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Survivors when you get three gened what do you do and where do you go?

For Context I am a Rank 11 Killer I started when Pyrmidhead was released and now have 400+ hours in the game. I have come to the forums to describe a problem I am having to hope to improve.

During the match when I get the survivors in a three gen situation begin patrolling them The survivors seem to disappear for about 15 minutes. They don't do gens I cant find them anywhere and just run inn circles bored forever. What do the survivors do during that time? Normally there are 4-3 survivors left and they seem to just stop playing. It happens in around half of my games and its so confusing are they just trying to waste my time?


  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    I hang out around the killers shack waiting for a possible hatch spawn

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    They can be chillin' in the basement, they can be looking for chests hoping to find a key.

    Or, sometimes, they simply can do nothing and waste everyone's time, because they are qUiRkY LikE tHaT

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I try to get the generator completed; but if I notice the other remaining survivor(s) are not participating in repairing, then I will try to survive until they die.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    Probs playing a different game. Jk

    Actually healing and hopefully splitting up to hit the 2 outermost gens or looking for a key

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    I accept my dead and hook myself so the entity can consume me. SHAME. SHAME. SHAME.

    No, I'm kidding. Generally, the 3 generator situation only happens to me in Azarov's Resting Place, but I feel that map was specifically designed for that purpose and it's terrible.

    If I'm in an coordinated team we tried to bait the Killer off to one side and have the others try to pop the last one on the furthest/most difficult place to patrol. It's a really uncomfortable situation whatsoever. Otherwise, we are probably going to die.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Depends on the strenght of the team, how many pallets and survivors are left.

    It's important that all 3 gens getting repaired. Or at least 2 and you have to do it very aggressive. Plan out your way when the killer comes, how fare you can go, can you tank a hit and do the gen injured and still get somewhere?

    When the killer is going for you, run straight to the other side of the map even if you die for trying.

    Hit the great skill checks, every % is very important.

    If one gen could get done even if one of you would get downed for staying instead of running away, you stay and repair it. Don't waste any chances. Why? Just imagine You and your m8 repair the last gen and it's 95%, the killer comes and hits your m8 whos dead on hook. He pushes through and get downed. The gen is at 98% and you could finish it but instead you run away, get a skill check during that and even more progress gets regressed and the whole game is lost because you didn't push through it.

    There are moments in dbd when all its counts is to get.this.gen.done. And if someone bails out bc he's scared the game won't be winnable anymore.

    And remember, people still running adrenaline. If the downed guy has it..^^ So yea. But if you're already 3, just make a plan where the hatch is and where the gates are and accept that you probably wont win that anymore (in most cases)

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Last time I got 3-genned as survivor. We tryed to repair separate gens, and when we get injured, we retreat to area without gens to heal up. Then Killer got tired and focused on one survivor. Then we repaired gen while he hooked him.

    We would repair it anyway but match would stretch to 30 minutes. Someone always give up when match takes too long.