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Myers or GhostFace?

So I just started recently playing Myers expecting games to go relatively level with not much trouble, had one DC which was kinda expected but managed to get 3k anyway, (the last guy gave up) I would’ve given him the hatch but I had already closed it, Myers power works the same as ghostface except you can’t get “snapped out” as Myers, obviously as Myers you start out letting survivors get one or two gems done (if their lucky) While you stalk their insides, as you tier up you get faster which I like doing, giving the survivors an advantage at the start only to tear it all apart mid-ish game, most likely leading to two/three kills per game, (from what I’ve done) Myers is just really fun to play but ghostface requires stalking individual survivors while micheal doesn’t which I really gotta say, I love that. Ghostface the man of horror or comedy depending where you place him at, he is a man of patience and focus, he has in built insidious and can lean and crouch from cover, his crouching allows him to be a little more “stealthy” while, okay whatever this is gonna lead to the same stuff as Myers just it takes longer as ghostface, this is really long and I don’t expect you to read it all but in your personal experience who is better in your personal opinion? Myers or GhostFace

Best Answer


  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 796
    edited October 2020

    Ghostface is more widely regarded as being the better of the stealth duo but I think they're both fairly close in terms of power, the most objective difference between them is the fact that Ghosty is alot smaller and harder to see from afar than Michael.

    Michael has one of the weakest early games out of all the killers, but if you can get the ball rolling and keep it rolling, he is a monster. The only downside to his great snowball potential is the fact that eventually the survivors will run out of evil to drain.

    Whereas Ghosty can stalk them as much as you want, another thing is that Michael has very, very little anti-loop, with his only help being that he has a slightly faster vault speed and bigger lunge in T3, while Ghosty can use his Night Shroud in the middle of a loop with walls to hide his red stain and confuse the survivors.

    Michael's main advantage over Ghostface is the fact that Ghosty is very add-on dependent, his two best power recovery add-ons together half his power recovery time, playing without them feels so #########, whereas Michael doesn't need add-ons, although they are very fun to play with.

    In my personal opinion, I find Ghostface to be somewhat more consistent than Myers but they are both very fun killers to play.

    I'd recommend you watch the video by Otzdarva I've linked.

    Hope this helped!