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Is clown good?

Okay I’m complete ######### at huntress and I was looking at clown because I wanted to be the quote on quote “trickster” for lack of a better word and overall just wanted to test him out but before I do that I wanted to know from anybody’s personal experience with clown, is he actually good?


  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 796

    short answer: no, Clown is universally agreed to be the worst killer in the game, because while pretty much everyone else has something going for them eg. Blight has superb map pressure, Pyramid has great anti-loop, Clown simply just doesn't have much to work with.

    But, he is still a fun killer, if you're playing brown, yellow or green ranks he's absolutely viable, his perks are pretty good, Pop Goes The Weasel is an excellent perk if you don't have Ruin Undying, Bamboozle isn't too popular but it's particularly good on Bubba and Billy, Coulrophobia kinda sucks actually.

    But (again), if you're playing at purple to red ranks, he's gonna start to fall off a lot. He's very perk reliant to perform well at a higher level. Even if you've completely mastered Clown, you still stand a very, very slim chance against a strong team simply because he has no map pressure and not enough anti-loop to make up for it.

    And if you're facing the problem of hitting hatchets with huntress, don't worry because hitting good bottles is significantly easier.

    Hope this was helpful!

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    He's is very good if you know what you are doing.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    You forgot to mention that his mind-gaming game ain't even that good due to his wide frame and being the only killer that makes loud noises when vaulting.