Add a buyable "Perk Transfer" to the Marketplace for Survivors


With the upcoming and future high quality cosmetics being added to the game I think selling the ability to transfer collected perks from one character to another would be very profitable especially with the current grindy progression system.

There are a lot of people out there with character "mains" whom might not have time to play often but just enough to accumulate bloodpoints toward unlocking every perk on one survivor and maybe prioritize any bonus bloodpoints towards leveling some Killers, if said people ever found another survivor's cosmetics more aesthetically pleasing than their chosen character and felt like switching they would have to grind a potential crazy amount of bloodpoints to get back their perk collection.

The inspiration for this idea came from seeing community members constantly chirp "X is new my main" after a single flashy cosmetic is released, I noticed even more of this sentiment when the slew of new 2.0 cosmetics surfaced.

Logistically the character whose had their perks transferred from should be reset back to level 1 while maintaining their teachable perk status similar to how prestiged characters do, I think a fair price for this utility would be $15-$25.