
Zackhanzo Member Posts: 7
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

2020 and still possible killer vs full stack of survivors on Discord.

Whats the point?

At the same skill level you are going to lose. I know you can win against premades but you have to play WAY better than the premade to win the game a.k.a unbalanced. Perks like tinkerer or M&A are useless vs premades(they know where the killer is during the whole game) and you dont know if you are going to play against random people or premade to chose your perks... So you´ll probably face a premade group of survivors with perks that are useless against a premade...

This is not about "gitgud scrub". You have to outplay survivors to win against premades. Even if you outplay them on chases, they can destroy you easily with a coordinate gen-rush if they are on coms.

"People wanna play the game with friends" mantra. Last time i checked killers were people aswell... You can do a game mode to play all with friends like 6vs2 or at least a solo Vs solo queue and a solo VS squad queue with extra XP for the killer and chose wisely the perks.

I wont talk about the "adaptive" mm because all main killers can tell how "adaptive mm" is, when you first game with a new killer is against another rank 1-3 premade.

Players are whinning about how broken perks like DS, Sprint or even Freddy are (and they are right) but it seems they forget that the most broken thing is Discord because most of non casual survivors use it.

Bought the game again, this time for Stadia (im a pc/switch/mobile player aswell) and leveled from rank 20 to rank 3 in 2-3 days. I wont talk about how ######### the metta is and how this affect to newcomers ("free" killers and perks for newcomers are useless on red ranks, just tinkerer helps a bit and vs premade is not the big thing either). Worst thing of me ranking up from 20 to red ranks again is seeing how broken the mm is. Even at rank 6-7 facing premades of 1-3 on Discord.

And of course 99% of this premades:tea-bagging ingame and being such a dick on lobby chat after the game.. Or see how they use the "console peasant" because they think i cant read the chat (Stadia players can read/write on the chat btw).

I think you have to balance this and stop some kind of players. Improving the mm will help the community.

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