More Gen slow perks that are strong earlygame

MissRememberMe Member Posts: 37
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Would it be possible to change some latehame perks so that killers Could get more pressure early game. Right now it is not uncommon for one or two gens to get done as you get your first hook.

I love Dying light, but you barely see any effects until hook 3 or 4

I would change Dying Light so that all survivor except the obsession get -16/14/12% repair speed, but each time the obsession is hooked the bonus decreases by 33% so the bonus is gone after 3 obsession hooks. The obsession gets 33% altruistic speed.

The obsession recovers from the dying state 20% slower, but can pick themself up, so you cant just slug them and not hook.

This would let killers have more variety for gen pressure in the begining of the match


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,634

    Devs are working on a mechanic which should make the early game easier for Killers.

    In regards to Perks, there are already too many Slowdown Perks used. Especially no effortless early game slowdown is needed.