Share your wholesome DbD moments!



  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    I'm constantly walking right into Myers. I usually laugh and say "oh, hi!" aloud and try to not get downed.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I was so excited to play today and hoped I'd have good matches. I'm not the best at the game, but I enjoy playing. I was not disappointed - I had some good matches.

    I was playing one match as Claire and everyone played good. I only play solo, but we all worked as a team and the person playing Nemesis was good too. He ended up letting me have hatch and they told me gg and I said gg and thanked them.

    I decided to play as Leon and I ended up doing poorly and someone DC'd so it was just three of us trying to survive. I got hooked twice and Nemesis came after me again right after I got unhooked, but he just followed me while I was running - he wasn't trying to hit me. I stopped and turned around and pointed at him and said "What do you want, Sir? -point point-" He turned to look behind him then back at me. I said "Yeah, you - what do you want? -point point-" He eventually downed me and hooked me and I died. My teammates died too. I was debating on reading the chat, but decided the Nemesis and I shared a funny moment so I opened chat. The person playing Nemesis said gg and I said gg, but my teammate said bg because the DC. I ended up wishing them both good luck in their future matches.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    edited June 2021

    Not exactly wholesome, but funny. Walked by a Leon and David doing a two person gen…and walked directly into a Michael Myers that was creepily staring at them. I yelled on my end. I think he was as surprised as I was because he just let me run away.

    Post edited by VioletCrimes on
  • aureole
    aureole Member Posts: 1

    Generally have had nice post game chats with all sorts of people as I'm learning blight, tends to be very positive. Also managed to down two people right next to the exit gate and set up a slug race earlier too which was hilarious. Had a bunch of other survs who were all escaping lined up to give free hits before they left which was sweet too

  • LylakLavender
    LylakLavender Member Posts: 339

    So three days ago I was in a solo match that had 3 SWF who were trying to get me killed. After my second time on the hook the killer was starting to see what they were doing and he or she decided that it wasn't right and so the killer decided to knock them all on the ground and they DC at the same time.

    Long story short the killer let me finish gens and I even had the killer hit me like 10 times and chase me since I had self heal. It was touching to see this Legion had a heart and seen that it wasn't a fair match. That match is the reason I am never toxic to killers. Killers need love too. #LoveKillers

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I only got to play two matches today, but my first match had a semi-nice Pyramid Head. I say semi-nice because he did kill three of us - but he let the last teammate have hatch. Two teammates died and I thought he was going to kill me, but he let me wiggle free and do a gen with my last teammate. He also let us heal each other for some points. He kept leaving trails around us and eventually was doing it in a circle. He then downed both of us and mori'd me and let the other have hatch. It was funny because I was playing as Kate and she just looked like she got smashed into a Kate pancake and the way my teammate just slipped into the hatch was funny. They said thank you and I said gg and we laughed at how Survivors just fall into the hatch now when they're on the ground, but the Pyramid Head was on console so they didn't get to see it.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    When I'm in farming mode at rank 1 I deliberately try not to kill anyone. Instead, I challenge myself to find each survivor and put them on death hook, then I just back off, let them finish generators and heal and such, and even stand under pallets for stuns and the like. At least initially after the eighth hook they run away but when I catch up and don't hit them and motion for them to follow they seem to get the idea pretty quickly.

    As long as I'm getting around 6-8 hooks I can usually secure a Brutal Killer to maintain the status quo, and everyone gets some extra BP for the efforts.

    Usually when survivors get into after-game they will ask what happened and I explain what I'm doing and they're usually very appreciative. I've had streamers have a really nice positive reaction to it as well which is always nice to see.

  • beastlygamer
    beastlygamer Member Posts: 6

    Can this be funny moments as well as just after Christmas I remember I had a good game. Killer played fair and I did good in chases and helped the team out. I did end up dying before last gen but I had fun. What puzzled me is I never saw Claudette so when I died I didn't leave I spectated and saw Claudette was just walking around the map while one person was on a generator. Can't remember how many gens was left but when there were just 2 left the Claudette as I remember eventually got found due to getting crows.

    This Claudette only must have like 1 to 2k points and what was funny is lol he downed her and slugged her to go find to the last person. Which eventually got but took him a while as this was also a good player. Now Claudette's bleed timer was way down and he finds her and he's carrying her all over to find the hatch she nearly bled out 1 more second. But anyway he's looking around the map and I am literally thinking come on she did nothing all game she doesn't deserve the hatch.

    Now he finds the hatch lol now not sure if he did this on purpose or ??? but he drops her on the hatch and she died straight away as soon as she hit the floor LOL I am like haha now that's karma for not being a team player. Like I said this was months ago but still one of my best funny moments I so sooo wish I recorded it. I might have to start recording my gameplay as you never know what will happen.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    Me and my friend faulted an upstairs window in red forest at the same time and I teleported my friend in front of me, so we pretty much vaulted the same window at the same time

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I also would like this to be a funny moments thread too :3

    I had some pretty normal matches today. I won some and lost others.

    One that stuck out most to me was a match against a Leatherface who didn't camp and tunnel. I always hear people say all Leatherface players camp. He hooked me and he came back when I got unhooked and I expected him to go after me, but he didn't. He could have easily gotten rid of me early on and he didn't do that. He played good too - he got a 3k. I went to tell him gg and thank him for not camping and tunneling me but he was on console. I don't get salty if I do get camped and tunneled, but I find it nice for Killers to let me stay in the match a little longer. I'm always needing the points xD;

    I also had a match with a Wraith who told me "gg wp all" so I told them "And gg to you too :3"

    I also also had a match where the Killer did tunnel me to death, but this Nea tried so hard to protect me and I was going to tell her thank you, but she was also on console Dx

    I also also also was trying to unhook this Ace who was my buddy all match but my stupid keyboard does this thing where my W and S keys stop working so I was a couple seconds too late to unhook him and he died. Was going to apologize but he too...was on console xD;

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I've finally become comfortable with my first killer, the Doctor. I played several matches with him tonight, one of which was on Coldwind. There was a Jane Romero who, if she sees this, may remember me. I'd downed a Claudette but then let her get saved because I realized that she was AFK when I hit her. If you see this Jane, you were really good.

    But then I had an EPIC match on Badham. Again, as Doctor. This just happened 10-15 minutes ago and while I doubt they'll ever see this, if they do, they'll remember it. The match lasted half an hour and the final gen was finished in the upstairs house. It was a couple of Claudettes and a Feng, plus I think a David that I got early. The other three were in the game that entire half hour and was intense back and forth cat and mouse, a stalemate for at least 10 minutes or more as I dominated the final three gens. But they finally broke my guard and made it.

    That's not the most popular map and the game was completely at a standstill for the entire second half, and these players could have gotten frustrated and DC'd. They didn't though, they persevered, played smart, and finally eked out a victory. I wish so much that they would have been able to see my post-match message congratulating them. They were so tenacious! A couple of them were on their second hooks but they kept going and persevered.

    I know we can't call out any names but if, by slim chance, any of the ladies (or gents who played them) see this, you know who you are K., U., and X. Thanks for such a great game.

  • Liam282
    Liam282 Member Posts: 219

    Oh nothing, just Trickster using his inner kylo ren force to slap me aside

  • Professor_Fizz
    Professor_Fizz Member Posts: 96

    One time, I was playing huntress on Lery's, and I figured it was gonna be a bad game (huntress on Lery's does that), but after finding a bill and chasing him for a bit I find a four stack of bills crouch walking in a line, all wearing Christmas sweaters. I watched in complete disbelief as they slowly crouched through the map, completing gens as they went. When they all escaped at the end, I got a message thanking me for my treatment of "billerpiller." It's still the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen from this game and I wish stuff like that happened more often.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I've been playing nonstop since the RE chapter came out and have gone up against a lot of people playing Nemesis. They've mostly gotten good with playing as him. I actually like going up against Nemesis.

    Last night there was a person playing as Nemesis and I could tell they were new to playing as him. I was tickled and I was like "Awww it's a baby Nemesis x3" They didn't get many points and most of the gens were done, so I decided to work a little on one gen and he kept coming back and kicking it. I decided to let him farm some points with the gen. I'd work on it a little, sneak away, he'd come back and kick it, leave and then I'd work on it a little. I worked on it a little then I went to sneak away and wait for him to come back but the Claudette on my team ran over to the gen. I yelled "Claudette, don't you touch that gen!" Nemesis came back and downed her and hooked her. I rescued her and took her place on the hook. Nemesis came back a few times to check the gen and I was like "It's still broken, buddy." Then this Jill came over like she was going to unhook me, but started working on the gen instead. I said "Jill, get away from that gen!"

    The person playing got a few hooks in and they kicked the one gen a lot, so they got more points than I thought they would. I wanted to tell them that I was letting them farm some points from the gen, but they were on console.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    To the Deathslinger I played against during my afternoon: thanks for being fun. You nodded to me when I was downed and it made my day.

    I spectated when I died and when you did that "selfie moment" on Felix's death hook, I laughed.

    I took it as a fun moment where you wanted to share your joy of playing the game. Thanks, I play this game for moments like this. Having fun while playing seriously, if it makes sense to tell it this way. I mean, you nodded your head and there was nothing toxic about it. And I'm glad it wasn't a farming game, I don't like those. Playing on a normal way but still showing to the other side that you're a friendly player... That's the best.

    So, thank you.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    I loaded up a normal game as I usually do on Xbox. Nemisis on Midwich Elementary School, I thought, "Alright this is going to be a fun game." My build was Tier 2 Lethal Pursuer, STBFL, Corrupt Intervention, and BBQ.

    Saw the first survivor and downed them pretty quick aaaaaaaand....DC. I thought "Alright disappointing, but I still got 3 others to play against." I find my obsession whip her once, twice, three times to save my stacks aaaaaaaaand.....DC.

    At that point I felt really bad for the other two and knew this would be a cake walk if I kept playing normally. Soooooo, after I hooked each of them once (gotta get those BBQ stacks) I let them heal, repair gens, protected them from zombies, contaminated them if they got any vaccines, and let them escape.

    Afterward, one of them that happened to be on console as well messaged me saying thanks and that they appreciated letting them live. Honestly, if I don't feel like I've earned a victory, I don't have much fun and it's nice being nice every once in a while as killer.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    Didn't happen recently (more like 1/2 a year ago). But I think about this game often...

    I got body blocked during a loop by a Nancy twice and was downed. So, being the frustrated and spiteful survivor I am, proceeded to farm her when she got hooked. The next time I got hooked, I had a nice twerk dance from her for awhile before she eventually unhooked me. A bit later on in the game, I ran up to her and t-bagged her while she was getting chased and ran off (the killer then hit her).

    We both ended up escaping because of a key.

    Probably one of the top funniest games I've played.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I've not been having fun the past two days. I was having good matches, both escaping and dying, but the past two days...haven't been fun. I've experienced camping and tunneling a lot over the years, but it's been...three times as much the past couple of days for me. I also feel like...I've lost my momentum. I was doing so good and it just went away.

    I had a match earlier against a Nemesis where I got hooked and my teammate unhooked me and he came right back. I was like "Well, here we go again..." but he ignored me and went after my teammate. I was injured the rest of the match because I tried to do a gen and I just didn't make it to a locker to use my Inner Strength. He came across me injured a few times and he let me go. He eventually did kill me because there was only one gen left and it was understandable.

    I know that might not sound great or important, but considering I've been not having fun and having my butt handed to me repeatedly the past two days - it made me happy that they let me play the game longer. I was a very easy target and they could have gotten me out quickly and they didn't.

    The wholesome part is me making this post and saying thanks to someone who most likely will never see it. I thanked them in chat, but they were on console. Soooo if you played as Nemesis today and took pity on an injured little Nancy - thank you. I really needed that xD

  • Dangle03
    Dangle03 Member Posts: 18

    earlier today, I had this super fun and intense chase with an elodie. I won and decided to give her hatch since she was the last one. but they were actively resisting it! i pretty much had to force them to accept freedom. I guess they were trying to reward me lol

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Had a farming Deathslinger today. I'm not sure if he initially planned on farming or not, but a crown spawned across from the gen I was working on, so when the Deathslinger came, I pointed at it instead of running and hoped Caleb was down for that. He was.

    Anyway, event farmers are sweet, but that's not what I'm posting about. One of the players was AFK. We had fun pointing at her and crouching around after her as the Deathslinger pulled her along on a leash, but otherwise there's not much you can do with an AFK player. I was kind of surprised he didn't kill her for the points, but figured he was giving her a chance to come back to the computer.

    Not so. According to postgame chat, there were four cakes, and the Deathslinger hadn't brought one, so he knew the AFK player had used a cake and he was determined to get them out alive so they could at least collect a few bloodpoints out of the match. He brought her over to the gates and we had a back-and-forth where he'd drop her, we'd pick her up, he'd hit her again, until finally the forward motion from getting downed carried her out of the gates.

    Gotta give a shoutout to that Deathslinger for being a wholesome soul. Thanks for the crown and the Adept Kate you handed me!

  • katerbater
    katerbater Member Posts: 128

    I really love when killers help survivors on Dead Dawg when they get stuck. I posted about it but major props to everyone that does help. My first experience with the bug was when I was playing killer and I helped the survivor out because I can empathize. Then I brought the killer to my stuck teammate (a random, I wasn't swfing) and he thankfully helped her out too. Keep paying it forward! <3

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    my best moment was last month when I could actually play.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    Had a nice Wraith let me leave so could I get a crown. There was only two of us left and I had destroyed his Devour Hope and I fully expected him to kill me. He downed me and carried me to this hook, but let me struggle out and finish the gens. So I got my first ever crown because he was nice and let me escape. I gave them a gg and a thank you.

    I also had a Trickster who only hooked one person all match. I play solo and I don't know if the others were a swf so when I saw them all...fumbling around - I ran over to check it out. They were farming with the Trickster a little bit. He ended up downing them out of the exit gates. I went to the wrong gate, opened it and waited for him to come hit me. He came over and swung at me twice and missed both times. Well, not missed - the bat went through me twice. I was on the edge of the exit so guess the exit gates are also glitchy now because he didn't miss me. Anyways, I moved closer to him so he could hit me and he threw knives at me and downed me. Wasn't close enough to fall out the exit, so I started crawling towards him and wanted him to hook me. He didn't want to so I slowly crawled out the exit. They gave me a <3 and I gave them a gg.

  • Morpheus_7_
    Morpheus_7_ Member Posts: 348

    the last game tonight was very good! I state that I play only as a survivor! a killer, the clown, very strong! it was a close match, all the survivors helped each other and the killer was very good at avoiding the loops! in the end, I was the last one! after a couple of pallets ... he hooked me! I congratulated the killer! he thanked me and wrote me that they usually insult him, and that having received compliments made him happy and brought him back to playing! it was very nice!

  • SPADESinst
    SPADESinst Member Posts: 84

    I hate a lot of them lately this week! However my favorites have been a nice Pyramid head and Oni. Out of the 200+ hours I have in this game, are mainly from playing killer, however lately I been playing survivor more because I wanted to see both sides of the game. (Also to use my survivor info on being better at killer.)

    I'm not the BEST looper in the world, but I play to get better at both sides. This week I been able to run killers for half the game if they continue to go after me. The PH I played with was pretty good. I didn't make it out that match, but in my eyes I won because I was able to loop them for so long, even lose them a few times. End game chat was not what I expected. They actually told me I did excellent running. It made me really happy to learn I was getting better at survivor and even got positive comments about it.

    The next game was the Oni. I missed up a skill check at the start of the match because I was looking at VC. I committed to the gen knowing the killer would show up, but it was more than 95% done. Killer turned out to be Oni, I didn't want to loop shack, so I ran to a TL wall. I was actually able to loop them for the rest of the gens. By the time I got hooked, my teammates had already 99'd the gates. End game chat was also pretty good. I said gg wp, as well as did the rest of my teammates. They ended up said gg wp and "I hope you guys had fun." I told them the match was very fun and was kinda tuff because they almost got me so many times.

    Short one, but when I was new to DBD as in less than 60 hours. I have having a hard time learning killer. I had this one pig match that went really bad from the start. However I did get two kills. Turns out I was playing with a streamer. She was extremely nice and told me don't feel bad for playing aggressive at the end. She also told me she had a lot of fun and she understood how hard it was to learn killer at the start. She wished me luck and so did her teammate. Honestly? That moment right there is what turned me into a pig main.

  • VenomousHawk86
    VenomousHawk86 Member Posts: 50

    Every now and then there is a killer who I run away from and hit him with a pallet, and they have so much fun chasing me that when they hook me at the end of the chase they stay with me and stand right in front of me like our characters are having a nice chat, giving all my friends time to do all the gens and escape. Isn't that so nice of him? I love when killers stay with me on the hook, it can only mean good things for everyone!

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Well I had a moment just two days ago.....

    I just got my new computer and was finally able to play DbD. I have only been playing for about a week and got sucked in by Pyramid Head....he has always been my top 10 video game monsters/villains. So I'm still new and got trashed by a SWF pc team. But instead of trolling me or being toxic they actually said I made the match fun for them. When I told them I have only been playing for a week they added that I should keep going because I kept the pressure up on them and with practice I could really be a good killer.

    That made my day and that's why I just play to have fun because like one of them said, "Skill will come in time and you will get better when you actually have fun when you play"

    So even if I get totally thrashed I don't get bothered with trolls or toxic players at endgame because each one that tries to troll me in game only is showing me their tricks and I'm learning how to beat them.....

    So thank you trolls for being toxic to me....I'll get you next time and make you really sweat for that toxic win.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I've had a couple of cute encounters during the event. There was one lobby I loaded into as Nemesis and... well...

    Ended up just playing around with them because the whole thing was too funny. Poor Nemmy doesn't even know who his primary target is supposed to be here. Confused S.T.A.R.S. noises.

    I also had a match that I was intending to play normally on Dead Dawg. I was Plague and several survivors were doing the saloon gen. I walked up the street, preparing to fountain my glorious vom skyward towards their safe haven, and one of the survivors came over to the railing and kept pointing at me. I stopped to stare back, and she inched closer and closer to the drop, where she made a show of looking over her shoulder before dropping down in front of me. I couldn't attack that, so we went and pet Wingy McFlapFlaps instead.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I stunned Nemesis and a zombie in the same time with a single pallet. I felt so proud.

    Nemesis got his revenge later on me, don't worry for him. It was a nice game, GG, if you read this!

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    Wholesome DBD Moments, man! Ive had a few!

    As Survivor;

    • Booping the Pigs Snoot is the best thing in this game by far for me. When a Piggy lets me boop her snoot, I cant help but follow her around or meme about! My favorite moment of this happening was when I was on Old Crotus Penn-- was in a 3 man Swf (one serious and one who also memed like me) and it was piggy. We had a horrible game prior so I didn't want a serious game. I wasn't going to be useless but I was going to meme if I was near the killer or survivors. Anywho, the pig that match found me first. She had crouched up to me, I had seen her, so I let go of the gen and crouched to her. She hit me, but when I didnt run away, she stared at me a moment. I nodded my head and pointed. She crouched again and let me boop her snoot. She did her adorable squeak and II shook about in front of her. My teammates were so confused because I squeal and get loud when excited. My serious friend had scoffed and asked why was I always meming, but the pig and I had so much fun. She killed the random, my meme friend and let me and my serious friend live- sort of. She took me to hatch (endgame timer was at roughly 25%), after my friend escaped, to which I shook my head no to. She nodded a lot and sliced at the air. I didnt wanna leave her. She knocked me and tried to force me out but after I escaped her grasp, I crouched next to her and she let me boop her before I died happily. In messages, I told her thank you and boops for life. I also said I wasn't going to leave her to the entitys evil clutches alone. She had responded with "you made my day, thank you so much. And I will always remember you". Ive had so mamy amazing boop moments. These moments will always be cherished.
    • Ghostfaces are meme machines in my eyes. Of course, in the effort to be tbagged at back, many Yutycorn feng mins died. However, I had one game, I was in a Swf against a ghostface, I had a ghostfaces who I didnt tbag at in the beginning. He seemed to be playing for real and I was in a "be chased mood". He did chase me, but he couldnt catch me. The map was Coal tower. We got over to a long wall jungle gym where once I threw the pallet, she got stunned and then stood there. I immediately felt bad and crouched up to the pallet looking down. I saw him look down at me briefly before turning around and looking down at the ground. At this point all gens had been completed. I slow vaulted into him, went around to his front and nodded at him. She stared at me. I tbagged at him a couple times and nodded. He tbagged back. Then for a few moments we were in sync for tbagging. He stayed crouched and began crouching around the map. I followed along. It was hard keeping up, so hed wait for me to do so before continuing on. My friends and I followed him the whole time like that until the endgame killed us. We went around the whole map together! In messages, I told him i was sorry and I love you. He responded with, "dont, you did well! I had a few bad games before so I just had enough and sat there so yall could do the gens. But you never left my side. When I saw you and the others following me around the map, it was so sweet and hilarious!" To me its about making sure the killer has fun too and if Im the reason or part of the reason for making their fun end, I will try to make them feel better with what I am good at. Meming.
    • Another thing I absolutely love doing is running this build: Appraisel, Plunders, AitH, Adrenaline-- a shiny coin offering-- while wearing the silliest or flashiest cosmetics. And for one reason. To bring the killer gifts in their basement. Ofc I dont do this with randoms, because SoloQ is already a struggle, worse when one less person is working. However, when I'm in a Swf, I can often get them to play along and they too often bring the same build. One particular game, on Old Autohaven, we had Oni as our killer. I had managed to get 4 items (2 chests worth) (also using old Appraisal) into the basement before Oni found me and started chasing me. Or at least, what he thought was going to be a normal chase. Keep in mind, my team and I were apread out looking for, not gens, but chests. So no gen progress had been made whatsoever. Each of us had brought a shiny coin in as well as each of us had appraisal. (3 base chests plus each shiny coin plus the 12 extra rummages, we were a busy group) Anywho, oni hit me. I however, used the burst of speed and fled to the basement. I dropped off the item I had and crouched down there waiting. He stood at the stairs and stared at me. He slowly walked to me and the items and nodded down at the items. At the time my four were there, plus 3 others. So it was a pile of stuff. He spun around several times and sliced at the air. In the end, all chests had been looted and dropped off into the basement. We each crouched around the basement hooks as he hit us each time we went around until we were all slugs. He picked us up each and put us on the books down there. My friend kobed and tbagged the items and turned around to point at the hooks. They were downed again. Needless to say, the basement party ended well! Sadly, the oni had his messages turned off .-.
  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I had an Oni last night who didn't hook anyone and wanted me to hit him with pallets. At first, I ran from him when he came up to me because...well, he's the Killer. He didn't try to hit me or follow me, he just watched me run away. I joked that he looked at me like a disappointed father. One of my teammates was up high and we both kept looking at her, then at each other, then at her, etc.

    In the chat, they said they picked the wrong Killer and weren't that good at playing The Oni so they let us do gens and stuff and leave. I told them thanks and they asked who the last person to leave was and I told them it was me. They said they had wanted to use their mori on the last Survivor because they'd never seen it and I said I was sorry and they told me it was okay. We talked about how The Oni was difficult for them and I said he was difficult for me too. They ended up telling me to have a good one and I told them the same.

    I'm extremely awkward and people make me anxious, but it was nice talking to someone.

  • HumbleDwight77
    HumbleDwight77 Member Posts: 11

    When I was new to this game a couple of years ago, I joined a match as David and we played and in the post game I noticed I was rank 19 and the rest was all like rank 5-2

    the first message in the post game chat was “lol how does a level 19 David get in a game with rank 3’s” and I thought “here we go they are going to be mean to me here”

    i apologised and said “sorry for dragging the team, obviously I didn’t choose to join a high ranked game” but instead of them all been toxic about it they said “don’t worry David, everyone was new once, if you need people to play with and improve with I don’t mind taking you into private games and training you up and showing you the ropes”

    I thought that was REALLY nice of a team to take time out of their day for a total stranger just so he can get better and enjoy the game more !:)

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    After playing my 37327743th game where another survivor disconnected, I got down to the end and waited for the Slinger to hook me and call it a day.

    Instead, this kind soul carried me all over the map looking for the hatch to let me out. It took so long to find that I wouldn’t have blamed them if they change their mind and hooked me instead. But they were determined. It was crossplay so I couldn’t message them, but if you’re reading this, Laurie thanks you.

  • Jason_Soreknees
    Jason_Soreknees Member Posts: 51

    Just had a game on ps4 where a fellow survivor kept on trying to lead the killer over to me. Three times the nurse started chasing him and each time he would run up to the generator I was doing and do a little bag/spin combo. When the nurse completely ignored me the first time I figured she didn't notice me somehow. The next time there was no way she could have missed me but she kept on tunneling the toxic prick.

    At the end of the game she hooked him, just before the gates were opened, and I very wearily walked towards them....where she was beating him as he hung there....and she just allowed me to walk straight up to the hook, give him a little revenge bagging, and then leave to walk straight out the exit lol

  • MrCrazyCat62
    MrCrazyCat62 Member Posts: 168

    Had a pretty intense game a while back as spirit. Long story short I was standing at the hatch waiting for the dead on hook dwight to surface. He shuffles forwards crouching the whole way. Then gently sets his toolbox down next to the hatch.  Idk what came over me. I was all ready to wait this out for a hard earned 4k. But the dwight giving me his toolbox gave me this kinda vibe tbh.

     I stepped back and let him pass. This game is suprisingly wholesome at times.

    Sorry for video qaulity its the only one I could find of just that scene.

  • Renfear
    Renfear Member Posts: 137

    Wholeseome? DbD? I spend every game marinating in depression and self loathing, only sometimes working up the energy to give a crap about the outcome of the match. What is this wholesome stuff you're talking about?

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I've had some nice moments lately. Not super over the top or anything, but it was unexpected and made me smile.

    Since the new Tome came out, I had to commune with red glyphs. I was being chased by a Nemesis and a glyph appeared and I stopped to commune with it. I figured he'd just punch me, but he actually let me do it before continuing the chase. I thought that was pretty nice cuz I expected a punch to the back of the head. I tried to do it again in another match and got bonked and hooked xD;

    I had a match with The Trickster and it was just a David and me left. He downed David and was carrying him to a hook and I blocked the way. David got free and I got downed and I wanted him to hook me and hoped David would get hatch. He didn't hook me right away and he smacked the hook so I guess he wanted me to struggle but I refused and he carried me around for a bit until he hooked me. He did let David have hatch. I gave them a gg and thanked them for the anniversary cake and they told me gg and thanked me for the match.

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 796

    Just had someone tell me I was the best Pyramid Head they've ever played against :)

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I decided to play some Killer for a bit. I decided to try out playing Nurse. I'd heard she's hard to really master, but I wanted to try. I did good in some matches and not good in others. I had a match on Haddonfield and this Nea and Claudette were doing a gen on the roof area and they stopped and stared down at me. It was like they were teasing me so I said "Oh, you think I won't come up there, huh? You think I won't come up there!? -flails head- I'm coming up there! -blinks elsewhere- Nevermind I guess I'm not coming up there -snort-" I ended up downing the Nea after one gate opened. I carried her to the other gate and let her struggle out and told her that since she sassed me earlier and gave me a laugh - she could escape.

    In another match on Haddonfield as Nurse, I found this Feng at the start and she ran onto a dead end porch and I blocked her in. She ran around and t-bagged frantically so I said ".....All right - you can get out. Go on shoo!" and let her get away. I found her again later and slashed her and she t-bagged frantically again so I said ".....All right - you can go. Go on shoo!" I ended up hooking everyone except one person and since it was after the exit gates powered up, I was going to try to get more hooks. Two had only been hooked once so I figured they wouldn't die, they'd get saved and escape. I hooked one, downed the one who saved them, hooked that person and the Feng was AFK. Soooo the two fully healed survivors, one having been hooked 0 times, decided to leave. So they left the one on the hook with an AFK teammate. I went to the Feng and smacked her and said "Wake up, you!" I downed her and took her to the person struggling on the hook - pleading with her to unhook him. She finally struggled free, but she ran away and the one on the hook died and time ran out so the Feng died too. I felt so HORRIBLE. I just needed to hook people - not kill anyone. I really hope they understand I was trying to help somehow because the other two just bailed. I hope the Feng doesn't think I was pretending to be nice just to kill her. If there's a Feng reading this who played with a Nurse on Haddonfield who was let go twice, went AFK, then died when time ran out - I didn't want you or the hooked one to die xD

    I also hopped on Pig to get snoot boops. Only one Meg booped me and I downed her at the exit gate and wanted her to leave and she refused. I was a Pig having a conniption because I just wanted boops not death. She finally left at the last second xD

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I want to thank a Clown.

    I was playing Élodie with the new rift outfit. (If you recognize me.) You wanted to give me hatch, but there was a generator which was almost completed. The last one. I repaired it, you waited me to the hatch. I pointed the door, opened it under your surveillance, and...

    I've got the achievement called "Laissé pour mort" in French, which should be "Left for dead" in English. You need to be the last Survivor alive, to repair the last generator, and to leave through the door.

    SO THANK YOU. As a solo player, I never think I'd get it one day. Thanks, thanks and thanks again! Next Clown I've met, I promised myself to help with the challenge if I see them using the yellow bottles a lot. Like, to give back the opportunity to someone else to do an achievement/challenge.

  • Dew
    Dew Member Posts: 1

    This was a while ago. My friend and I (Ace and Steve) were playing against a Plague. At some point, two other survivors DC, so the plague took pity and we decided to mess around. She ended up vomiting on us for a solid few minutes and the voice lines keep getting repeated as we spam crouch. Really made our days watching it all unfold.

    Apologies for the resolution. I had it on auto to help with frames.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598
    edited August 2021

    Somehow the Sound of certain Survivors when I hook them is filling me with happiness, I LOVE Fengs Hook Scream <3 (Seriously!)

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227

    My first match as ghost face was really good. As a killer noob (I'm still a killer noob) the first surv I could down with the stalker ability use the DC button and the game runs only with 3 survivors. After a while I didn't find any survivor and no gens are popped too.

    It was maybe a SWF group I don't know. But they are all go into the basement and wait for me. When I saw they in the basement, they dropped all the items. Maybe for sacrifice I don't know. I didn't attack them just follow them the stairs up and we could do some pallets and other XP stuff.

    Two escaped trough the gate and the last one found the hatch.


  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    Had a match against a Pyramid Head on Midwich. I was able to destroy 3 totems and do nearly a whole gen by myself before I saw him. He came sauntering into the room I was in and we actually played peekaboo for like 30 seconds. Not us trying to mind game a loop - actual peekaboo. It was really cute. He then told me to hit him with a pallet and I followed him. One of my teammates tried to blind him and I tried to get between them and say "He's being nice don't blind him!" but he downed the teammate. I unhooked the teammate and they ran off. He then slashed me and he had NOED. He picked me up and carried me to the exit. He let the three of us go, but killed the one who blinded him. I felt bad for my teammate, but in all honesty the cute Pyramid Head made my day xD

    I decided to play one last match with Meg in the pig mask. We had a Piggy too. I didn't know whether or not she'd like boops, but I tried anyways. She accepted my boops and I said "Now it's your turn - boop me :D" and she slashed me. She ended up letting me go and killed everyone else. I felt bad because I'm pretty....I'll Save Everyone! and they died but I finally booped a Piggy that liked it so xD;

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    After having a dozen of terrible games, I finally started to have nice people. I pick you up from the ground anytime, Feng! Dwight and you were amazing (and I wear this top on my Feng as well, best jacket ever).

    I felt the terrible games went from me who started to panick a lot and did the worst chases ever. You give me the motivation to do my best. <3

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187
    edited August 2021

    wrong comment.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    edited August 2021

    Went up against a Myers who I believe got 2k and everyone hooked at least twice. Even so, it was a tense match and he kept us running right up unil the exit. Afterward, I said “gg sincerely amazing map pressure”. He responded: “Thank you. I’m new to killer. The game needs more people like you.”

    I honestly couldn’t tell that he was new. My heart grew three sizes that match.

  • Jeromy137
    Jeromy137 Member Posts: 348
    edited August 2021

    I play both killer and survivor mostly survivor.

    Whenever I see a David with no mither I will always goof off and let everyone escape

    I feel they are probably trying for the trophy/achievement for david

    I like to goof off in the game a lot tbh

  • dirtsmell
    dirtsmell Member Posts: 46

    Had a fantastic match with a pig when the Boop Mask came out. One of my first matches after getting it on the saloon we got a pig - I was the only one with the mask. Piggy and I entered the saloon at the same time from opposite ends and a full on meet-cute moment where we both stopped and looked at each for a moment... then both starting crouching at the same time. I was twirling and crouching and booping that snoot. Then a Jill came flying onto the bar from the second story, presenting Piggy with her medkit. And more boops were had.

    We ran around farming and booping all match - I even got some as Piggy in training.

    Then, at the end, I had left my helmet on and was ticking down, chasing behind after the pig so they could see it explode - I know how rare it is and it was the best way I could think of to thank them - but they turned around, looked at me, then downed me and forced me out the exit by dropping me as close as they could inside the exit and not letting anyone else heal me. :'} Nicest, and most fun Pig ever.

    If you're out there reading this, it was the best match I have had in a long time. I was so giddy and laughing so much. Thank you Piggoo!