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Want some tips newbies? survivor/killer

Yords Member Posts: 5,781

I have 1500+ hours on this game on both sides and love this game very much, even if it sucks sometimes. I will do my best to give you tips on how to play a certain killer and survivor.

Ask me questions like "How do I pressure survivors off generators?" or "How do I loop properly?" and I will get back to you when I can.

Best Answers

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    Answer ✓

    You can also spend them on cosmetics (don't, it is not worth it). What you want to spend them on is killer, survivor, and the shrine of secrets. Only spend shards in the shrine of secrets if you want perks (that are good) that are dlc such as Decisive strike or BBQ and chili. For unlocking survivors and killers though, I would say you spend them to unlock a killer rather than a survivor since a killer is much more unique but you can spend them on whatever you like. If you have everyone for survivors, killers, and the perks you want you can use the shards to buy perks you already have in the shrine to get 150k BP per perk already owned. It costs 9000 shards for a survivor or killer and up to 2700 shards I believe for certain perks in the shrine.


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    It used to be worse, and yes I know all too well of this. If the survivor vaults the window and moves slightly further than where they vaulted, they can't get hit. There kind of is a trick, and it is to aim a little upwards of the window so you hit past it. However, you probably shouldn't attempt it unless you know exactly how far your lunge range is.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    1) Generator pressure, usually referred to as map pressure or pressure in general is the ability to get survivors off of generators. You build up pressure by chasing survivors, hooking, or slugging (downing a survivor but not hooking them). There are many factors that can increase or decrease how effective your pressure is such as perks, killers, skill level, maps, etc. Learning how to build up map pressure is crucial to playing killer at a higher level. But to keep it simple, just hooking and chasing survivors away from generators is pressure. However, it is up to you to build up pressure from the point of your first hook using whatever resources you have (meaning what killer, perks, addons you are using.)

    2) Loops are structures in the map that have windows and/or pallets and can be "looped" around when a survivor is being chased, we call them this because survivors run killers around them to get the most use from them. For example, the common T and L walls. T and L walls are called that because that is exactly what they look like, they are shaped like a T and L with each one having a window. These structures can also be referred to as tiles, which is a chunk of a map. A tile could spawn an area where there is nothing a survivor can use, or it can spawn your average loop that usually consists of 1 window and 1 pallet.

    1*) I wish I had been more aggressive when I started, never taking hooks when I have not been touched at all by the killer. Instead, I just hid in a locker when I heard the killer's terror radius lmao I still remember my first solo match against that wraith.

    2*) I wish someone had told me how infuriating this game can be sometimes Jesus christ lol. I still get upset while playing this game because of the bs moments that happen and haven't been fixed such as hitboxes. *Also a reminder: Know that people overreact and can be EXTREMELY toxic, my god dude. I think it is hilarious, but if you can't handle it just turn off the endgame chat.

    3*) I think you might be overreacting a bit, or overexaggerating. But my suggestion for you would be to memorize map layouts and memorize loop/tile spawns. Also learn how to loop and spin/360 the killer.

    Please know that there are many guides you can watch online that will help you with all of the topics discussed here. A list for things to become skilled in include:

    • Learning to loop the killer as survivor
    • Learning to play efficiently as survivor
    • Learn to mindgame/juke as both killer and survivor
    • Learning how to loop against survivors who are looping you as a killer
    • Learn how to create map pressure
    • Learn to play both sides; killer and survivor (you don't have to do this one, but it makes your predictions and game sense better IMO)
    • Learn your selected killer's power and become skilled with it
    • Learn to ignore when salty players tell you to not play a certain way - How to run common loops as killer - In depth looping guide for survivors - Tutorial on map pressure (slightly outdated but still good to watch)

    There are many other guides out there that will help and explain these in much greater detail. Hope this helps.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I am assuming you are talking about dropping chase just in general as any killer. But it depends on the situation. If the survivor takes you to some really strong loop and is good, it is better to just leave them. For doctor specifically though? Run brutal strength on him (if you want, there are better options but if you are new, this will do nicely). When shocking survivors with your shock therapy, there will be a brief period where the survivor shocked can not do ANY action such as vaulting, dropping pallets or dead Harding. This will last for 2.5 seconds and takes 1 second after fully channeling shock therapy to hit them. It can take a bit of skill to pull off a shock that will render the survivor helpless in a situation where they run up to a pallet or window, but just know that more experienced survivors will drop the pallet early to not get hit.

    Note: Shock therapy helps you at many loops by forcing the survivors to drop the pallet a bit earlier, shortening chases. It can guarantee a pallet drop.

    Tip 1: Use the static blast to find survivors (works well with whispers) or shock at least 2 with one blast. If you see survivors grouped up, go ahead and use the static blast. One shock therapy will add half of the madness required to get to the next madness level and a static blast will add a full level.

    Tip 2: Don't go shocking survivors constantly unless they are in a bad spot.

  • CQghop
    CQghop Member Posts: 14

    So I have over 8k iridescent shards but don't know whether to spend it on a survivor, killer or shrine of secrets, could anyone give me any tips?

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Np, just let me know if there is any other question you have about the game