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    This right here DEVS says it all. Anybody can stream or record everything and put it on yt. It takes more effort and time to look over game footage of actual gameplay definitely more tasking than reading ppls opinions. On the other hand actual gameplay is concrete proof compared to comments.

    TOO MANY PPL ARE FULL OF ISH pls dont ruin the killers cuz ppl cry. Nurse was op but you literally threw her in the garbage and said are ya happy now?

    Dont get me wrong i want to see this person actually pull it off against red and purple ranks in a non customs match cuz youd really be playing with MAJOR odds stacked against you.

    When someone says a killer is the STRONGEST killer and you play for a straight week and not a soul but myself has played that killer in red and purple ranks something is wrong.

    Anyway i'll still check this waiting for that person to say theyll stream it and prove me wrong i'll get the popcorn ready when that time comes! If they are successful and kill all survivors 5 out of 10 times if i can delete this discussion i will.

    Also if the last survivor leaves through a hatch it will count as half of a win

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,944

    Nurse is still by far the strongest killer in the game - if you want to see some actual live footage, I suggest you check out Scorpionz on Twitch, he still plays Nurse although he doesn't main her (he's a Pig main), he plays her with just Shadowborn, at Rank 1 and pretty much utterly destroys with her.

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    Ill check it

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2020

    Had two Nurses yesterday and they had no problem 4k'ing because they can ignore everything in the game and can instantly correct their own mistakes by blinking again.

    Oh and Stridor, so good luck never hiding. And dropping a pallet on them makes them even stronger. She didn't even stop.

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    The ones i could find he played nurse stupid well lol i also couldnt help to watch the pig talk about playing mind games around pallets the survivors were mindblown lol

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    I think on pc she good but console... She need a little buff atleast for console

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    Why would you drop a pallet around a nurse? And you dont use iron will? At least for me i cant hear regular breathing even with stridor.

    idk theres just alot of hate against the nurse it seems. Ppl just want to play how they always do rely on pallets and windows 100% of the time. The key is to NOT be predictable obviously nurse feeds on predictability.

    Im glad there are some ppl keepin nurse alive at least the game is supposed to be hard those nurses you went up against that 4k you should be giving them props shes like 10% of what she use to be

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2020

    I'm sorry I didn't use 1 perk out of 100 others. What was I thinking? Smh.

    You used to be able to drop a pallet on her mid blink. And from using her myself you're supposed to get double exhausted after getting hit by a pallet. I guess PC players are on a different version or something because ######### me, it didn't work.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Do you know why nurse's not used anymore? Because now she is punished for her mistakes, at difference from before that it was only the fatigue, so it was fatigue? No problem I will blink again and recover all of the fatigue distance the survivor may have won. Her 5 blinks were kind of broken. Also, her skill cap was raised slighty.

    I am using nurse, and I do admit I am not good with her, but I am still learning to blink with her despise all the bullying.

    The only problem I see with her it's the plethora of bugs that affects her and only keep increasing.

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    That was actual curiosity on the perk cuz i always run it i sometimes get the team that doesnt ever heal its also great to hide in tall grass or a bush after youve been hit cuz if you dont run to leave scratches killers often move along if they dont hear you crying in pain

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    Finally someone lays out some points! i dont remember exactly how she was thats why i said last i played was like 2yrs ago thankfully you didnt just send hate or boast about how "great" she is now but they cant do it themselves. She had 5 blinks tho? Thats kindof insane to put it nicely lol

    The reason i even posted this was because i didnt remember the nurse being this sluggish or clunky (idk the correct term) it just feels wrong all together. Im not saying restore her back to how she was i just think they went a little too far i still am unsure comepletely.

    Of how ppl are saying shes the strongest killer did show me its possible but theyre showing someone with like 8k hours on the game

    sooooo yea its like saying bill gates is too good at making money lets make it so his business loses money. Then he sits on his riches and fires his employees who really loses. Hint not gates lol

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    No, you could never drop a pallet on her mid blink, what you could (and still can) do is drop a pallet before she blinks or when she reappears

    Exactly, people who think she didn't need a base kit nerf don't realise how forgiving she was despite being already so strong.

    To op: i don't need to prove you anything, you're the one coming here out of nowhere claiming that nurse is weak with no backup whatsoever to your claim. Maybe you should play her a bit more instead of complaining after like 2 games

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    Lol running i see the nurse main with THE BIGGEST CLAIM saying shes the STRONGEST if shes so good it shouldnt be hard to prove it right

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    My claim was part of not seeing anyone play her at alllll this whole time ive been playing no life-ing this week notice how im still awake still playing and not a soul playing nurse just a bunch of oni, shape, and doctor rn

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    People don't play her because she's hard, not because she's weak

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    The Nurse is the best killer in the game. Doesn't matter how many play her since the ones that do destroy most teams.

    When you face the good Nurse's you'll understand that she's still the best. Faced one the other day on Azarovs Resting Place and I'm telling you she destroyed us. She hooked someone at 1 end then held control of the middle not letting anyone past. With infectious fright she was able to down someone then immediately chase someone else.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    @op We know. Don't listen to those who tell you she's still good. "Fun" fact: if you just keep running in a straight line, she can't catch up to you.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    I hate the cooldown they slapped on her, but it's not that bad, the addons tho... I don't want to be mean but why does she have 3 bp addons? Only one of them doesn't hinder you...

    Also with the two cooldown addons you can almost play like the old Nurse.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806
    edited October 2020

    Don't spout nonsense after coming back from being gone from the game for 2 years. If you don't know anything, just zip it and get updated on things before you complain.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    I've only mained post-nerf nurse and she's still really strong. Cooldowns and fatigues are still frustrating regardless of how good you are doing in a game but she's still the best killer by far and her power is difficult enough to warrant being that strong

    Are you saying she can't catch up with blinks if u hold W because if so that isn't true.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682


  • IshinSolarc
    IshinSolarc Member Posts: 114

    I disagree.

    Nurse isn't the strongest killer for novices, but she is the highest skillcap killer in the game, which means she can become the strongest killer if you are good enough to pull it off.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    They reworked her cause the so called "Nurse mains" used omegablink, 3+ blinks and so on. It was supposed to seperate trash Nurses away from true Nurse players, reason why you see so few playing her cause barley many wanna bother learning her when they can just play braindead Spirit instead.

    Nurse is not ruined you just need to learn how to manage her power cooldown. She is still one of the best killers in the game but also the hardest, I still face every now and then good Nurse players running brown to green addons. Personally someone who mained nurse both pre-rework and after I would say she is in a good state expect some rare bugs that can ######### you up for a few seconds.

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    I take half of what i said back i went a little overboard just played the nurse for like 12hrs. Did she use to have an add on that sped up the blink charge or did they make the charge longer? I think thats why she feels off for me.

    The cd for blink is annoying considering you just spent like 4 seconds starring at the ground but its manageable.

    So my conclusion is base nurse is set mostly right (unless they did add charge time to her blink) but 90% of her add ons are never going to be used especially her ultra rare those are jokes.

    Other than that blinking into a wall i was right infront of on a full charge wasnt fun that was on the map thats like lab hallways, then a diff map think its a hospital i couldn't blink out of the basement tried 3 times lol it could just be me tho idk, not a fan of blinking past the exit gate when its closed either and sometimes id blink into the basement when i wasnt even looking down.

    So nurse ISNT completely ruined but she should be a little less irritating to play actual useable add ons would fix it. Considering the only one I'll actually use is pocket watch. Other than when i was trying out the others to see and they really dont make a big difference at all basically throw aways might as well let me sell them for bloodpoints lol

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    Finally! I found a red rank nurse she gave up on chasing me lol

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited October 2020

    by "skimmed off bad nurses", you mean:

    "addressed none of the issues that make The Nurse a problem while removing any of the fun players who were more casual at the game had when playing the killer and still performing poorly, and since The Nurse is now unpopular enough that survivors don't see her anymore, the complaints have stopped coming in so the devs don't have to worry about actually addressing her problems, and that's a job well done!"

    I hate that kind of design. This isn't even mentioning the huge, completely unnecessary buff she got when The Pig rolled around. I'm sure there were better ways to let the Nurse blink easily between floors without letting her control the distance of her blinks compared to charge time so much. That single patch was what brought Omega Blink into the main stream. Before, it was FAR less of any kind of issue (because the accuracy stat actually mattered).

    What are the devs doing?! They made her more deadly, more effective, and more un-counterable at the highest levels of play while making her less enjoyable for people who just liked blinking around the map because it felt a little bit like being on a roller coaster.




    An advocate of place-able totems, a priming-pallet interaction, and the removal of Exposed from tier 1 Devour Hope.

    Also supports changes to how many survivors need to be present to start repairs on a generator.

    #revertNurseaddons #reverttieroneDevour #reverttieroneBL #nofreechaseresources #placeabletotems #revertBillysounds #workwiththemusicyouhave

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Well, she is the strongest killer for the fact that survivors have no defense against a good nurse. Her ability has the highest skill cap out of any other killer. The reason people don't play her is because she is very difficult to play. I don't understand why you think she is a worthless killer. Also doctor is good, but not the best.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited October 2020


    The reason people don't play her is because she's just not as fun compared to other killers or her previous self. She's not rewarding enough in terms of entertainment for most players. (i.e. her "nerf" was a nerf to enjoyment and did diddly squat to solve the balance problems with her). The fact that she's hard to learn contributes to new player aversion, but you obviously have not given significant thought to the reason why suddenly all the Nurses disappeared after her most recent changes. I've had only five games against her for almost a year. A YEAR. And I've been playing DbD during that time.



    An advocate of place-able totems, a priming-pallet interaction, and the removal of Exposed from tier 1 Devour Hope.

    Also supports changes to how many survivors need to be present to start repairs on a generator.

    #revertNurseaddons #reverttieroneDevour #reverttieroneBL #nofreechaseresources #placeabletotems #revertBillysounds #workwiththemusicyouhave

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Well that doesn't make sense. I have gone against a good handful of nurses in the past weeks or at least enough to know that she is still picked about the same amount as I did before her "nerf", so not all nurses are gone in fact. I actually do find nurse fun and and play her frequently at rank one along with every other killer and apparently you did too. Your original claim was that nurse is "ruined" and that nobody plays her anymore when in fact that is simply not true. Yes, maybe there just aren't that Nurse players, but was there a time where she was picked nonstop? I have been playing for almost 3 years now and I have not noticed a drop in Nurse players at all. Nurse was already a killer who wasn't chosen that often because of how hard she is. My claim is that the number of players who chose Nurse has not changed at all, she wasn't even chosen that often before the "nerf" because of her high skill cap.

    Your original claim was that nurse is "ruined" and no one plays her anymore. But did anyone even play her that often before the nerf? Nurse is also still the number one killer in the game for reasons I have explained already. The only difference between how she is now compared to before is that her addons are much less busted and she now has to wait 6 seconds at most to blink twice. Not bragging, but because of how powerful she is I have gotten many 4k matches without addons too. I am not even the best Nurse out there and I am also out of practice too. Spirit is probably the next killer who rivals the Nurse, but even she can't annihilate a full team of survivors the way Nurse can.

    Nurse players were already few and far between before her nerf and just maybe have decreased since her "nerf".

    Nurse is still the most powerful killer in the game and that is a fact.

    PS: With the cooldown addons, you are practically playing old Nurse again. That is as close as you can get to old Nurse.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited October 2020

    You must live in a completely different area of the world from me. Two of the five Nurses I mentioned facing in the past year (about the same number of Hags) were actually any good, and one of the two d/cd after two gens were done because a Kate had an easy time on Lery's running her around. And wait, wait, wait. I never said Nurse was ruined. I'm speaking from my own experience as playing survivor in red ranks, and I've noticed that Nurses were around (albeit not that many), and then they all just disappeared one day except for a few stragglers few and far between.

    I severely miss going against Nurse (w/o Infectious Fright because IF is just tedious to play against when the killer is Nurse) because one of my first favorite trials happened with a Nurse.

    Yeah, I think we can both agree she's still the most deadly killer in the game by far, but that's the issue. The devs did nothing to address that even thought that's what they seemed to be addressing. So, all the devs did was make her less fun to play, and this was more noticeable for casuals than people deeply involved in the game. The devs did absolutely nothing effective to address the overwhelming power the Nurse has in very specialized hands.

    I play with low fps and low graphics, and I just enjoy blinking around and swinging. I don't care all that much about the outcome of the match (even though I will slug the third survivor for the 4k given the rare opportunity). That small change in how the blink recharge mechanic functions doesn't feel like it makes me any less powerful. It just feels restrictive to the amount of fun I can have and not the effectiveness I can have.

    But...this is all secondary. The real reason I'm so annoyed about the Nurse changes is that...

    the Jenner's Last Breath and Anxious Gasp combo no longer exist. That combo was my favorite thing in the entire game beside the Hex:Third Seal. I think I could shut up for a while if the combo was still in the game, but it's not, so here I am, explaining all the downfalls of the devs' decisions on a forum somewhere. The devs should have 100% done something else to change Nurse, preferably more on the end of decreasing her tracking ability during a blink.

    Edit: What is below doesn't have to do with my point. It's just a reminder of what once was... :,(

    Here's a video of one of the last games I played with the combo. Shouldn't have gotten a 4k, but the things about Nurse that allowed that haven't changed (i.e. strange hits, stuns purposefully coded not to work on her when in fatigue, the amount of tracking I can do in fatigue, etc.).

    And, ummm, ignore the NOED. I had a rough previous few matches.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Ok, so I guess we can agree on the fact that Nurse is a bit less fun to play now because of how punishing her power is for misusing it. Also that the devs didn't really nerf her.

    Btw what did the addons do? I have forgotten what they did.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited October 2020

    Please since you are so free to say you are a nurse main, finally show the amount of blink attacks you have on your profile. I really hate your logic, I am a nurse main thus I am right and you are wrong.

    If you do not know where, this is the site to go to

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    If I asked you to share your profile on a public forum, would you do it?

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I am not asking you to share your profile but the amount of blink attacks that you do have. I already mentioned why since the logic you apply is beyond annoying and your general advice on nurse goes against the advice from people that are in the top 30 from the amount of blink attacks. So either you are a big brain super nurse that is completely unknown or you are all talk.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Yes, the devs made Nurse less fun (even if by a little), and they didn't address the balance issues and bugs that have arisen over the years, which is why I have a large problem with their decision on changes to Nurse.

    The add-ons both increase charge time and tremendously increase/considerably decrease blink reappearance time, respectively. Jenner's Last Breath also removes one blink.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    oof. In my opinion she needs to be nerfed harder (Or reworked lol, don't eat me). Nurse's blinks makes it feel like she has unlimited dead hards. She can blink almost immediately after you get smacked, closing the gap you made from the speed boost of the attack pretty easily and no amount of mind gaming will save you cuz she'll just wait for her blinks and keep double blinking until she catches up to you or cuts you off. You mind gamed her first blink? Good on you, she's getting you with the second blink. She can just repeatedly correct her mistakes so easily.

    The way she can instantly blink 5 meters just by tapping her power button... (im exaggerating a bit on that, but it really feels that way sometimes)

    ps. dont head-on her right after she ends her fatigue animation cuz you'll get the score and the exhaustion but it won't do anything to her.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075
    edited October 2020

    Well because it would be easy to at least have a general of which profile could be mine. I'll just say that I've got more than 20k, even though I'm not sure if that website only counts from the moment I put my profile to public or overall.

    Also, what is the "general advice" that top 30 nurses give? I'm quite curious to know

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I am not interested in finding out what your profile is and that is why I didn't ask for it in the first place. However more than 20k puts you probably in the top50 or something as you can see how few people have more than 20k with a public profile.

    Afaik it counts alltime and not from when you made your profile public, there sure is a killer or something that you can check in order to verify that.

    Maybe sayin general advice is wrong but you disagree with simple facts which is odd, for example me bringing up that with the cd and recharge her mobility was nerfed. I mean you can check that for yourself, take a 115% killer and just walk same map, same distance and tell me the results as to who is more mobile. So when we had that disagreement about ruin + undying, you simply refused facts such as her nerfed mobility, you call it forgiving because you can blink again however there already was fatigue back in the day. Nowadays you have to check the bottom left whether you have 2 blinks ready again.

    Stuff like that is something where at least to me there can be no diffrence in opinion whether her mobility was nerfed as it was and not to an insignificant amount. Maybe you use range addons, recharge but as is her mobility was nerfed. I personally haven't encountered a single nurse main that disagreed with that.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075
    edited October 2020

    I do agree her mobility was nerfed, but not to the extent people make it sound. Ofc if you get red forest or rotten fields (or groaning storehouse? That map simply isn't for me) it's going to be a tougher match, but her reduced mobility still is "balanced" by her extreme snowball potential.

    Also, I might have made myself not clear when I said forgiving. I didn't mean overall in game. I meant her chase capability. Nurse as it is now needs some "thinking" before you blink during a chase, because you know you'll get heavily punished for missing an attack (this is also why a good dead hard can be more game changing than a ds Vs nurse). I saw some videos from last year and I realized that if I were to play like that *now* I'd lose most of my games.

    I dont remember what we said about ruin + undying but I stand by my point: the aura reading must go

    Also just saying, I might have experience with nurse, but I've seen many "god nurses" far more stronger than what I am (one even had legacy 3 :((( ) . There are games where I play disgustingly badly too and feel like it's my first time touching that killer (this just to reply to the big brain nurse thing you said earlier)