Deathslinger is very unfun to go against :|

Seriously, I can't be the only one who thinks this. I also think he should be nerfed because the fact that he can fire a projectile as fast as a fully charged huntress hatchet in less than a second is insane. Although, he is very fun to play as. But I still think he should get a bit of a nerf.
Edit: He needs to be changed not completely nerfed.
Unfun. Very.
Nerf. No. He can't be nerfed without completely gutting him.
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You aren't the only one who thinks this, the forums have been flooded by threads like this.
Deathslinger is a weak killer that is badly designed, so he doesn't need a nerf, he needs a change to his ads speed to be 1 second along with a map pressure ability.
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Sorry, I meant a change. But I am scared of what will happen to him lol.
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He needs a rework that gives him something in return. Much like pyramid head.
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I think we should just accept that he's unfun to play against and here to stay.
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Yords the majority is with you, Deathslinger is unfun and sometimes unfair, but he is not overpowered.
There are really only 2 options for the devs with that fail of a killer: complete rework or delete. I am fine with both.
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I think they could increase the time it take to Aim down sight by 0.5+ seconds or so
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I agree, a rework would be awesome.
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I feel like his tormenting part of his kit is fine, his shockwave is what needs to be changed and just that with some addon adjustments.
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I believe there is a way, we just need a few creative ideas. And by we, I mean the devs.
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Maybe, seems like a bit of a band aid fix though.
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I think he is okay. Strong yes, but not overpowered in any way. He is very slow and eventhough his shot is extremely deadly he has only one and it also doesn't give him an insta down compared to huntress hatches. He has to pull survivors close to him to actually down or injure them which consumes time.
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yes man you're not alone , he needs balance and currently is broken: wind up time and shoot very low , wiggle time from his gun was increased feels like . In shack he can shoot you thru gap in wall , players who main him abuse things a lot with him. Also in jungle gym he can shoot u after u stay behind thrown pallet and because wiggle timer so low he can walk to you and do m1 hit anyway . ( , ) i just dc at this point because waiting for devs to balance him pointless they can't implement hit validation for 8 month now .
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I completely agree that Deathslinger is unfun to play against, but he is on the weaker side, and a nerf would be unfair. A rework would be nice though.
Giving Hashslinging Slasher a Huntress-like Lullaby and allowing him to periodically shoot survivors through walls when they are within it would be a nice way to give him additional map pressure.
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hes not even strong lol hes just so ungodly boring to fight because he puts you in a situation like old pyramid head where theres nothing you can do, vault? die. Dont vault? die. drop the pallet? reels you in while walking around the short wall. Die.
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Deathslinger is in no way overpowered. I would recommend doing nothing.
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Oh, hey, look, another necroed post.